United Nations Environmentalism


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
It is almost impossible to tell the sort of environmentalist one is dealing with....the ones who are simply insane and/or stupid.....or the ones who are hiding their 'red' communism in the green movement.

But it still pays to look closely at their intentions.

1. "The official United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED) was headquartered at Rio Center, Brazil, and "Maurice Strong, the conference's secretary general, declared at the official opening that the human race is "a species out of control." He is a member of the Club of Rome, which predicted in 1972 that the world would run out of gold by 1981, mercury by 1985, tin by 1987, petroleum by 1992, and copper, lead, and natural gas by 1993. But no one at Rio was likely to remind Strong or anyone else of the Club's absurd predictions.

2. ...the leaders at Rio believed that population was the key problem. Sterilizing the brown people of the underdeveloped world remains a green goal.

3. Perhaps the most poignant voice for common sense belonged to Sam Moyo,...Executive Secretary of the Regional Network of Environmental Experts. .... the environmental establishment's refusal to accept ideas such as Zimbabwe's program of elephant "conservation through use," .... "They talk about sustainable development," he told me, "yet we developed a means of sustaining wildlife, and they have stopped it."

4. ...the "non-governmental organizations," or NGOs—so-called because most of them are paid for by taxpayers—where group after group had set up booths to hawk their recycled ideologies. There one could find every element of the political environment, from the "essential role of women" in sustainable development (Bella Abzug serves as one of Strong's advisors) to the need to give animals complete dominion over the earth.

5. A single handwritten page produced by the environmental and developmental NGOs condemned ....the United States, "unanimously and without debate," as the worst participant in the Earth Summit. Not since the Vietnam War has the U.S. been so widely vilified for its "isolation" from the sentiments of the world."
Carnival of Dunces Competitive Enterprise Institute

Yup.....just one more iteration of the "Blame America" Brigade's outreach programs.
The followers of environmentalism are either insane and/or stupid.....or the ones who are hiding their 'red' communism in the green movement.

6. "—climate change, biodiversity, deforestation, sustainable development—....most environmental fears have been vastly overstated, and the risks (economic and health) of current environmental policies (the Clean Air Act, Superfund, the Endangered Species Act, the proposed carbon taxes) are much greater—and the effectiveness far less—than once believed.

7. But the U.S. made no effort to raise these points [at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED)] or the science of climate change, biodiversity, or anything else. It accepted the general premise that the time for thinking was over; it was time for action. The major risks of politicizing the world's economy were not even recognized. The U.S. presented no policy alternatives at Rio and the world was understandably confused." Carnival of Dunces Competitive Enterprise Institute

Did I mention that the United Nations itself comes directly from the mind of Joseph Stalin?
Yup.....in fact, it's first Sec'y General was a Soviet agent, and the UN charter gave the USSR three votes, and the United States, one.

O'Sullivan's First Law (a.k.a. O'Sullivan's Law), paraphrased by George Will as stating that any institution that is not libertarian and classically liberal will, over time, become collectivist and statist.

O'Sullivan's First Law: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don't like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. At which point Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy takes over — and the rest follows. http://old.nationalreview.com/flashback/flashback-jos062603.asp

Of course, the United Nations started out that way. Stalin would have it no other way.
The aims of the environmental movement have nothing....not a thing....to do with science.

8. "Rather than aggressively promote a privatization strategy as the dominant means of achieving sustainable development, the [first] Bush Administration has ceded all moral and intellectual premises to the opposition. As EPA administrator William Reilly proudly proclaimed the day the Earth Summit opened, "The United States embraces enthusiastically the goals of this conference." Carnival of Dunces Competitive Enterprise Institute

Now....why would every elected official, those folks who are supposed to honor the Constitution, roll over for de facto theft of private property by unnecessary overregulation?

Here's why: money, and it's corollary, votes.

9. "The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), issued a report in the summer of 2010, the Year of Biodiversity, claiming that fully one-third of the earth's species are at risk of going extinct, ten thousand almost identical stories were published in almost every respectable newspaper in the world.

From the United Stated departments of State, Agriculture, Interior, Commerce, EPA, Fish and Wildlife, the Forest Service, and National Parks Service, together, pay $519,000 in annual dues to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), as do agencies from 167 other countries.

The IUCN also includes 875 NGOs, such as the World Wildlife Fund, the Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society, the National Wildlife Federation, etc. All contribute money: the IUCN spends $150 million a year promoting fears of biodiversity collapse."

Elizabeth Nickson,"Eco-Fascists," chapter thirteen.

The politics of this movement....here:

10. "The organizational structure of this environmental behemoth was developed by Maurice Strong, whose motto was to use capitalist tools to achieve socialist ends." Maurice Strong - KeyWiki
11. "Despite continuing scientific uncertainty over the likelihood and impact of a global warming, EPA administrator William Reilly beamed that "the United States strongly supports the climate-change agreement." He did his best to embarrass the Administration with his efforts to reverse the White House position on the Biodiversity Treaty.

12. ..... Reilly and the President's other key Rio advisor, "Buff" Bohlen at the State Department, were both formerly employed by the World Wildlife Fund, a leading proponent of the green trade restrictions that now threaten to undermine economically rational environmental programs.... The normal OMB check on environmental imperialism was neutralized by Mr. Bush's appointment to the OMB review post of Robert Grady, another environmental true believer.

13. The widespread nonsense at the Rio conference would not be quite so disheartening but for the endorsement it received from President Bush's attendance. Along with others, I had sought to dissuade the President from going. That anyone favoring economic growth would support a move to reject progress as a goal of Western Civilization seemed insane.

14. True, he did recognize that some of the Earth Summit treaties were particularly damaging, for example that extending the Endangered Species Act (most recently applied in the spotted-owl controversy) to the world was a bad idea. But he compromised by signing one economically destructive treaty, that dealing with climate change. This treaty accepts the view that carbon dioxide—the substance we exhale—is a "pollutant"....

15. Mandatory energy conservation steps—higher gasoline taxes, further coercive steps to force Americans into smaller (and less safe) cars, bans on driving—all have been given a boost by the decision to sign this treaty.

16. Rio may well mark the demise of the Western idea of progress—the belief that Man's efforts can make the world a better place. Belief in progress has been replaced by the notion of a planet in peril caused by too many people consuming too much."
Carnival of Dunces Competitive Enterprise Institute

Did you note the word "insane" above?

And, did you know that the spotted owl program has been revealed as a total fraud designed to co-opt property rights?
Did I mention that environmentalism is all about Leftism, an nothing to do with science?

Let's pay attention to the words of the prime mover of the United Nations environmental movement, Maurice Strong:

17. “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable.
Maurice Strong, opening speech at the 1992 UN Rio Earth Summit

a.” Maurice Strong is an admitted socialist. His sister was a Marxist. He thinks you and yours have eaten too much, used too much and now must pay. Of course like every elite socialist, that just means you, not him, or his fellow elitist.” Maurice Strong- Man Behind Agenda 21 Part 2 Soldier For Liberty

Now....lest any believe that it was only Republicans who succumbed to the money and vote-power of the environmental groups....

18. “Sixty years after the ecosystem idea surfaced in the scientific literature; after decades of dominance on university campuses; after thousands of books, articles, conferences, and monographs; scholars cannot agree on the most fundamental matters regarding ecosystems. They do not agree on what constitutes the core characteristics of ecosystems. They cannot say where ecosystems begin or end in space or time, or tell us when one ecosystem replaces another on the landscape.

They cannot agree on how to locate ecosystems. They offer no generally accepted definitions or measures of health, integrity, or sustainability. The state of the science concerning the ecosystem notion and its attendant ideas provides little scientific justification for the radical change in public policy proposed by the Clinton administration.”
Ecosystem Management PERC The Property and Environment Research Center Fitzsimmons, Allan K. 1999.Defending Illusions: Federal Protection of Ecosystems. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

One more time? ".... provides little scientific justification for the radical change in public policy proposed by the Clinton administration.”
Want to hear that again?

".... little scientific justification for the radical change in public policy proposed by the Clinton administration.”

19. The activists behind the ‘Sustainable Development’ movement include the UN, Clinton and every Democrat administration, the Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Fund…and lots of major polluting corporations, who envisioned new regulatory schemes that would hurt their competitors more than it would hurt them.

a. Reams of ‘Sustainable Development’ literature, mountains of verbiage, which boil down to ‘hewing to fairness, care for the future, and inclusion.’ And the claim that this was a new value system. Apparently the founding values of America, Judeo-Christian values, didn’t include fairness, inclusion, and care for the future. Old values bad! New values coming up!
Nickson, “Eco-Fascists," chapter five

'public policy' means mandating the following:

b. Clinton’s ‘President's Council on Sustainable Development’ did what they do best- create task forces: one on climate change, one on environmental management (write regulations), an international one ‘encouraging sustainable development around the world,’ and the metropolitan-rural task force (‘Im from the government, here to solve your problems’). Funding came from taxpayers: DOC, DOE, EPA, and USDA.

The result, the ‘Global Biodiversity Assessment Report,’ listed the following as unsustainable: private property, single-family homes, paved roads, ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment, hunting, fertilizer, cemeteries, sewers..... UN Agenda 21 and ICLEI Is sustainable development something the American people want
and Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” chapter five.

Everybody prepared to live and serve under those rules?
So....how is the United Nations going to get it's 'rules' into United States law?

The same way the governmental agencies do so all the time:

20. The EPA circulated a detailed action plan n how the US environmental regulations would conform to those of the UN. Believe in their plans, their knowledge, their desire to 'do the right thing'?

Then know this:

Their’ "science" is based not on facts, but on "ecospiritual" theories of pantheism (nature is God) expressed in the "biocentric" (earth centered) philosophy that all species have equal intrinsic value--humans are merely one strand in natures fragile web.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has advanced these ecospiritual principles into the pseudoscience of "conservation biology." Conservation biology holds that "natural" systems are best because they are the result of a millennia of fine-tuning by mother earth. Therefore, the only acceptable management practices for earth's fragile ecosystems are those that follow "natural" patterns. Likewise, biodiversity can only be fully protected by setting aside entire ecosystems in wilderness preserves.’

Believe that?

Did you know that the eco-celebration, every year, known as "Earth Day"... April 22,......is Vladimir Lenin's birthday?

So.....when meeting any of the devotees of the environmental scam, try to decide whether they are the ones who are simply insane and/or stupid.....or the ones who are hiding their 'red' communism in the green movement.
Oh my, PoliticalShit just saw a Blue Helmet under her bed.

Well, well, well.....look who's here!

I know what urged you to your usual vulgar post: the first line in the OP.....you recognized your calling: "It is almost impossible to tell the sort of environmentalist one is dealing with....the ones who are simply insane and/or stupid....."

And sure enough, the insane and stupid one, the melding of a small mind and a foul mouth, was angered because he couldn't find a single thing in the entire thread that he could dispute.

Thank you for verification of the points made in the thread......you've served your purpose.
The Kids in the Hall: Populism Pennywise

The United Nations has capable but relaxed-fit arms of governance and social consultancy.

We sometimes liken the UN to the Salvation Army or to the European Union, but rarely to heavy socio-economic coalitions such as NATO.

I used to attend Model UN conferences as a high-school student, and I learned that creative dialogue about politics motivates people to study "capitalism/communism colloquialization."

Why do young people in America buy water-guns from Toys R Us? Why have stewardesses (muses of modern traffic-mobility) been implicated in airline narcotics rings? Why don't more American economics students study the impact of the World Bank?

To make this topic more interesting, it has to be made more accessible. This can happen with simple analogical (conversational) reasoning: "Let's ask high-school students what they think is the connection between Robin Hood and the World Bank."

Representatives of the UN should feel comfortable talking about the social impact that eco-consciousness themed pop art avatars such as the fictional American comic book eco-terrorist Poison Ivy (DC Comics) have on democratic contracts.

Politics has become colloquialized in our age of populism economics.


The Monkey Wrench Gang (Wikipedia)

The Polka Phone

As Americans purchase comic book issues of the super-vigilante Batman (DC Comics) wrestling with the super-diabolical Gotham City eco-terrorist Poison Ivy, a woman of maniacal means, eco-activism gains a distinct pop culture (or social lingo) face.

The United Nations must coordinate modern-era populism access (i.e., Facebook), a real feature of new age social motion, with politics pedagoguery (i.e., Greenpeace).

After all, if the UN is talking constantly about Irish-Catholic housewives in Belfast being recruited to house IRA operatives and feed them, then certainly, they can find the leg-room to integrate talk about eco-terrorism in many areas of modern art (i.e., comic books).

Wouldn't you want Poison Ivy (DC Comics) to be on speed-dial? This is how Apple Computers is able to market gimmick-themed products such as the "iWatch."




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