Unions are Marxist tools


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
"Unions have become tools of leftism. They provide bodies and money to Democrats and Democrats protect them as if they were their young. It’s truly a symbiotic relationship. Whenever we hear chatter of union this and that it is always falling from the lips of a leftist. That clearly proves it’s political. Whenever any one ideology embraces and the other rejects, it’s all politics."

Labor Unions Are Tools of Leftists and Their Radical Brethern, Marxists | Scotty Starnes's Blog

Despite MoveOn.org and SEIU taking a leading role — along with a number of other sponsors including the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, George Soros’ Media Matters, the Apollo Alliance and the Sierra Club — the National Park Service has confirmed that the Saturday rally’s permit was requested by and issued to the International Socialist Organization, a group committed to building a “future socialist society.”

In addition to working with liberal activists and national labor unions behind the scenes, the ISO is just one of many socialist/Marxist/communist groups organizing their members to support Van Jones’ new “American dream” initiative.

The Daily Caller noted Friday that a number of radical groups — including the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party, the Communist Party USA, Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party and the Democratic Socialists of America — are taking up the labor unions’ talking points and encouraging Egypt-like unrest in the United States.

The Socialist Workers Party has labeled Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker “an enemy of the people.”

“Egypt, whose revolution has been a constant source of inspiration here, reflected in signs and chants — and Walker’s new nickname, Gov. Mubarak,” an ISO article reads. In addition, the article labels the current budget debates in Wisconsin as “class war” and as an affront to “the standard of living of working people.”

Blaze Exclusive: International Socialists Orchestrate Unions? Rally to ?Save the American Dream?

Of all people.....Van Jones, a communist....is calling for an "American Dream" movement...via socialism of course...

"And we should announce that our renewed movement is more than just a mobilization to back unions or oppose illegitimate power grabs (as important as those agenda items are). Something more vital is at stake: our country needs a national movement to defend the American Dream itself. And the fight in Wisconsin creates the opportunity to build one."

Van Jones: Introducing The 'American Dream' Movement
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"Unions have become tools of leftism. They provide bodies and money to Democrats and Democrats protect them as if they were their young. It’s truly a symbiotic relationship. Whenever we hear chatter of union this and that it is always falling from the lips of a leftist. That clearly proves it’s political. Whenever any one ideology embraces and the other rejects, it’s all politics."

Labor Unions Are Tools of Leftists and Their Radical Brethern, Marxists | Scotty Starnes's Blog

Despite MoveOn.org and SEIU taking a leading role — along with a number of other sponsors including the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, George Soros’ Media Matters, the Apollo Alliance and the Sierra Club — the National Park Service has confirmed that the Saturday rally’s permit was requested by and issued to the International Socialist Organization, a group committed to building a “future socialist society.”

In addition to working with liberal activists and national labor unions behind the scenes, the ISO is just one of many socialist/Marxist/communist groups organizing their members to support Van Jones’ new “American dream” initiative.

The Daily Caller noted Friday that a number of radical groups — including the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party, the Communist Party USA, Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party and the Democratic Socialists of America — are taking up the labor unions’ talking points and encouraging Egypt-like unrest in the United States.

The Socialist Workers Party has labeled Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker “an enemy of the people.”

“Egypt, whose revolution has been a constant source of inspiration here, reflected in signs and chants — and Walker’s new nickname, Gov. Mubarak,” an ISO article reads. In addition, the article labels the current budget debates in Wisconsin as “class war” and as an affront to “the standard of living of working people.”

Blaze Exclusive: International Socialists Orchestrate Unions? Rally to ?Save the American Dream?

Of all people.....Van Jones, a communist....is calling for an "American Dream" movement...via socialism of course...

"And we should announce that our renewed movement is more than just a mobilization to back unions or oppose illegitimate power grabs (as important as those agenda items are). Something more vital is at stake: our country needs a national movement to defend the American Dream itself. And the fight in Wisconsin creates the opportunity to build one."

Van Jones: Introducing The 'American Dream' Movement

Yes, all the rightwing thugs are glad you are giving them credit for being Marxist. I notice they are working, are you? Maybe you should join a Marist Union near you, so you can be paid what you are really worth.

Unions are a force that is helpful in returning the balence of the 20 80 rule
"Unions have become tools of leftism. They provide bodies and money to Democrats and Democrats protect them as if they were their young. It’s truly a symbiotic relationship. Whenever we hear chatter of union this and that it is always falling from the lips of a leftist. That clearly proves it’s political. Whenever any one ideology embraces and the other rejects, it’s all politics."

Labor Unions Are Tools of Leftists and Their Radical Brethern, Marxists | Scotty Starnes's Blog

Of all people.....Van Jones, a communist....is calling for an "American Dream" movement...via socialism of course...

"And we should announce that our renewed movement is more than just a mobilization to back unions or oppose illegitimate power grabs (as important as those agenda items are). Something more vital is at stake: our country needs a national movement to defend the American Dream itself. And the fight in Wisconsin creates the opportunity to build one."

Van Jones: Introducing The 'American Dream' Movement

Yes, all the rightwing thugs are glad you are giving them credit for being Marxist. I notice they are working, are you? Maybe you should join a Marist Union near you, so you can be paid what you are really worth.


FAIL....the only reason you are working is because it's those "rightwing thugs" that HIRED you and those other Marxist union thugs....
Unions place some power back in the hand of the 80 % who dont own what the 20 % do.

It helps keep the balence and that is why the right needs them dead.
The 20 80 rule is consistant.

and unions are part of the equation.

When the lower 80% have enough power the correct balnece is maintained.

Why does the right fight to keep it out of balence if they love caplitalism so much?
Unions place some power back in the hand of the 80 % who dont own what the 20 % do.

It helps keep the balence and that is why the right needs them dead.

The private sector has pretty much busted the unions.....now it's the public sector's turn....

as most people are realizing today....they are nothing more than organized bloodsuckers....and socialist wet dreams...
Commies hate Unions. And it was a Union that led the way to Free Poland.


Get off your Polish union joke.....one union does not speak for all...

Commies LOVE unions.....they are part and parcel of most unions in our country today....

Oh..Freeing a communist country is a joke to you?

Good to know.

Commies are good at misdirection, comrade.

Hate paying taxes as well, comrade?
Read this book. It's very educating.

Steven Greenhut, author of "Plunder! How Public Employee Unions Are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation."
Commies hate Unions. And it was a Union that led the way to Free Poland.


Get off your Polish union joke.....one union does not speak for all...

Commies LOVE unions.....they are part and parcel of most unions in our country today....

Oh..Freeing a communist country is a joke to you?

Good to know.

Commies are good at misdirection, comrade.

Hate paying taxes as well, comrade?
talk about misdirection...

I meant joke in the sense that your Polish example DOES NOT APPLY here in America...

we are already a representative democracy....the marxists in America are pushing for exactly what that old Polish union was against...they were against communist rule...
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"Unions have become tools of leftism. They provide bodies and money to Democrats and Democrats protect them as if they were their young. It’s truly a symbiotic relationship. Whenever we hear chatter of union this and that it is always falling from the lips of a leftist. That clearly proves it’s political. Whenever any one ideology embraces and the other rejects, it’s all politics."

Labor Unions Are Tools of Leftists and Their Radical Brethern, Marxists | Scotty Starnes's Blog

Despite MoveOn.org and SEIU taking a leading role — along with a number of other sponsors including the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, George Soros’ Media Matters, the Apollo Alliance and the Sierra Club — the National Park Service has confirmed that the Saturday rally’s permit was requested by and issued to the International Socialist Organization, a group committed to building a “future socialist society.”

In addition to working with liberal activists and national labor unions behind the scenes, the ISO is just one of many socialist/Marxist/communist groups organizing their members to support Van Jones’ new “American dream” initiative.

The Daily Caller noted Friday that a number of radical groups — including the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party, the Communist Party USA, Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party and the Democratic Socialists of America — are taking up the labor unions’ talking points and encouraging Egypt-like unrest in the United States.

The Socialist Workers Party has labeled Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker “an enemy of the people.”

“Egypt, whose revolution has been a constant source of inspiration here, reflected in signs and chants — and Walker’s new nickname, Gov. Mubarak,” an ISO article reads. In addition, the article labels the current budget debates in Wisconsin as “class war” and as an affront to “the standard of living of working people.”

Blaze Exclusive: International Socialists Orchestrate Unions? Rally to ?Save the American Dream?

Of all people.....Van Jones, a communist....is calling for an "American Dream" movement...via socialism of course...

"And we should announce that our renewed movement is more than just a mobilization to back unions or oppose illegitimate power grabs (as important as those agenda items are). Something more vital is at stake: our country needs a national movement to defend the American Dream itself. And the fight in Wisconsin creates the opportunity to build one."

Van Jones: Introducing The 'American Dream' Movement

One thing the FASCISTS and Marxists agree upon is that they both thoughly HATE unions.

Not surpising, really, given the Fascist Corporatists and Stalinist Communists is that they both claim to have distinctive differences in philosophies, but the outcome of both systems ends without any meaningful differences when it comes to their mutual modus operandi.
"Unions have become tools of leftism. They provide bodies and money to Democrats and Democrats protect them as if they were their young. It’s truly a symbiotic relationship. Whenever we hear chatter of union this and that it is always falling from the lips of a leftist. That clearly proves it’s political. Whenever any one ideology embraces and the other rejects, it’s all politics."

Labor Unions Are Tools of Leftists and Their Radical Brethern, Marxists | Scotty Starnes's Blog

Of all people.....Van Jones, a communist....is calling for an "American Dream" movement...via socialism of course...

"And we should announce that our renewed movement is more than just a mobilization to back unions or oppose illegitimate power grabs (as important as those agenda items are). Something more vital is at stake: our country needs a national movement to defend the American Dream itself. And the fight in Wisconsin creates the opportunity to build one."

Van Jones: Introducing The 'American Dream' Movement

One thing the FASCISTS and Marxists agree upon is that they both thoughly HATE unions.

Not surpising, really, given the Fascist Corporatists and Stalinist Communists is that they both claim to have distinctive differences in philosophies, but the outcome of both systems ends without any meaningful differences when it comes to their mutual modus operandi.

Which of these union protestors are not leftist/socialist/commie in nature....?

you might want to look into what a union is.

hint: sierra club= not a union

good luck

FAIL....these leftist groups (union or not) are union supporters...they were out there marching in "solidarity".....just more proof that unions are marxist tools...
Get off your Polish union joke.....one union does not speak for all...

Commies LOVE unions.....they are part and parcel of most unions in our country today....

Oh..Freeing a communist country is a joke to you?

Good to know.

Commies are good at misdirection, comrade.

Hate paying taxes as well, comrade?
talk about misdirection...

I meant joke in the sense that your Polish example DOES NOT APPLY here in America...

we are already a representative democracy....the marxists in America are pushing for exactly what that old Polish union was against...they were against communist rule...

Well if you are using no parameters..Unions are about as American as Apple pie.

And because of Unions..the American way of life has flourished. Unions brought about benefits, minimum wage, worker safety and vacation pay.

Without Unions..America might have decended into either a communist or fascist state.

Which is why I question those who hate Unions. In communist and fascist states..the first thing to go..is the Unions.

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