Union workers/members join together and INSURE YOURSELVES!


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Union workers/members join together and INSURE YOURSELVES! ( Voters will love you and union members will be money ahead)

Madison,Wisconsin worker/union members cut off the medical insurance industry TODAY!

Union members will save tons of money and If Unions dropped their policies not only would they save thousands of dollars annually the insurance industry would faint in disbelief that this many people actually are awake and give a damn.

Union members should cut off the medical insurance industry today!!!

The USA does not need the medical insurance industry aka the middleman profiteer.

Let’s say Union members cut off the insurance industry and begin paying out of pocket. Union members would save tons of money. Cancel your medical insurance today.

The industry is simply corrupt.

Healthy humans seldom spend what they pay out to the insurance industry! If Unions dropped their policies not only would they save thousands of dollars annually the insurance industry would faint in disbelief that this many people actually are awake and give a damn.

Paying out of pocket will save thousands of dollars a year. Do medical insurance companies provide health care? NO! Invest smart instead of supporting high rollin executives and shareholders.

Set up a health care investment account or annuity in a credit union or with Consumer Reports. An account that makes YOU money instead of wealthy CEO's. Your health care annuity will NOT cancel out on when the poop hits fan.

AGAIN Healthy Union humans seldom spend what they pay out to the insurance industry!

Why support high rollin executives and shareholders because of your misfortune aka becoming ill or needing surgery?

Most are under-insured = candidate for bankruptcy. Most coverage WILL NOT stick with consumers when the going gets tough = fraud.

What could be done with that high profit middle man money that which DOES NOT provide health care?
*First off set aside each month what medical insurance premiums cost in a money making account.

Applying $5000 - $12,000 a year in a money making account will begin to make money.

Some never use the money they pay out to insurance giants because of a $5000 deductible = it’s a scam.

Invest with small local banks or credit unions. Sierra Club and Consumer Reports offer annuity plans.

The $4,000 - $12,000 a year going to insurance will grow substantially in an annuity plan.

Keep a savings account for doctor visits and prescriptions and let the annuity grow in case more serious situations come up.

ALSO try to work out reduced charges with your medical care givers for paying cash up front = less administrative nonsense with the insurance industry.

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