Union Goons don't like it when you turn the tables on them!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Here's the back story!


A huge, rat-shaped balloon sits menacingly in protest outside the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) headquarters in Washington, DC. as the federal agency's board members hear arguments for and against proposals to change union-organizing election rules.

In May, the NLRB ruled the inflatable rat-gesture, usually reserved for businesses deemed unfair to workers by labor unions, an appropriate tool in the arsenal of labor protestors.

But, labor protestors aren't responsible for this particular rodent. Pro-business advocacy group Americans for Job Security (AJS) put it there. AJS said in a statement they did it to "shed light on the agency's recent decision allowing union bosses to employ intimidation tactics in labor disputes."

Unions and Business Debate Changes to Organized Labor Elections - FoxNews.com

Now this didn't sit well with some Union goon, er I mean "activist."

He's furious that those for business could be so utterly "uppity" in using union tactics against unions!

» Who Says Union Goons Are Violent? - Big Government

Translation of all this. He's "non-violent" UNLESS you oppose him in anyway!

And notice how OUTRAGED he is that business can rent a rat, too! He seems to think that "privilege" should only be reserved for unions! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Aw, that darn freedom of speech and right to protest! How dare these "scabs" think it applies to them!

Everyone knows the Constitution only applies to the left!

No one else has that right!

Let liberals get angry enough, and they will reveal what they REALLY think about your rights!

I love it, that businesses are fighting back. Gone are the days when they simply roll over to the thug intimidation!


Oh but there's more!

Labor’s new strategy: Intimidation for dummies
Pressure manual advocates bullying of employers and their families

the past decade, unions have become increasingly desperate to obtain new dues-paying members. An example of how desperate can be found in a 70-plus-page intimidation manual from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which only recently came to light in a pending court case.

The new union tactic is to use pressure on corporate boardrooms as a means of organizing entire companies nationwide rather than recruiting workers on a site-by-site basis; in short, to organize employers rather than employees. To create this pressure, unions attempt to push businesses to the edge of bankruptcy, with little regard for the welfare of employer and employee. They attempt to strong-arm businesses into agreeing to take away the secret ballot for employees in union-organizing elections via card check. They also try to force employers to restrict their own speech on union issues so that workers will not get both sides of the story on unionization. Among the SEIU’s demands is that employers agree to bargain only with it, to the exclusion of all other unions, regardless of what workers want.

SEIU is in federal court defending itself against charges of racketeering and extortion filed by one of its unionizing targets, the catering company Sodexo Inc.Sodexo's court discovery recently revealed an SEIU “Contract Campaign Manual” on “Pressuring the Employer.” Union pressure is nothing new, but what SEIU recommends is not limited to organizing drives and strikes. Rather, the pressure takes the form of a so-called corporate campaign, whereby the union allies itself with outside third parties to raise intimidation to a new level.

SEIU’s manual details how “outside pressure can involve jeopardizing relationships between the employer and lenders, investors, stockholders, customers, clients, patients, tenants, politicians, or others on whom the employer depends for funds.” The union advises using legal and regulatory pressure to “threaten the employer with costly action by government agencies or the courts.”

It details the use of community groups to “damage an employer’s public image and ties with community leaders and organizations.” SEIU recommends going after company officials personally. Not mincing words, SEIU states, “It may be a violation of blackmail and extortion laws to threaten management officials with release of ‘dirt’ about them if they don’t settle a contract. But there is no law against union members who are angry at their employer deciding to uncover and publicize factual information about individual managers.”

The “dirt” includes charges such as “racism, sexism, exploitation of immigrants or proposals that would take money out of the community for the benefits of distant stockholders.” SEIU recommends “[l]eafleting outside meetings where [targeted managers] are speaking, their homes, or events sponsored by community organizations they are tied to are some ways to make sure their friends, neighbors, and associates are aware of the controversy.”


The unions have an entire playbook of dirty fighting they can use to bully people into accepting unions.

They don't like it when the playbook comes back on them!!!!!

Keep fighting businesses! Don't be intimidated by thug tactics!
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These Tea Party "goon(s), er I mean "activist(s)" at a Rand Paul rally must have read the same "intimidation manual," but couldn't afford "rat" costumes!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbnEy_U9pYk]‪More video of Rand Paul Thugs Stomping Democratic Woman‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
These Tea Party "goon(s), er I mean "activist(s)" at a Rand Paul rally must have read the same "intimidation manual," but couldn't afford "rat" costumes!

Look, I know you are stupid, but what does Rand Paul have to do with Business leaders putting up a rat in protest to Union tactics??????

You assume ALL people who speak out against liberal totalitarianism are Teaparty or follow Rand Paul???????????

That was just a stupidly pathetic attempt to deflect.
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These Tea Party "goon(s), er I mean "activist(s)" at a Rand Paul rally must have read the same "intimidation manual," but couldn't afford "rat" costumes!

‪More video of Rand Paul Thugs Stomping Democratic Woman‬‏ - YouTube

Why was she wearing a wig?

Why the FUCK did those tough acting pussies STOMP on her head after she was laying on the ground? I would have rammed a sign up their asses had I witnessed that. And I could do it too.

This is what you call, liberals trying to derail a thread about union thug tactics, because they don't want it discussed.


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