Unhappy Anniversary: Republicans Have Blocked The American Jobs Act For One Year


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Travis Waldron

On September 8, 2011 — one year ago tomorrow — President Obama laid out a series of policy proposals known collectively as the American Jobs Act. The plan included stimulus spending in the form of immediate infrastructure investments, tax credits for working Americans and employers to encourage consumer spending and job growth, and efforts to shore up state and local budgets to prevent further layoffs of teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other public safety officials.

The American Jobs Act never became law, however, because Republicans opposed it from the start, blasting it as another form of “failed stimulus” that wouldn’t help the economy. (They ignored the fact that the first “failed stimulus,” the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, wasn’t a failure at all.) One month later, the GOP blocked the bill in the Senate, preventing the creation of more than a million jobs and the added growth that multiple economists predicted would occur if the bill passed:

–Moody’s Analytics estimated the American Jobs Act would create 1.9 million jobs and add two percent to gross domestic product.

–The Economic Policy Institute estimated it would create 2.6 million jobs and protect an addition 1.6 million existing jobs.

–Macroeconomic Advisers predicted it would create 2.1 million jobs and boost GDP by 1.5 percent.

–Goldman Sachs estimated it would add 1.5 percent to GDP.​

More: Unhappy Anniversary: Republicans Have Blocked The American Jobs Act For One Year | ThinkProgress

Fact Sheet: The American Jobs Act | The White House

Asking NaziCons for "credible" facts is like the sun coming up on vampires - they quickly disappear.
By Travis Waldron

On September 8, 2011 — one year ago tomorrow — President Obama laid out a series of policy proposals known collectively as the American Jobs Act. The plan included stimulus spending in the form of immediate infrastructure investments, tax credits for working Americans and employers to encourage consumer spending and job growth, and efforts to shore up state and local budgets to prevent further layoffs of teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other public safety officials.

The American Jobs Act never became law, however, because Republicans opposed it from the start, blasting it as another form of “failed stimulus” that wouldn’t help the economy. (They ignored the fact that the first “failed stimulus,” the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, wasn’t a failure at all.) One month later, the GOP blocked the bill in the Senate, preventing the creation of more than a million jobs and the added growth that multiple economists predicted would occur if the bill passed:

–Moody’s Analytics estimated the American Jobs Act would create 1.9 million jobs and add two percent to gross domestic product.

–The Economic Policy Institute estimated it would create 2.6 million jobs and protect an addition 1.6 million existing jobs.

–Macroeconomic Advisers predicted it would create 2.1 million jobs and boost GDP by 1.5 percent.

–Goldman Sachs estimated it would add 1.5 percent to GDP.​

More: Unhappy Anniversary: Republicans Have Blocked The American Jobs Act For One Year | ThinkProgress

Fact Sheet: The American Jobs Act | The White House

Still posting nonsense.
This like all other attempts at legislating prosperity, ends up being money thrown down a rat hole.
It should not see the light of day.
$800 billion of OUR money has vanished.
You want government to help the economy? Get it the hell out of the way of the economy.
Unhappy Anniversary: Republicans Have Blocked The American Jobs Act For One Year

They are only doing what the People that Elected them wanted. They were given the House in 2010 to stop Obama's Stimulus Spending, and that is all the American Jobs Act is, a small repeat of the Stimulus.
They want a jobs program that hires teachers,firemen,police and infrastructure.
They want to put 1,000,000 people to work.
Doing what exactly.

I call it the Cool hand Luke syndrome.

I don't know if you saw the movie but the prison guards trying to break Paul Newman
had him dig a hole then another guard comes along and tells him to fill it in.

It's a make work program.
Money spent that we don't have digging holes and filling them in.
Infrastructure is a good thing but we need real jobs for people.
And with very good reasons.

Please explain with "credible" facts.

What could government possibly do that it has not attempted before to create jobs?
Billions have been spent. Some well. Most, very poorly.
We have no business passing multi-billion dollar spending bills that if one takes a look at past performance, have little chance of success.
No, government has had it's chance. It is time to release the private sector.
But feel free to offer an idea.
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By Travis Waldron

On September 8, 2011 — one year ago tomorrow — President Obama laid out a series of policy proposals known collectively as the American Jobs Act. The plan included stimulus spending in the form of immediate infrastructure investments, tax credits for working Americans and employers to encourage consumer spending and job growth, and efforts to shore up state and local budgets to prevent further layoffs of teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other public safety officials.

The American Jobs Act never became law, however, because Republicans opposed it from the start, blasting it as another form of “failed stimulus” that wouldn’t help the economy. (They ignored the fact that the first “failed stimulus,” the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, wasn’t a failure at all.) One month later, the GOP blocked the bill in the Senate, preventing the creation of more than a million jobs and the added growth that multiple economists predicted would occur if the bill passed:

–Moody’s Analytics estimated the American Jobs Act would create 1.9 million jobs and add two percent to gross domestic product.

–The Economic Policy Institute estimated it would create 2.6 million jobs and protect an addition 1.6 million existing jobs.

–Macroeconomic Advisers predicted it would create 2.1 million jobs and boost GDP by 1.5 percent.

–Goldman Sachs estimated it would add 1.5 percent to GDP.​

More: Unhappy Anniversary: Republicans Have Blocked The American Jobs Act For One Year | ThinkProgress

Fact Sheet: The American Jobs Act | The White House

15 jobs bills are sitting in the Senate, Reid won't even put them out for discussion and/ or compromise. Looks like Obama needs to exercise leadership.
You have to love the niffty name...the American jobs act.
I guess he lied about the 800 billion stimulus that he took from us taxpayers that was for SHOVEL ready jobs and to bring unemployment down..

tsk tsk

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