Under Obama. Fewer Blacks Pursuing Math, Science, Engineering


May 29, 2010
Not suprising...................not suprising at all. What a travesty. Obviously this problem under the Obama Administration will require more tax money and affirmative action. Could this be due to low IQ levels in African Americans? Based on math test scores out of Lincoln Nebraska, blacks are like 3 times less likely to pass the 11th grade math level. Mexicans twice less likely...As Whites and east Asians. So the only way to make it equal is to lower the standards to third world. levels.

Read More:
Wide Racial Gap Revealed In Schools Report - Omaha News Story - KETV Omaha

The annual State of the Schools Report released Wednesday revealed that 20 percent of black 11th-graders and 29 percent of Hispanic 11th-gradersmet math proficiency standards. The report said 62 percent of white students and 63 percent of Asian students in those grades met the standards."

The way I look at it is it seems foreign blacks ( exchange students from Africa) went into the more disciplined studies like engineering, medicine, physics, math, etc while the U.S. domesticated blacks fancied in rather sillier majors like communications, English (ironic how they still use poor grammar), African studies, etc. I guess the foreign blacks never got indoctrinated by the entitlements unlike their domesticated U,S. cousins. It doesn't look like under Obama that he is doing anything to remedy the situation. This should be a huge election issue to be made by republican candidates trying to score points with the voters.

Declining numbers of blacks* in math, science - US news - Life - Education - msnbc.com
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Not surprising as most are pushed to be rappers or go for professional sports ... the quick money.
Negro's choosing the harder path over the most easy??? This thread would be relevant if they were signing up for harder degree's not easy ones.

You forgot to mention pimps and drug dealers, dumbasses.

You two are sad.

You give a percentage of the population the excuse of 'there pushed to it' to be degenerates and a cancer within society. They choose to be unproductive degenerates. They choose to drop out of school. They choosse to accept the world around them as it is and not do anything to better there situation. These are all there choices, mostly because its easy.

Its easy to start a drug enterprise, or a whore enterprise, its hard to start a legitimate business.

Its easy to reproduce and use offspring as a means of income through state services, its hard to report to a private tyranny for 8 hours a day.

Its easy to live in filth, its hard to maintain your home, and to keep it clean.

Sheer lazyness, nothing more.
These dummies think becoming a professional athlete is "quick money". Out of touch with reality.

You're right. Blacks are "scientists", they cook crack. Blacks are "mathematicians", they can count to "fifty" and measure in grams/kilos when slinging rock cocaine. The blacks are "engineers", they "pull trains" on their ghetto hoes and "engineer" the Black on White crime wave (flash mobs) across the USA using Twitter. This is the extent of their abilities.
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You really are a race baiting wanker.

I doubt you ever served.

Everything about your posts suggests you are a tool.

LL, you said that they were outspoken and unmoderated here.

Unfortunately, on the intertoobs, unmoderated means that the Storm Front folks will be out, and will [foolishly] be proud.
If we are going to indict BO for fewer Blacks becoming educated in the sciences, are we also going to indict GWB for reducing the overall educational level in the US that lead to the numbers the OP posted? Here is a pretty damning study of what happened under Bush's watch: http://journalofafricanamericanmales.com/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2010/05/FINAL-PALMER.pdf

U.S. held the 15th spot in the number of students entering and completing higher education in 2008 as compared to other other countries. This stands in stark contrast to the 2nd rank the U.S. held in 1999. Think I'm making this up? Here is a link to the data by year. Go wear yourselves out trying to prove I'm wrong. The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education - Reports

If you poke around on the above site enough you will learn that college graduation rate overall and among Blacks have improved slightly under Obama - not declined.

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