Undecided'ss from tonight's debate- NO SHIFT


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Frank Luntz just did his focus group.. NOT ONE person shifted to Obama/Biden due to the debate.. Several remain undecided still.

Biden was unhinged and failed to bring over Independents.. I knew this would happen when he kept screaming and cackling.. BITTER BIDEN
Biden was supposed to stop the bleeding and kill momentum. He did so even if he fought to a draw.

We'll see. He came off as a bully and condescending, with no reason for condescension. That doesn't play well in Peoria.
Now all Romney has to do is use Obama as a whipping post like he did the first time... Things are good.
Exactly, Bitter Biden showed he's an old angry Gramps .. rude..

I knew when watching it this would happen.. LOL
Frank Luntz? What you gonna tell me next Captain obvious, Romney thought Ryan won? Luntz is a paid shill that spins everything to the right. Focus groups are for fools.
Leftists continually make asses of themselves.. The BLOGS are lit up with how angry and rude OLD BITTER BIDEN came across.
Frank Luntz? What you gonna tell me next Captain obvious, Romney thought Ryan won? Luntz is a paid shill that spins everything to the right. Focus groups are for fools.

You should watch one sometime.

You wouldn't come across as quite an ignorant fool.

If you have not made up your mind by now you are a ignorant douche! With all of the information available you should have your mind made up by now. This isnt 1824 for gods sake. I don't know why we give these jackasses so much television time.
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Frank Luntz? What you gonna tell me next Captain obvious, Romney thought Ryan won? Luntz is a paid shill that spins everything to the right. Focus groups are for fools.

You should watch one sometime.

You wouldn't come across as quite an ignorant fool.

If you have not made up your mind by now you are a ignorant douche! With all of the information availible you should have your mind made up by now. This isnt 1824 for gods sake. I don't know why we give these jackasses so much television time.

You know what? I am going to agree with you on that.

You should watch one sometime.

You wouldn't come across as quite an ignorant fool.

If you have not made up your mind by now you are a ignorant douche! With all of the information availible you should have your mind made up by now. This isnt 1824 for gods sake. I don't know why we give these jackasses so much television time.

You know what? I am going to agree with you on that.


Every election year we have to listen to these mouth breathers like they are royalty.
Frank Luntz just did his focus group.. NOT ONE person shifted to Obama/Biden due to the debate.. Several remain undecided still.

Biden was unhinged and failed to bring over Independents.. I knew this would happen when he kept screaming and cackling.. BITTER BIDEN

These so called "undecided" people baffle me. They all sound like morons unable to make a decision. How can anyone at this point not know who they are voting for?

These people will most likely not even vote anyway so why bother going after them.

Just appeal to the base and motivate them to vote in droves, that's what wins elections.
80% of the undecideds will go with Romney, just think about it, Maobama has put all his cards on the table, if people are still undecided they are not likeing his hand.

If someone asked you if you were going to still be married come Jan and you answer that your undecided, what would that say about your marriage. Things are damned shakey, right? Same thing applies to the undecideds in the election, their not sure they want to be married to this administration.

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