
Gawd, it took everything I had not to......:food1:


Karl Marx's top ten reasons to believe Bill Clinton

10. "I didn't inhale"
9. "We'll only be in Bosnia for about 18 months"
8. Gennifer Flowers
7. Paula Jones
6. "I will not raise taxes"
5. Filegate
4. Whitewater
3. That vast right wing conspiracy!
2. We did everything in our power to catch Osama Bin Laden

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the #1 reason to believe Bill Clinton!!!!

Karl Marx's top ten reasons to believe Bill Clinton

10. "I didn't inhale"
9. "We'll only be in Bosnia for about 18 months"
8. Gennifer Flowers
7. Paula Jones
6. "I will not raise taxes"
5. Filegate
4. Whitewater
3. That vast right wing conspiracy!
2. We did everything in our power to catch Osama Bin Laden

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the #1 reason to believe Bill Clinton!!!!


The number 1.....
what Is the word Is when Is it, or Is it not...Is it having sex or Is it not. It could mean it Is, but then again it could mean it Is not??: Gosh I didn't know the word Is was so damn complicated.........;)
I just watched a replay of Olbermann on lil green footballs. Had to hold my hands behind my back to get through it. If Keithy represents how Dems think they are idiots. Clinton apologist to the extreme. I have never heard such a long, venomous, egomaniacal, dishonest commentary in all my life. He sounded like Howard Beale.
Karl Marx's top ten reasons to believe Bill Clinton

10. "I didn't inhale"
9. "We'll only be in Bosnia for about 18 months"
8. Gennifer Flowers
7. Paula Jones
6. "I will not raise taxes"
5. Filegate
4. Whitewater
3. That vast right wing conspiracy!
2. We did everything in our power to catch Osama Bin Laden

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the #1 reason to believe Bill Clinton!!!!



Now just imagine what the list is going to be like for Bush
I imagine a list 4 times as long. :gross2:

And my dick is bigger than your dick------WTF is going on?? is everyone blind to the fact that the terrorists have split our country down the damn middle ??? We deserve to be blown to shit for being so damn stupid !!
Karl Marx's top ten reasons to believe Bill Clinton

10. "I didn't inhale"
9. "We'll only be in Bosnia for about 18 months"
8. Gennifer Flowers
7. Paula Jones
6. "I will not raise taxes"
5. Filegate
4. Whitewater
3. That vast right wing conspiracy!
2. We did everything in our power to catch Osama Bin Laden

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the #1 reason to believe Bill Clinton!!!!


10. Who cares if he did... shoulda just not answered
9. and? as opposed to "mission accomplished". or "we had no idea the levees would break" or "the tax cuts will benefit the middle class more than the wealthy" or "saddam is linked to 9/11" or "I am uniter" and "we will have a humble foreign policy".... and so on and so forth... (gee...which lies are more important? lol...)
8. Who cares?
7. Who cares?
6. As opposed to Reagan or Bush? You had a balanced budget under Clinton and China didn't own our financial well-being.
5. You mean the thing Kenny-boy Star found nothing on?
4. You mean the thing that was mentioned once in the Starr Report and they found nothing on even having having a microscope on Bill for 8 years?
3. As opposed to "the big bad liberals hate America and love terrorists?
2. And? What's Georgie done on that score in 5 years? Answer: he doesn't "spend much time thinking about him".


1. Who gives a flying? Seriously....

10. I am a uniter... not a divider.
9. I want smaller government.
8. I'm a fiscal conservative.
7. Saddam is an imminent risk
6. Iraq is linked to 9/11
5. What PDB entitled "Osama Bn Laden Determined to Strike Inside the U.S.".
4. Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive
3. We've turned the corner in Iraq
2. War will be our last option.


1. I will have a humble foreign policy.... lol...
And my dick is bigger than your dick------WTF is going on?? is everyone blind to the fact that the terrorists have split our country down the damn middle ??? We deserve to be blown to shit for being so damn stupid !!

And yet you have absolutely no problem with Karl Marx's idiotic list.
is everyone blind to the fact that the terrorists have split our country down the damn middle ???

The terrorists haven't split this country down the middle. Hell, 9/11 united us more than any event since WW2. The fact that lbs and conservatives can't get together on anything is what has divided us. Goldwater once said, "Extremism in the pursuit of justice is no vice." This is the reason he lost the election in '64. Polarization is just that division. Is the left and the right blind to this?
The terrorists haven't split this country down the middle. Hell, 9/11 united us more than any event since WW2. The fact that lbs and conservatives can't get together on anything is what has divided us. Goldwater once said, "Extremism in the pursuit of justice is no vice." This is the reason he lost the election in '64. Polarization is just that division. Is the left and the right blind to this?

If not the cause they certainly have taken brazen advantage of it and while we fight, they prosper. Maybe terrorist recuitment is up because they see how easy it is to make us implode. You bet the left and the right are blind to it. They want all the power and will compromise at nothing. Hyper-partisanship will be the end of us. If you like to use the word "exrememist" fine but everyone thinks the extremists are the ones on the other side. The word had become useless.
If not the cause they certainly have taken brazen advantage of it and while we fight, they prosper. Maybe terrorist recuitment is up because they see how easy it is to make us implode. You bet the left and the right are blind to it. They want all the power and will compromise at nothing. Hyper-partisanship will be the end of us. If you like to use the word "exrememist" fine but everyone thinks the extremists are the ones on the other side. The word had become useless.

So you don't consider yourself on one side or the other? Are you a "hyper-partisan"?
So you don't consider yourself on one side or the other? Are you a "hyper-partisan"?

Right now I'm hyper-pissed at the lot of them. Sure I lean to the right BUT they all need to get thier damn heads together on a few issues here or we are screwed as a country and will deserve every bit of it. Our government as a whole is failing but they're more intersted in dividing us for our vote and pointing fingers than solving anything. Politicians suck.
Right now I'm hyper-pissed at the lot of them. Sure I lean to the right BUT they all need to get thier damn heads together on a few issues here or we are screwed as a country and will deserve every bit of it. Our government as a whole is failing but they're more intersted in dividing us for our vote and pointing fingers than solving anything. Politicians suck.

I wholeheartedly agree. :clap:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to dilloduck again.

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