Uh-oh: Al-Jazeera alligns with Occupy Wall Street!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Occupy Wall Street to a global intifada? - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

And to think, you all thought OWS was purely a domestic movement to protest greedy CEO's. Al-Jazeera is on board. And they say it's not an occupation, because occupations are "violent" and OWS isn't violent (yet- despite clashing with cops). They said OWS is a "Resistance" (of what? working?). They compared it to...of course...the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

They then said the NYPD observation cranes were like Israeli military checkpoints and sniper towers.

Boy.....how hard is it to see where this hornets nest is headed? Al-Jazeer already working to associate American cops with Israeli military, associate OWS hippies with poor oppressed Palestinians.

This is a global left wing attempt at toppling modern society. They want armed conflict within our borders. Left wingers, PLEASE we beg you wake the fuck up and realize OWS is NOT a simple protest agains the rich dude who laid you off or won't give a fair salary. This is far deeper and more insidious than that.

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