U.S., Turkey Joint Operation Designed “To Save ISIS”, Not Destroy It


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008

With Russia annihilating terrorist vermin all across Syria from the air and the SAA personally mopping up the remainders in village after village, it appears the West has shifted from utter panic to an attempt to launch a Hail Mary and save its jihadist pets as well as the plan to overthrow the secular government of Bashar al-Assad.

This Hail Mary appears to be coming in the form of an attempt to secure the “Safe Zone” area discussed and agreed upon by the Turks and the United States in the past under the guise of fighting ISIS and protecting “moderate rebels” and civilians. In reality, however, the “Safe Zone” is nothing but a trafficking corridor for ISIS and other related terrorist organizations supported by NATO, financed by the GCC, and funneled through Turkey into Syria. MORE…

- See more at: The Rothschild Zionist will fail in making America Communist
Source: U.S., Turkey Joint Operation Designed To Save ISIS, Not Destroy It
This only shows: two Muslims agreed to protect their other Muslim buddies from being destroyed by Russia. And what else would you expect from them??
The first sentence in the OP is a lie perpetrated and promote Putin and Assad propaganda.
So.....the way this is working out.....Muslim leaders in Turkey and the US are joining to try to defeat the interests of white leaders from Russia, England and France.

It's actually starting to make sense.

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