U.S. to give Americans COVID-19 vaccines before discussing sharing with Canada or Mexico: White House


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I added Canada to the headline based on the CBC graphic which stated this reality and in fact, drove me to find the latest information in the news. Reuters doesn't mention Canada, probably because they don't want to give the appearance that Biden is putting America First like his predecessor; but Trudeau already had his virtual meeting with Biden and we know we aren't getting the vaccine anytime soon from you all.

The motto I have repeated multiple times to multiple politicians in Canada, is that we are viewed as an anchor to our allies, especially America. They need not say it, the proof is in the pudding. I warned many that if we continue to violate trust and undermine our own reputation on human rights and democracy, we can expect to be left last and continue our decline. Economically, primarily, but also our own global influence, while the same spineless thieves make bank through Operation Creep.

The only reality that surprises me is just how rapid this decline has been. We manufacture little here, even as Premier Ford said multiple times during the pandemic "we have the smartest people in the world and I would put us (Ontario) against any one".

Weeks later he was pleading with America for the vaccine, as with the other hand he passes many more millions to the Security Industrial Complex (the dishonest covert police). Hardcore ideologues, even during a global pandemic spell doom for Canadians. Our economy won't even be open for another 18 months.

U.S. to give Americans COVID-19 vaccines before discussing sharing with Mexico: White House

I added Canada to the headline based on the CBC graphic which stated this reality and in fact, drove me to find the latest information in the news. Reuters doesn't mention Canada, probably because they don't want to give the appearance that Biden is putting America First like his predecessor; but Trudeau already had his virtual meeting with Biden and we know we aren't getting the vaccine anytime soon from you all.

The motto I have repeated multiple times to multiple politicians in Canada, is that we are viewed as an anchor to our allies, especially America. They need not say it, the proof is in the pudding. I warned many that if we continue to violate trust and undermine our own reputation on human rights and democracy, we can expect to be left last and continue our decline. Economically, primarily, but also our own global influence, while the same spineless thieves make bank through Operation Creep.

The only reality that surprises me is just how rapid this decline has been. We manufacture little here, even as Premier Ford said multiple times during the pandemic "we have the smartest people in the world and I would put us (Ontario) against any one".

Weeks later he was pleading with America for the vaccine, as with the other hand he passes many more millions to the Security Industrial Complex (the dishonest covert police). Hardcore ideologues, even during a global pandemic spell doom for Canadians. Our economy won't even be open for another 18 months.

U.S. to give Americans COVID-19 vaccines before discussing sharing with Mexico: White House

So you're telling me that Trudeau is more incompetent at running a country than Biden? Boy, you guys are really screwed. BTW, when is Trudeau going to open the border?
I added Canada to the headline based on the CBC graphic which stated this reality and in fact, drove me to find the latest information in the news. Reuters doesn't mention Canada, probably because they don't want to give the appearance that Biden is putting America First like his predecessor; but Trudeau already had his virtual meeting with Biden and we know we aren't getting the vaccine anytime soon from you all.

The motto I have repeated multiple times to multiple politicians in Canada, is that we are viewed as an anchor to our allies, especially America. They need not say it, the proof is in the pudding. I warned many that if we continue to violate trust and undermine our own reputation on human rights and democracy, we can expect to be left last and continue our decline. Economically, primarily, but also our own global influence, while the same spineless thieves make bank through Operation Creep.

The only reality that surprises me is just how rapid this decline has been. We manufacture little here, even as Premier Ford said multiple times during the pandemic "we have the smartest people in the world and I would put us (Ontario) against any one".

Weeks later he was pleading with America for the vaccine, as with the other hand he passes many more millions to the Security Industrial Complex (the dishonest covert police). Hardcore ideologues, even during a global pandemic spell doom for Canadians. Our economy won't even be open for another 18 months.

U.S. to give Americans COVID-19 vaccines before discussing sharing with Mexico: White House

So you're telling me that Trudeau is more incompetent at running a country than Biden? Boy, you guys are really screwed. BTW, when is Trudeau going to open the border?

You can come here, but you have to have a negative test and you must pay $2000 Canadian for a hotel in quarantine until you are cleared.

This isn't all on Trudeau, this is primarily on ANY politician who overfund the S.I.C and allow them to continue to decimate our competitiveness, economy, influence and civil liberties.
I added Canada to the headline based on the CBC graphic which stated this reality and in fact, drove me to find the latest information in the news. Reuters doesn't mention Canada, probably because they don't want to give the appearance that Biden is putting America First like his predecessor; but Trudeau already had his virtual meeting with Biden and we know we aren't getting the vaccine anytime soon from you all.

The motto I have repeated multiple times to multiple politicians in Canada, is that we are viewed as an anchor to our allies, especially America. They need not say it, the proof is in the pudding. I warned many that if we continue to violate trust and undermine our own reputation on human rights and democracy, we can expect to be left last and continue our decline. Economically, primarily, but also our own global influence, while the same spineless thieves make bank through Operation Creep.

The only reality that surprises me is just how rapid this decline has been. We manufacture little here, even as Premier Ford said multiple times during the pandemic "we have the smartest people in the world and I would put us (Ontario) against any one".

Weeks later he was pleading with America for the vaccine, as with the other hand he passes many more millions to the Security Industrial Complex (the dishonest covert police). Hardcore ideologues, even during a global pandemic spell doom for Canadians. Our economy won't even be open for another 18 months.

U.S. to give Americans COVID-19 vaccines before discussing sharing with Mexico: White House

So you're telling me that Trudeau is more incompetent at running a country than Biden? Boy, you guys are really screwed. BTW, when is Trudeau going to open the border?

You can come here, but you have to have a negative test and you must pay $2000 Canadian for a hotel in quarantine until you are cleared.

This isn't all on Trudeau, this is primarily on ANY politician who overfund the S.I.C and allow them to continue to decimate our competitiveness, economy, influence and civil liberties.
Pardon my ignorance of your political system, but don't you have a two party system similar to ours? If so, is Trudeau's party in control? What are the parties in Canada? Please enlighten me--I enjoy learning something new daily. Thanks.
I added Canada to the headline based on the CBC graphic which stated this reality and in fact, drove me to find the latest information in the news. Reuters doesn't mention Canada, probably because they don't want to give the appearance that Biden is putting America First like his predecessor; but Trudeau already had his virtual meeting with Biden and we know we aren't getting the vaccine anytime soon from you all.

The motto I have repeated multiple times to multiple politicians in Canada, is that we are viewed as an anchor to our allies, especially America. They need not say it, the proof is in the pudding. I warned many that if we continue to violate trust and undermine our own reputation on human rights and democracy, we can expect to be left last and continue our decline. Economically, primarily, but also our own global influence, while the same spineless thieves make bank through Operation Creep.

The only reality that surprises me is just how rapid this decline has been. We manufacture little here, even as Premier Ford said multiple times during the pandemic "we have the smartest people in the world and I would put us (Ontario) against any one".

Weeks later he was pleading with America for the vaccine, as with the other hand he passes many more millions to the Security Industrial Complex (the dishonest covert police). Hardcore ideologues, even during a global pandemic spell doom for Canadians. Our economy won't even be open for another 18 months.

U.S. to give Americans COVID-19 vaccines before discussing sharing with Mexico: White House

So you're telling me that Trudeau is more incompetent at running a country than Biden? Boy, you guys are really screwed. BTW, when is Trudeau going to open the border?

You can come here, but you have to have a negative test and you must pay $2000 Canadian for a hotel in quarantine until you are cleared.

This isn't all on Trudeau, this is primarily on ANY politician who overfund the S.I.C and allow them to continue to decimate our competitiveness, economy, influence and civil liberties.
Pardon my ignorance of your political system, but don't you have a two party system similar to ours? If so, is Trudeau's party in control? What are the parties in Canada? Please enlighten me--I enjoy learning something new daily. Thanks.

Well, only two will ever win, Liberals or Conservatives, however we do have the NDP (New Democrat Party, formerly, openly socialist), which are basically used to siphon votes from the Liberals, and the Green Party. Neither of the latter parties will ever win a federal election.

NDP have won provinces. They even pulled the upset of the century (probably even bigger than Trumps win in 2016 based on history), by winning in Alberta, which is insane, considering it is Oil Country.
I added Canada to the headline based on the CBC graphic which stated this reality and in fact, drove me to find the latest information in the news. Reuters doesn't mention Canada, probably because they don't want to give the appearance that Biden is putting America First like his predecessor; but Trudeau already had his virtual meeting with Biden and we know we aren't getting the vaccine anytime soon from you all.

The motto I have repeated multiple times to multiple politicians in Canada, is that we are viewed as an anchor to our allies, especially America. They need not say it, the proof is in the pudding. I warned many that if we continue to violate trust and undermine our own reputation on human rights and democracy, we can expect to be left last and continue our decline. Economically, primarily, but also our own global influence, while the same spineless thieves make bank through Operation Creep.

The only reality that surprises me is just how rapid this decline has been. We manufacture little here, even as Premier Ford said multiple times during the pandemic "we have the smartest people in the world and I would put us (Ontario) against any one".

Weeks later he was pleading with America for the vaccine, as with the other hand he passes many more millions to the Security Industrial Complex (the dishonest covert police). Hardcore ideologues, even during a global pandemic spell doom for Canadians. Our economy won't even be open for another 18 months.

U.S. to give Americans COVID-19 vaccines before discussing sharing with Mexico: White House

American drugs are generally cheaper in Canada, than we pay here. No need to start supply other countries until we can get it here. You can be in line somewhere after me. I am 66 and cannot get it, yet as they are not vaccinating below 70 unless you are a medical worker or possibly teacher. Not enough to go around yet. Good call for Biden.
I added Canada to the headline based on the CBC graphic which stated this reality and in fact, drove me to find the latest information in the news. Reuters doesn't mention Canada, probably because they don't want to give the appearance that Biden is putting America First like his predecessor; but Trudeau already had his virtual meeting with Biden and we know we aren't getting the vaccine anytime soon from you all.

The motto I have repeated multiple times to multiple politicians in Canada, is that we are viewed as an anchor to our allies, especially America. They need not say it, the proof is in the pudding. I warned many that if we continue to violate trust and undermine our own reputation on human rights and democracy, we can expect to be left last and continue our decline. Economically, primarily, but also our own global influence, while the same spineless thieves make bank through Operation Creep.

The only reality that surprises me is just how rapid this decline has been. We manufacture little here, even as Premier Ford said multiple times during the pandemic "we have the smartest people in the world and I would put us (Ontario) against any one".

Weeks later he was pleading with America for the vaccine, as with the other hand he passes many more millions to the Security Industrial Complex (the dishonest covert police). Hardcore ideologues, even during a global pandemic spell doom for Canadians. Our economy won't even be open for another 18 months.

U.S. to give Americans COVID-19 vaccines before discussing sharing with Mexico: White House

American drugs are generally cheaper in Canada, than we pay here. No need to start supply other countries until we can get it here. You can be in line somewhere after me. I am 66 and cannot get it, yet as they are not vaccinating below 70 unless you are a medical worker or possibly teacher. Not enough to go around yet. Good call for Biden.

I don't have any issues with America looking after themselves, I just wish Canadians were fair and even handed. When they cried that Trump was doing the same that Biden is doing, I told Canadians online and elsewhere, "what did Europe do to us?" (regarding PPE and now the vaccine). "How about Britain? Why won't our former overlords help us?".

The problem with Canada is that we have dragged down our allies while ensuring people like myself, innherently hard working and driven, to NOT contribute. All to protect the creepy covert Security Industrial Complex.

As I've said too many times, we keep losing our best and brightest. No nation succeeds in a globally competitive economy by doing to it's citizens as Canada does to theirs.

TPS, OPP and RCMP have decimated this nation and it isn't going to change,

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