U.S. Soldiers Pose With Bodies Of Suicide Bombers In Afghanistan


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
U.S. Soldiers Pose With Bodies Of Suicide Bombers In Afghanistan



The Los Angeles Times has released a set of photos that appear to show U.S. troops in Afghanistan posing with the remains of a suicide bomber. An American soldier released the photos to the LA Times.

In a statement, ISAF-commander in Afghanistan Gen. John Allen 'strongly condemned' the photos. ISAF clarifies the incident took place in 2010 and "represents a serious error in judgment by several soldiers who have acted out of ignorance and unfamiliarity with U.S. Army values."

U.S. Soldiers Pose With Bodies Of Suicide Bombers In Afghanistan
Shouldn't the post read US and AFGHAN troops pose with pieces of suicide bombers?

When did it become worse to pose with a dead body than become a suicide bomber? Where is the uproar about the guys being SUICIDE BOMBERS? just say......
Shouldn't the post read US and AFGHAN troops pose with pieces of suicide bombers?

When did it become worse to pose with a dead body than become a suicide bomber? Where is the uproar about the guys being SUICIDE BOMBERS? just say......

I hear you my man but slamming Afghan Soldiers and dead suicide bombers isn't what people want to read, people want to read and see US Soldiers fucking up, thats what makes front page news.
Shouldn't the post read US and AFGHAN troops pose with pieces of suicide bombers?

When did it become worse to pose with a dead body than become a suicide bomber? Where is the uproar about the guys being SUICIDE BOMBERS? just say......

YES! And 'LA Times is a rotten piece of slime for publishing them'.
Karzai, citing body-parts photos, calls for quicker U.S. exit


KABUL, Afghanistan -- President Hamid Karzai said Thursday that a speeded-up departure of Western troops from his country is the only way to prevent a recurrence of "painful experiences" such as the sight of American soldiers posing with the body parts of dead insurgents.

In a statement issued by the presidential palace 24 hours after the Los Angeles Times published photos showing U.S. troops manipulating the remains of suicide bombers and mugging for the camera, Karzai called the behavior depicted "inhumane and provocative."

The Obama administration has condemned the actions shown in the photos, and the U.S. military has launched an investigation of the incidents, which took place in 2010 but have only now come to light.

The palace statement said Karzai sought an "accelerated and full transition of security responsibilities to Afghan forces, so Afghanistan can take over its own destiny, and thus no such things can be repeated by the foreign forces in Afghanistan."

The NATO force is due to wind down its combat role in 2014, but growing numbers of troop-contributing nations have indicated they plan to pull out their fighting forces next year. A transition of security responsibilities to the Afghan police and army is the centerpiece of the U.S. exit strategy.

Also Thursday, the Taliban, in its first public statement since the pictures appeared, denounced the "gruesome acts" depicted in the photos. The militant group also lambasted Afghan soldiers who were present in some of the shots.

Karzai, citing body-parts photos, calls for quicker U.S. exit - latimes.com
I have to tell you that this is such a NON-ISSUE with me that I can't even think about it as a screw up. These guys are in a war and the body parts that are being held up are the remains of either suicide bombers or insurgents who were trying to KILL those troops.

You know, take it from personal experience. When someone is trying to kill you and you're lucky enough to kill them first, the absolute LAST THING that goes through your mind is how to be nice and respectable to whats left.

Call me insensitive... call me calous... but at least you can call me! The suicide bombers? Not so much...
man you guys dont even care about blowback do you?

You make really shitty supporters of our troops in the field
I have to tell you that this is such a NON-ISSUE with me that I can't even think about it as a screw up. These guys are in a war and the body parts that are being held up are the remains of either suicide bombers or insurgents who were trying to KILL those troops.

You know, take it from personal experience. When someone is trying to kill you and you're lucky enough to kill them first, the absolute LAST THING that goes through your mind is how to be nice and respectable to whats left.

Call me insensitive... call me calous... but at least you can call me! The suicide bombers? Not so much...

You are neither insensitive or calous. You just sound like you have been there. And for those that have never been "there," little understanding can truly take place.
I seriously doubt that taking pictures with dead guys is the most serious offense commited in Afghanistan? I would think that reducing the whole country to rubble is just a slightly bigger deal? :dunno:
I seriously doubt that taking pictures with dead guys is the most serious offense commited in Afghanistan? I would think that reducing the whole country to rubble is just a slightly bigger deal? :dunno:

Reducing the country to rubble? are you nuts? Afghanistan was already like that before we got there.
I seriously doubt that taking pictures with dead guys is the most serious offense commited in Afghanistan? I would think that reducing the whole country to rubble is just a slightly bigger deal? :dunno:

Reducing the country to rubble? are you nuts? Afghanistan was already like that before we got there.

Ok, so you mean we dropped no bombs on Afghanistan and blew nothing up? This must also be one of the Israeli style wars where everyone just agrees to give you their land and resources? :dunno:
I seriously doubt that taking pictures with dead guys is the most serious offense commited in Afghanistan? I would think that reducing the whole country to rubble is just a slightly bigger deal? :dunno:

Reducing the country to rubble? are you nuts? Afghanistan was already like that before we got there.

Ok, so you mean we dropped no bombs on Afghanistan and blew nothing up? This must also be one of the Israeli style wars where everyone just agrees to give you their land and resources? :dunno:

What are you fucking dense? Afghanistan was no better than a pile of rocks with people living in mud huts before we invaded just as they are now, or are you going to pretend Afghanistan was a beautiful lavish country with skyscrapers and a culture resembling Paris before US Troops arrived.:doubt:
My father brought back pictures he took from the Korean War.

A few of the photos showed rows of dead N. Korean soldiers.

Some with no limbs or heads laying in the frozen ice and snow.

Also, a cool picture of dead gooks on top of a destroyed soviet T34 tank.

Photographing dead enemy soldiers with a personal camera is a time honored tradition.

And there is not a thing in the world wrong with it. :cool:
My father brought back pictures he took from the Korean War.

A few of the photos showed rows of dead N. Korean soldiers.

Some with no limbs or heads laying in the frozen ice and snow.

Also, a cool picture of dead gooks on top of a destroyed soviet T34 tank.

Photographing dead enemy soldiers with a personal camera is a time honored tradition.

And there is not a thing in the world wrong with it. :cool:

The best are the dead muslimes honor killed by their own families :bow3: :clap2:
Reducing the country to rubble? are you nuts? Afghanistan was already like that before we got there.

Ok, so you mean we dropped no bombs on Afghanistan and blew nothing up? This must also be one of the Israeli style wars where everyone just agrees to give you their land and resources? :dunno:

What are you fucking dense? Afghanistan was no better than a pile of rocks with people living in mud huts before we invaded just as they are now, or are you going to pretend Afghanistan was a beautiful lavish country with skyscrapers and a culture resembling Paris before US Troops arrived.:doubt:

If there was nothing to blow up, we wouldn't have used so many bombs. Simple, no?
Ok, so you mean we dropped no bombs on Afghanistan and blew nothing up? This must also be one of the Israeli style wars where everyone just agrees to give you their land and resources? :dunno:

What are you fucking dense? Afghanistan was no better than a pile of rocks with people living in mud huts before we invaded just as they are now, or are you going to pretend Afghanistan was a beautiful lavish country with skyscrapers and a culture resembling Paris before US Troops arrived.:doubt:

If there was nothing to blow up, we wouldn't have used so many bombs. Simple, no?

The bombs were used to kill people not blow up buildings einstein:cuckoo: there weren't any buildings standing to bomb when we went in idiot.
What are you fucking dense? Afghanistan was no better than a pile of rocks with people living in mud huts before we invaded just as they are now, or are you going to pretend Afghanistan was a beautiful lavish country with skyscrapers and a culture resembling Paris before US Troops arrived.:doubt:

If there was nothing to blow up, we wouldn't have used so many bombs. Simple, no?

The bombs were used to kill people not blow up buildings einstein:cuckoo: there weren't any buildings standing to bomb when we went in idiot.

Please provide a link to some proof that we didn't bomb ANYTHING.
If there was nothing to blow up, we wouldn't have used so many bombs. Simple, no?

The bombs were used to kill people not blow up buildings einstein:cuckoo: there weren't any buildings standing to bomb when we went in idiot.

Please provide a link to some proof that we didn't bomb ANYTHING.

Jesus Christ you are a fucking clueless, how about you show me some pics of the skyscrapers and industrial buildings we bombed in Afghanistan back in 2001, most of the countries infrastructure was already destroyed during the Soviet invasion and the Taliban/Northern Alliance civil war, there wasn't much left when we got there retard.:cuckoo: You are a jack ass making it sound like Afghanistan was full of metropolis cities like Athens and Tokyo before we arrived.:cuckoo:

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