U.S. Marines To Investigate Video of Soldiers Urinating on Corpses

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
The United States Marine Corps is launching an investigation into a video which appears to show Marines in full combat gear urinating on several dead bodies ... TMZ has learned.

In the extremely graphic video, which appeared on various websites this morning, at least 4 male Marines expose their genitals and urinate on the bodies.

The mystery person who posted the video included a caption that reads, "scout sniper team 4 with 3rd battalion 2nd marines out of camp lejeune peeing on dead talibans."

Now, Captain Kendra N. Hardesty -- a Media Officer for the USMC -- tells us, "While we have not yet verified the origin or authenticity of this video, the actions portrayed are not consistent with our core values and are not indicative of the character of the Marines in our Corps."
The video
U.S. Marines to Launch Investigation into Soldiers Urinating on Dead Bodies | TMZ.com
Expose and condition people to organized insanity and that's what you get.

We don't need to be there. And if we weren't there this kind of thing wouldn't be happening.
I see this two ways. We send people off to kill other people, but we can't urinate on their corpse, which most likely was done by these Marines to "psych out" some nearby enemy supporters watching them.

We can also look at this just as the Marine Corps spokesman stated, that it does not reflect the core values that are held. In other words, discipline, and the perception that we are better than the enemy, must be maintained.

I would give them a good talking to for being dumb by getting filmed, then order them to do better in the future. No extra duty assigned as a consequence.
I only see one problem with this whole situation...if your going to do something stupid don't record it, and if you do record it, definitely don't let it make its way to youtube.

Young soldiers have trouble separating killing from emotion. To bring themselves to a point where they are able to take the life of another human being, they have to dehumanize the individual. This is done in a variety of ways, starting in basic training, and continuing after they get to their unit. Right or wrong, it helps these young men cope with what they are doing.

Those who have been in combat know that the humor which emerges from it is dark and twisted. This is done out of necessity, because the norms and standards of civilized society don't hold up to the horrors of war. So things like this happen. I hate to break it to the armchair generals out there, but when you send 19 year old kids to a place like this, and train them to kill efficiently and without remorse, you cant expect them to turn around and treat their "targets" as human.

I'm not excusing it by any means, what I'm saying is that the civilian world (and the non-combat arms side of the military for that matter) is simply getting a glimpse into the dark mind of a young Infantryman. I'm not saying that all of us are like that, or that we have all done this. What I am saying is that your standards of civilization and humanity would be a serious impediment to the goal of "locating, closing with, and neutralizing the enemy".

So, speaking as a former young Infantryman myself, the American public should take this as a chance to see the kind of emotional angst that these young men go through. These are your sons, and friends. Instead of condemning the act, consider what they have been through that would bring them to do it. Just imagine the frustration of losing a friend to an IED, and knowing that you possess the ability to unleash the fury of God himself upon the attacker, but he is nowhere to be found. Then, when you finally catch up to the bad guy, the bomb maker who has killed your friends and plagued your nightmares for months, do you really believe you would treat his corpse with all the respect of a saint?
I only see one problem with this whole situation...if your going to do something stupid don't record it, and if you do record it, definitely don't let it make its way to youtube.

Young soldiers have trouble separating killing from emotion. To bring themselves to a point where they are able to take the life of another human being, they have to dehumanize the individual. This is done in a variety of ways, starting in basic training, and continuing after they get to their unit. Right or wrong, it helps these young men cope with what they are doing.

Those who have been in combat know that the humor which emerges from it is dark and twisted. This is done out of necessity, because the norms and standards of civilized society don't hold up to the horrors of war. So things like this happen. I hate to break it to the armchair generals out there, but when you send 19 year old kids to a place like this, and train them to kill efficiently and without remorse, you cant expect them to turn around and treat their "targets" as human.

I'm not excusing it by any means, what I'm saying is that the civilian world (and the non-combat arms side of the military for that matter) is simply getting a glimpse into the dark mind of a young Infantryman. I'm not saying that all of us are like that, or that we have all done this. What I am saying is that your standards of civilization and humanity would be a serious impediment to the goal of "locating, closing with, and neutralizing the enemy".

So, speaking as a former young Infantryman myself, the American public should take this as a chance to see the kind of emotional angst that these young men go through. These are your sons, and friends. Instead of condemning the act, consider what they have been through that would bring them to do it. Just imagine the frustration of losing a friend to an IED, and knowing that you possess the ability to unleash the fury of God himself upon the attacker, but he is nowhere to be found. Then, when you finally catch up to the bad guy, the bomb maker who has killed your friends and plagued your nightmares for months, do you really believe you would treat his corpse with all the respect of a saint?

You are spot on my friend, not to mention for some of these guys they have probably been on multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, this kind of thing takes its toll on a man after a while.
This is all over the web now, this isn't good. These Marines can kiss their careers goodbye, people will want heads on a platter for this.
I see this two ways. We send people off to kill other people, but we can't urinate on their corpse, which most likely was done by these Marines to "psych out" some nearby enemy supporters watching them.

"Psych out" What exactly does that mean?

it means to openly display your combat related mental illness so the "enemy" will know you are so far gone you are capable of almost anything
Several things here.........

Yes. Our military is highly trained and very efficient. Yes. Our military is trained to follow the Geneva conventions and other rules when it comes to war.

These Marines pissing on the corpses of people they've just killed goes against good order and discipline, as well as shows them to be lacking in a certain amount of discipline.

Combine that with the fact that what they did is now posted on YouTube and is visible to the world, it reflects BADLY on the rest of the Marines and the US Military as a result, because it tells the world that our military is just a bunch of undisciplined thugs.

Me personally? As a 20 year U.S. Navy veteran who has been in 4 combat zones, what these Marines did was not right and they should be prosecuted, not only for what they did, but for the unwanted attention that it has generated.

According to the news this morning, they've figured out the unit and are fast closing in on who these Marines were. I hope they are given a courts martial and are immediately discharged with a BCD or lower.
Several things here.........

Yes. Our military is highly trained and very efficient. Yes. Our military is trained to follow the Geneva conventions and other rules when it comes to war.

These Marines pissing on the corpses of people they've just killed goes against good order and discipline, as well as shows them to be lacking in a certain amount of discipline.

Combine that with the fact that what they did is now posted on YouTube and is visible to the world, it reflects BADLY on the rest of the Marines and the US Military as a result, because it tells the world that our military is just a bunch of undisciplined thugs.

Me personally? As a 20 year U.S. Navy veteran who has been in 4 combat zones, what these Marines did was not right and they should be prosecuted, not only for what they did, but for the unwanted attention that it has generated.

According to the news this morning, they've figured out the unit and are fast closing in on who these Marines were. I hope they are given a courts martial and are immediately discharged with a BCD or lower.

That's probably what's going to happen, this is all over the web now and heads have to roll. Me personally I am more curious about these Marines, how many deployments have they been on? alot of these guys have been on multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and are stressed the fuck out from all the combat they are seeing.
Several things here.........

Yes. Our military is highly trained and very efficient. Yes. Our military is trained to follow the Geneva conventions and other rules when it comes to war.

These Marines pissing on the corpses of people they've just killed goes against good order and discipline, as well as shows them to be lacking in a certain amount of discipline.

Combine that with the fact that what they did is now posted on YouTube and is visible to the world, it reflects BADLY on the rest of the Marines and the US Military as a result, because it tells the world that our military is just a bunch of undisciplined thugs.

Me personally? As a 20 year U.S. Navy veteran who has been in 4 combat zones, what these Marines did was not right and they should be prosecuted, not only for what they did, but for the unwanted attention that it has generated.

According to the news this morning, they've figured out the unit and are fast closing in on who these Marines were. I hope they are given a courts martial and are immediately discharged with a BCD or lower.

That's probably what's going to happen, this is all over the web now and heads have to roll. Me personally I am more curious about these Marines, how many deployments have they been on? alot of these guys have been on multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and are stressed the fuck out from all the combat they are seeing.

That is why I said courts martial, so that kind of evidence can also be taken into consideration.

But after the black eye that they've given my military, I don't want 'em to be a part of it anymore.

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