U.K. to investigate security services following claims FBI warned MI5 about Salman Abedi


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This changes everything doesn't it? Just recently we were debating the UK intel capabilities vs the U.S, I think this supports my argument that the U.S are far superior. This story has also been reported by multiple sources. A British reporter on CNN was reporting this as well, as well as BBC.

Canada has also relied on intel from the FBI. There have been joint operations between the FBI and RCMP for instance in which the FBI backed out, most likely out of suspicion about the reliability of the methods and intel about the subjects. Good for them. Deal in facts not fiction.

I don't know about those in the U.K, but I can say that Canadian intelligence is far more interested in chasing rabbits, expanding their budgets and playing politics than doing what is accurate and honest police work. It's been ruining our relationships with many traditional allies around the world. If the U.K are engaging in similar tactics, the threat to their citizens is exponentially higher, especially considering the number of radicals already in Britain.

When the FBI give you intelligence and information about a threat, you had better damned well take it seriously and make it a top priority. They aren't advising you about a threat of your own citizens for their own health. Furthermore it's always a bit risky to inform other agencies about their findings as it could place their own operatives at risk due to this exposure (as foreign agencies might monitor and identify assets).

U.K. to investigate security services following claims FBI warned MI5 about Salman Abedi

Missed chances to catch Manchester bomber Salman Abedi will be investigated the Home Secretary said Sunday as it was claimed that U.S. officials warned MI5 that he was planning an attack.

As the security services faced growing questions over the failure to prevent Abedi from killing 22 people in the Manchester Arena, Amber Rudd said that whether there were “signals” that were not picked up on would be examined.

Despite the terror threat being reduced from critical to severe on Saturday, she confirmed that members of Abedi’s terror network could still be at large.

She spoke after claims that the FBI had told MI5 earlier this year that Abedi was part of a north African terror cell based in Manchester looking to launch an attack.

Yesterday the son of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, warned that the U.K. faced an unprecedented wave of terror from Libya after it had been abandoned by Western powers and fallen into the hands of terror groups.

Khaled al-Megrahi, whose father was the only man ever convicted of the 1988 bombing, said from his home in Tripoli: “It is only a sea between us. A lot of Libyans are hungry, have no money and no justice.

U.S. federal agents had been monitoring Abedi since last year and had passed on information from Libya and from intercepting his communications, it was said.

“Following this U.S. tip-off, Abedi and other members of the gang were scrutinized by MI5. It was thought at the time that Abedi was planning to assassinate a political figure.

“But nothing came of this investigation and, tragically, he slipped down the pecking order of targets,” a source told The Mail on Sunday.

Abedi was also reported to authorities by residents at least five times in five years.

Rudd said: “Of course people will want to look afterwards to see whether there are signals that could have been learnt, how could we do this better.”

BBC story:

Manchester attacks: MI5 probes bomber 'warnings'
Manchester attacks: MI5 probes bomber 'warnings' - BBC News
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Did MI5 just assume the Americans were lying as always? Did the FBI say it was a white Christian extremist? The FBI hasn't been able to find its ass with both hands since Eliott Ness. This story is doubtful.

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