Tyrone Dies and Sees Hell Testimony

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is the amazing testimony of a man named Tyrone who died in a car accident having been thrown from a truck and landing in water which he subsequently drowned in. Another man pulled him out of the water but he was not breathing and thought to be dead. While gone he saw hell. He tells his story in this (two part series) video.

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In this second video another man named Mesiah has fallen into a swimming pool accidently hits his head on bottom of pool and drowns. He is later found by his brother - who cannot swim either - and then another man shows up and rescues him - he has no heart beat and is not breathing - the man revives him and the ambulance is called - at the hospital he flatlines again - yet like this first testimony in OP - while "gone" he sees hell - in this case he sees Satan and hell - and yet God spares his life and he survives this to tell others what he saw! The testimony of family members / his girlfriend are also given to establish what happened. This is a most amazing testimony and again speaks to the wonderful goodness of God!

I did not know this but according to this second video 90% of all drowning victims do not survive. They die. These two men (both testimonies) were truly blessed by God to be given a second chance.
Hell is the only childish fantasy even more moronic than Heaven. Stop worrying about going to Hell, you already live there. The only question is, what'd you do to get here?
His name is Mesiah. His girlfriend keeps referring to him as Marcus. It's confusing.
"Jack Chick is notorious for using questionable and just plain ludicrous "testimonies" as source material. Some (Rivera, Todd, and Brown) were since exposed as frauds, but Chick continues to publish those tracts and comics:

* Rebecca Brown
* Des Griffin
* Kent Hovind
* Alberto Rivera
* William Schnoebelen[87]
* John Todd "
Jack Chick - RationalWiki"
I'm going to go to mass at my Catholic Church, the only church that can truly save anyone's souls.
The history of your church is nothing like saving souls. Satan himself couldn't have done more damage to humanity.

Satan is the one who founded the RCC through his servants Semiramis and Nimrod and Tammuz Satan used what he taught them to do - to give Constantine (a sun god worshipper) the blueprint of his own creation of Roman Catholicism. The entire religion of Catholicism is based on the Babylonian Religion, PMH. See Alexander Hislop's book, The two Babylons. The true danger of it is that those inside do not realize they have been lied to. (most of the Catholic people are victims) The lastest news is the Vatican is now trying to downplay the number of people they murdered and tortured to death during the Inquistions. Historians put the number at about 68 million people murdered by the Vatican Romanists - with a succession of 80 popes one after another inventing more and more horrific means of torturing all who resisted them - this went on for approximately 605 years - but if you add the number of deaths from WWI, WWII and other wars inspired by Jesuits - the number goes far beyond 100 million deaths - there is more blood on the hands of the Roman Catholic Institution than any other organization on earth. Hell could not be more delighted I'm sure that so many still have yet to realize the true damage done, PMH.
An interesting subject--life after death experiences.

However, the experience is different based on background

Near-Death Experiences of Hindus

This is an article that talks about the differences between American and Hindi LAD experiences. They are not the exact same.
An interesting subject--life after death experiences.

However, the experience is different based on background

Near-Death Experiences of Hindus

This is an article that talks about the differences between American and Hindi LAD experiences. They are not the exact same.

That isn't true. You're wrong, armchaos. Ghandi began to have the fear of hell and the realization of his doom shortly before his death. There is a thread here about Last Words of Atheists on their death bed and Ghandi' was quite unsettled just before his death - realizing he had been mistaken and as I recall even admitting it! There are testimonies of other Hindu's who have had near death or momentary death in hospital and seen hell and converted to Jesus Christ as a result of their experience.

You will note that all of these people have the same experience - they learn the truth that only Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man can come to the Father, no man can enter heaven except through Jesus Christ. The Buddhist's testimony is quite interesting as he saw Goliath in hell and also a very famous Buddhist teacher who had died - he recognized him and was shocked to see him there. Please note that whether Buddhist, Muslim, Catholic, Hindu, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, Christian Science (or any other false religion / cult) all learn the same thing - that there is no salvation in false religions and all who deny Jesus Christ will be in hell.

The testimony of this Iranian man is the one of the most powerful testimonies I've ever heard from a person following Islam - he was in a jail cell - he was attacked by a powerful demon spirit and cried out for help - what he tells happened in nothing short of one of the most miraculous stories I have ever heard in my life. You must hear this man's story!

Jehovah Witness learns that there is life after death. She also learns that because she didn't believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God and that Jesus Christ is God she was rejected and cast into out darkness where there is agony and torment. God had mercy upon her and revived her. Testimony is read by a 2nd person.

Intercessor re-enacts vividly what they saw in vision of Pope in hell - what he was crying out - he admitted not following Jesus Christ - not believing on Jesus Christ - he said he was more powerful than kings - everyone obeyed him - but what was it worth now that he is in hell? All who follow Catholicism are lost - it is idolatry and based on the Babylonian rellgion of Nimrod & Semiramis - the Occult. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation today and flee from the Babylonian cult of Catholicism:

Hindu man comes from 900 years of Hindu family tradition, the top caste - and encounters Jesus Christ after offering a missionary woman a cup of water - she gives him a bible - he loves to read and reads it - he finds the Bible is alive, active and full of power! He then encounters Christ and realizes Jesus Christ is the only way to God! He struggled with tradition and pride and fear of rejection of his family but when he counts the cost he makes his decision to follow Jesus Christ!

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Karl Knighton's story is a most powerful testimony because of how he describes what happened to him / what he saw in hell - he had a near death experience after a Valium Overdose / bad reaction. As a child he had accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and was raised in a Christian home. But he backslid. Here is his story:

Atheist College Professor learns that his denial of Jesus Christ has sent him to hell - God spares his life and he is now a believer and wants to tell the world what happened:
Part one

Part two
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Would you take the word of a guy suffering a drug overdose on anything he saw or is it just when they see hell that you find them credible?

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