typical cheap shot


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Liberal media outlet NBC's Brian Williams question to Rick Perry during the Republican Debates: "Don't you lose sleep over Texas executions"? It's not a question, it's a cheap left wing political statement. What if a Fox journalist asked a democrat if they "lose sleep over the millions of victims of abortion"? The left would go crazy.
That's not even apples and oranges.

A governor doesn't sign an order for abortion and abortions are not performed by force.

poor little republicans getting vetted is unfair.

Dont expect softballs its not FOX
Executing mentally challenged people, is it wrong?

I have issues with the death penalty in most instances unless there is a beyond a shadow of a doubt slam dunk supported by irrefutable forensics.

I am undecided on the mentally handicapped as I do believe the act is more important than the intent.
Liberal media outlet NBC's Brian Williams question to Rick Perry during the Republican Debates: "Don't you lose sleep over Texas executions"? It's not a question, it's a cheap left wing political statement. What if a Fox journalist asked a democrat if they "lose sleep over the millions of victims of abortion"? The left would go crazy.

Stir it up was the theme of last nights debate. Not much more.
Liberal media outlet NBC's Brian Williams question to Rick Perry during the Republican Debates: "Don't you lose sleep over Texas executions"? It's not a question, it's a cheap left wing political statement. What if a Fox journalist asked a democrat if they "lose sleep over the millions of victims of abortion"? The left would go crazy.

Liberal media outlet NBC's Brian Williams question to Rick Perry during the Republican Debates: "Don't you lose sleep over Texas executions"? It's not a question, it's a cheap left wing political statement. What if a Fox journalist asked a democrat if they "lose sleep over the millions of victims of abortion"? The left would go crazy.

I tend to agree with Whitehall that Williams lobbed a rhetorical statement rather than a question.
what would Fox ask Obama?

Im sure they would just lob him softballs huh?
That's not even apples and oranges.

A governor doesn't sign an order for abortion and abortions are not performed by force.

someobody signed abortion into law. ya know Ms. Roe wishes she hadn't made an issue of it. she's changed her mind. I'll bet she's had many sleepsless nights.
That's not even apples and oranges.

A governor doesn't sign an order for abortion and abortions are not performed by force.

someobody signed abortion into law. ya know Ms. Roe wishes she hadn't made an issue of it. she's changed her mind. I'll bet she's had many sleepsless nights.

But it is still a free choice by individuals. No one is marched down a hall by armed guards and forced to have an abortion at the governments order.

poor little republicans getting vetted is unfair.

Dont expect softballs its not FOX

Not like Obama would know what to do with anything but softballs and handjobs from the media

If he ends up facing Perry, he will end up having to face some tough questions. Google some of his past campaigns and you will see he thrives on stuff like Williams threw at him. All it did was throw the ball into his court.
That's not even apples and oranges.

A governor doesn't sign an order for abortion and abortions are not performed by force.

someobody signed abortion into law. ya know Ms. Roe wishes she hadn't made an issue of it. she's changed her mind. I'll bet she's had many sleepsless nights.

But it is still a free choice by individuals. No one is marched down a hall by armed guards and forced to have an abortion at the governments order.

People dont normally commit murder either. And a convict gets an opportunity to make an appeal for his life at least.
That's not even apples and oranges.

A governor doesn't sign an order for abortion and abortions are not performed by force.

Well, I could offer a cheap shot of my own and note that the Vice President said he was fine with China's system of forced abortion. What if a Fox reporter asked Obama how he felt when he fought to make the negligent homicide of infants "legal" when he was a state senator? If you recall Obama used all his (limited?) legal skills and substantial charisma to overcome public outrage when a Chicago nurse blew the whiscle on a procedure where premature delivery would be induced and the premature babies would be left to die on the table or be thrown alive in the garbage. The whole thing started when the nurse was handed a breathing infant a custodian found in the garbage.
Liberal media outlet NBC's Brian Williams question to Rick Perry during the Republican Debates: "Don't you lose sleep over Texas executions"? It's not a question, it's a cheap left wing political statement. What if a Fox journalist asked a democrat if they "lose sleep over the millions of victims of abortion"? The left would go crazy.

Wow, what a whiney thing to say. Some of you are so used to the soft ball questions asked to Republicans by Faux News, you cry when a real question is asked. Bunch of big babies:(
That's not even apples and oranges.

A governor doesn't sign an order for abortion and abortions are not performed by force.

someobody signed abortion into law. ya know Ms. Roe wishes she hadn't made an issue of it. she's changed her mind. I'll bet she's had many sleepsless nights.

But it is still a free choice by individuals. No one is marched down a hall by armed guards and forced to have an abortion at the governments order.

No body forced those people to kill the people they killed to earn their place in the death chamber. If they need somebody I'll sign the death warrant and not lose sleep over it. These are people that a jury of their peers have guilty of murder and have given up their right to life. Maybe it's just a TEA PARTY thing thinking people should be held responsible for their actions. Some actions are inexcusable.
Perry did not execute one person, he carried out the wishes of the voters from Texas. That is the head guys job, do what the voters want. Obama is in trouble because he is telling what we won't and doesn't listen. If you kill someone it makes no difference how or why you have just made a mistake and will pay the price. I know mental health is a hot issue but if some person kills my wife and his mental capacity is not up to full speed she is not sort of dead, she is real dead and that person need to be gone before they do it again. You have to be crazy to kill someone any way. End of debate.

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