Two white people set up ACORN, a Black and minority community devlpmnt organization.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
This is why I wrote a thread about why black racism is justified and correct. I am not
justifying what some of the ACORN employees did, if they brook rules, they will be delt with. What I am saying is that white people are always trying to destroy blacks and latinos
in the inner city. These two white individuals went into this Black inner city organizations
offices,the male presented himself as a pimp, the female was his prostitute.They wanted to to get some kind of loan, or grant from ACORN. video taped the employess without there knowledge, and then sold turned the tape
over to the news media, thus destroying the reputation of an organization, that has spent many years tryin to improve the lives of millions of black and other minority peoples lives.

Now the Federal government want to cut off funding for all ACORN offices accross the entire United States.

Black people need to get white people out of our inner city neighborhoods.
We can not trust these white snakes in our hoods.!!
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I have been reading some of your posts over the last couple of days and I must say that you are at least persistent. They set them up because they were breaking the law and the last video that came out today showed a white ACORN worker. It also appears that their funding is now gone and they had their privelages revoked to screw the census up. I find it funny that you would take up for wait........I find it typical.
This is why I wrote a thread about why black racism is justified and correct. I am not
justifying what some of the ACORN employees did, if they brook rules, they will be delt with. What I am saying is that white people are always trying to destroy blacks and latinos
in the inner city. These two white individuals went into this Black inner city organizations
offices,the male presented himself as a pimp, the female was his prostitute.They wanted to to get some kind of loan, or grant from ACORN. video taped the employess without there knowledge, and then sold turned the tape
over to the news media, thus destroying the reputation of an organization, that has spent many years tryin to improve the lives of millions of black and other minority peoples lives.

Now the Federal government want to cut off funding for all ACORN offices accross the entire United States.

Black people need to get white people out of our inner city neighborhoods.
We can not trust these white snakes in our hoods.!!

Hey, if ACORN was minding it's Ps&Qs rather than engaging in illegal activities, we would not be having this discussion...
yes...its the white people destroying the inner city neighborhoods

not the crack heads, gangbangers, murderers, rapists, and thieves that are doing it.
Did anyone else catch how at ease the ACORNers were at directing the pimp and ho to deceive and defraud?

I wonder what the ACORNers were telling the people that were in before and then after the pimp and ho

Maybe Eric Holder will shut down ACORN through RICO...any minute now...yup...any minute now
This is why I wrote a thread about why black racism is justified and correct. I am not
justifying what some of the ACORN employees did, if they brook rules, they will be delt with. What I am saying is that white people are always trying to destroy blacks and latinos
in the inner city. These two white individuals went into this Black inner city organizations
offices,the male presented himself as a pimp, the female was his prostitute.They wanted to to get some kind of loan, or grant from ACORN. video taped the employess without there knowledge, and then sold turned the tape
over to the news media, thus destroying the reputation of an organization, that has spent many years tryin to improve the lives of millions of black and other minority peoples lives.

Now the Federal government want to cut off funding for all ACORN offices accross the entire United States.

Black people need to get white people out of our inner city neighborhoods.
We can not trust these white snakes in our hoods.!!

Even by the sewer level standards of 52ndGutter, that was one of the most putrid, irrational, stupid, illogical and pointless ventings of black-racist spew we have had to witness in quite some time.

Yeah; those white devils "set up" the black ACORN scumbags by -- pretending to be something they were not in such an obvious way that even the idiot ACORN workers OUGHT TO have been able to see right through the pretense. But no. The ACORN retards were unable to see through it.

And having bought into the show, not knowing it was fake, those ACORN scumbags WILLINGLY and wilfully tried to assist in a variety of criminal acts and offered really "sage" advice on how to get around the laws.

Had the filthy immoral sewer-rat pieces of shit ACORN workers been libtarded liberal white guys, the dishonest pretext of 52ndGutter's moronic post would be shot to shit immediately. And there ARE filthy immoral sewer-rat pieces of shit ACORN workers who ARE libtarded liberal white guys.

The pieces of shit the white devils snagged just HAPPENED to be blacks. Too fucking bad, 52ndGutter. Your pointless post sucks and the piece of shit ACORN workers deserve all the condemnation coming their way . It has nothing to do with race, you imbecile.

Respectfully yours,

your pal,

This is why I wrote a thread about why black racism is justified and correct. I am not
justifying what some of the ACORN employees did, if they brook rules, they will be delt with. What I am saying is that white people are always trying to destroy blacks and latinos
in the inner city. These two white individuals went into this Black inner city organizations
offices,the male presented himself as a pimp, the female was his prostitute.They wanted to to get some kind of loan, or grant from ACORN. video taped the employess without there knowledge, and then sold turned the tape
over to the news media, thus destroying the reputation of an organization, that has spent many years tryin to improve the lives of millions of black and other minority peoples lives.

Now the Federal government want to cut off funding for all ACORN offices accross the entire United States.

Black people need to get white people out of our inner city neighborhoods.
We can not trust these white snakes in our hoods.!!

Shut the fuck up. You're beyond ignorant. White people don't need any help destroying black people, they do all the work themselves.
This is why I wrote a thread about why black racism is justified and correct. I am not
justifying what some of the ACORN employees did, if they brook rules, they will be delt with. What I am saying is that white people are always trying to destroy blacks and latinos
in the inner city. These two white individuals went into this Black inner city organizations
offices,the male presented himself as a pimp, the female was his prostitute.They wanted to to get some kind of loan, or grant from ACORN. video taped the employess without there knowledge, and then sold turned the tape
over to the news media, thus destroying the reputation of an organization, that has spent many years tryin to improve the lives of millions of black and other minority peoples lives.

Now the Federal government want to cut off funding for all ACORN offices accross the entire United States.

Black people need to get white people out of our inner city neighborhoods.
We can not trust these white snakes in our hoods.!!

Even by the sewer level standards of 52ndGutter, that was one of the most putrid, irrational, stupid, illogical and pointless ventings of black-racist spew we have had to witness in quite some time.

Yeah; those white devils "set up" the black ACORN scumbags by -- pretending to be something they were not in such an obvious way that even the idiot ACORN workers OUGHT TO have been able to see right through the pretense. But no. The ACORN retards were unable to see through it.

And having bought into the show, not knowing it was fake, those ACORN scumbags WILLINGLY and wilfully tried to assist in a variety of criminal acts and offered really "sage" advice on how to get around the laws.

Had the filthy immoral sewer-rat pieces of shit ACORN workers been libtarded liberal white guys, the dishonest pretext of 52ndGutter's moronic post would be shot to shit immediately. And there ARE filthy immoral sewer-rat pieces of shit ACORN workers who ARE libtarded liberal white guys.

The pieces of shit the white devils snagged just HAPPENED to be blacks. Too fucking bad, 52ndGutter. Your pointless post sucks and the piece of shit ACORN workers deserve all the condemnation coming their way . It has nothing to do with race, you imbecile.

Respectfully yours,

your pal,


ACORN, helped many a low income black and minority family live the American dream
by getting them into a home. To tarnish the entire organization, because of what a few employees did is not right. This is the point I am making.

This organization reputation is being ruiened by two conservative white racists undercover
writers. !
This is why I wrote a thread about why black racism is justified and correct. I am not
justifying what some of the ACORN employees did, if they brook rules, they will be delt with. What I am saying is that white people are always trying to destroy blacks and latinos
in the inner city. These two white individuals went into this Black inner city organizations
offices,the male presented himself as a pimp, the female was his prostitute.They wanted to to get some kind of loan, or grant from ACORN. video taped the employess without there knowledge, and then sold turned the tape
over to the news media, thus destroying the reputation of an organization, that has spent many years tryin to improve the lives of millions of black and other minority peoples lives.

Now the Federal government want to cut off funding for all ACORN offices accross the entire United States.

Black people need to get white people out of our inner city neighborhoods.
We can not trust these white snakes in our hoods.!!

:lol::lol::lol: You gotta be kiddin me, Acorn is being investigated in several states for voter fraud, now this, you do know that they recieve tax payer dollars and have been exempt from paying any taxes. In the stimulus bill alone they were supposed to get 8.5 billion in stimulus dollars and they were advising these two white kids on how to cheat on their taxes and prostitute out 12-18 year old girls. THAT'S CALLED FRAUD AND IT'S FRAUD OF THE TAX PAYER, WHICH INCLUDES YOU IF YOU PAY TAXES. Your elevator isn't hitting the top floor.:lol:

We are getting out of your neighborhoods and we are taking our money back. Acorn did this to themselves and you do your race an injustice by being blind to it and attempting to justify the obvious corruption and lawless activities of this organization.
Last edited: racism is justified and correct...white people are always trying to destroy blacks and latinos...Black people need to get white people out of our inner city neighborhoods. We can not trust these white snakes in our hoods.!!

Sounds like "hate speach" to me. Black racism is justified? I hope this sentiment is not held by all African Americans, although it would certainly explain why African Americans commit hate crimes at twice the rate of "Whites". Check out the FBI statistics in the Uniform Crime Report - Hate Crime Statistics. Don't take my word for it, do your own research and draw your own conclusions. You can google it yourself. The data is eye opening.

We all have a stake in ending racism, which is more than a white affliction. Your hate holds you down more "white snakes". Get over your rage; it' creates your cage.

Peace, Out.
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