Two Shootings To Learn From


Gold Member
Oct 17, 2010
In one shooting a guy walks into a theater with a gun and a lot of people get killed. In another shooting a guy walks into an internet cafe with a gun, a 71yr old man pulls his own gun and the only person shot is the bad guy. You will never stop the bad or crazy people form doing what they do but you can take steps to protect yourself and others. If a few more people in the theater had legally been able to carry their guns a lot less people would have been killed. Don't let the gun control nuts fool you, guns in the hands of law abiding citizens can save lives and protect everyone.
In one shooting a guy walks into a theater with a gun and a lot of people get killed. In another shooting a guy walks into an internet cafe with a gun, a 71yr old man pulls his own gun and the only person shot is the bad guy. You will never stop the bad or crazy people form doing what they do but you can take steps to protect yourself and others. If a few more people in the theater had legally been able to carry their guns a lot less people would have been killed. Don't let the gun control nuts fool you, guns in the hands of law abiding citizens can save lives and protect everyone.

No, the killer was protected, head to toe, ONCE AGAIN:

Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said at a 1 p.m. press conference that in addition to being armed with several guns a gas mask and goggles, the suspect had “a throat protector, a groin protector and black tactical gloves.”

Plus body armor, and a bullet proof vest. It is also in the news Facebook has FAN pages for the killer now, dozens posting their admiration for him. Ok, it is WND, "godlike' and other less than credible sources.

l=]Facebook pages praise Aurora movie killer, social media site does nothing - National Crime & Courts |[/url]
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Even though the shooter was wearing body armor?

Yep, body armor keeps you from dying, but it still feels like a kick in the nuts when the slug hits it. An attacker with body armor gets shot, he don't die but he does get knocked down, broken ribs, etc., which would then make it possible to subdue him.
Maybe if you gave people their second Amendment rights they would of taken out this bastard. Gun control only stops people that follow the law. :eusa_boohoo:

The bad guy doesn't care about the law.:eusa_silenced: Also, it is part of our constitutional rights. Think whatever you want, but unless you can replace the second amendment, you don't have a right to do anything else. Look at Mexico or Chicogo to see how good your idea's work.
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There can be no contingency plan for this other than staying home and locking yourself in. This tragedy is the price people are willing to pay for a wild, wild west mentality towards fire arms and it is only going to get worse.
There can be no contingency plan for this other than staying home and locking yourself in. This tragedy is the price people are willing to pay for a wild, wild west mentality towards fire arms and it is only going to get worse.

Laws only effect people who follow them. Killing people is already a crime, yet he ignored it, so he would just follow gun laws?
In one shooting a guy walks into a theater with a gun and a lot of people get killed. In another shooting a guy walks into an internet cafe with a gun, a 71yr old man pulls his own gun and the only person shot is the bad guy. You will never stop the bad or crazy people form doing what they do but you can take steps to protect yourself and others. If a few more people in the theater had legally been able to carry their guns a lot less people would have been killed. Don't let the gun control nuts fool you, guns in the hands of law abiding citizens can save lives and protect everyone.

No, the killer was protected, head to toe, ONCE AGAIN:

Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said at a 1 p.m. press conference that in addition to being armed with several guns a gas mask and goggles, the suspect had “a throat protector, a groin protector and black tactical gloves.”

Plus body armor, and a bullet proof vest. It is also in the news Facebook has FAN pages for the killer now, dozens posting their admiration for him. Ok, it is WND, "godlike' and other less than credible sources.

l=]Facebook pages praise Aurora movie killer, social media site does nothing - National Crime & Courts |[/url]

Where did he get this stuff, I dont remember body armor being sold at Walmart....did I miss it?
There can be no contingency plan for this other than staying home and locking yourself in. This tragedy is the price people are willing to pay for a wild, wild west mentality towards fire arms and it is only going to get worse.

The contingency plan is to be armed and proficient yourself. Nobody else is responsible for your well-being, it's entirely up to you. The police are usually there just in time to take a report.
In one shooting a guy walks into a theater with a gun and a lot of people get killed. In another shooting a guy walks into an internet cafe with a gun, a 71yr old man pulls his own gun and the only person shot is the bad guy. You will never stop the bad or crazy people form doing what they do but you can take steps to protect yourself and others. If a few more people in the theater had legally been able to carry their guns a lot less people would have been killed. Don't let the gun control nuts fool you, guns in the hands of law abiding citizens can save lives and protect everyone.

No, the killer was protected, head to toe, ONCE AGAIN:

Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said at a 1 p.m. press conference that in addition to being armed with several guns a gas mask and goggles, the suspect had “a throat protector, a groin protector and black tactical gloves.”

Plus body armor, and a bullet proof vest. It is also in the news Facebook has FAN pages for the killer now, dozens posting their admiration for him. Ok, it is WND, "godlike' and other less than credible sources.

l=]Facebook pages praise Aurora movie killer, social media site does nothing - National Crime & Courts |[/url]

Where did he get this stuff, I dont remember body armor being sold at Walmart....did I miss it?

There can be no contingency plan for this other than staying home and locking yourself in. This tragedy is the price people are willing to pay for a wild, wild west mentality towards fire arms and it is only going to get worse.

Whatever you believe it's still part of our constitution. Maybe work to offer a replacement for the second Amendment? Let's not destroy the constitution because you hold different beliefs.
Even though the shooter was wearing body armor?

Actually that's a good question, was it body armor? and if it was is it legal to get? and if not, how did he get it?

Reports are he received many deliveries. Many drugs are illegal, yet people still get them.

True, people break the law, which is why gun control is stupid in the first place, now drugs are different, they change your behavior and can kill you, so I'm ok with the ban on those, plust there is no amendment and logic to keeping them legal.
I abhore the idea that a nut with arms who kills people sparks a second amendment discussion. The correlation is silly. Gun control is not the answer to heinous crimes.

I am not a gun advocate. I do not understand the need to carry. However the intended escence of the right to bear arms is appreciated and one which I am not a willing oppose.

Crazy cooks who need to kill will always exist; whether we change our constitution or not.
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