Two Men Get Bomb Close to the U.S. Naval Consolidated Brig in SC


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2007
Diagon Alley
Story Highlights
Police say "explosive device" found during routine traffic stop for speeding

U.S. Highway 176 closed Saturday evening but "no immediate threat"

Police won't describe what bomb technicians blew up Sunday morning

Happened near Goose Creek, home to the Naval Weapons Station

Goose Creek, South Carolina, is home to the Naval Weapons Station, which houses the U.S. Naval Consolidated Brig, a military prison where enemy combatants have been held.

Full Story and an awesome Picture of the Bomb Detination Robot.........

Concidence? I think not. It's funny how they wont release the names or nationality. The FBI is going to release a statement today. The FBI doesn't come involved on a routine bomb arrest. There has to be more to this then is being said.
Story Highlights
Police say "explosive device" found during routine traffic stop for speeding

U.S. Highway 176 closed Saturday evening but "no immediate threat"

Police won't describe what bomb technicians blew up Sunday morning

Happened near Goose Creek, home to the Naval Weapons Station

Goose Creek, South Carolina, is home to the Naval Weapons Station, which houses the U.S. Naval Consolidated Brig, a military prison where enemy combatants have been held.

Full Story and an awesome Picture of the Bomb Detination Robot.........

Concidence? I think not. It's funny how they wont release the names or nationality. The FBI is going to release a statement today. The FBI doesn't come involved on a routine bomb arrest. There has to be more to this then is being said.

The FBI so far, as in nearly every case of this type has said the same thing:

"There appears no nexus to terrorism." I believe the state authorities are disagreeing, which is what was holding up the charges.
Well it seems that even the Feds haven't been able to close this one out. Seems perhaps Hamas and Hizbollah may be trying to bring the jihad to the US. Lots of links:

SC 2 Linked To Sami Al-Arian Investigation

Update: Okay, still more - during the Al-Arian investigation, the home that was recently searched was rented to WISE - see page 40 of this pdf from the Al-Arian trial. WISE (World and Islam Studies Enterprise) was one of two groups founded by Al-Arian that led to his arrest. The same individual who owned it then, Noor Salhalb, still owns it, but now rents to students, instead. But, and this is interesting, Salhalb rents out that house and lives in a rented house nearby. He rents his house from a co-defendant in the Al-Arian trial, Sameeh Hammouhdeh. There's video here. Several agencies were involved and there was also another vehicle searched. This would now appear to be the house where the one guy from Mauritania who left for Canada the Monday after all this started was living, as well...

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