Two Italian states are now refusing to house new illegal invaders

Exactly, the 1951 UN declaration on human rights is being grossly abused. The rule is: seek asylum in the closest neighbouring state where you are not being persecuted. For Somalis, thanks to the actions of the Somali Al Shebab terrorists Kenya is no longer a possibility. Gotta be Ethiopia or Djibuti then, but not the fucking EU!
Tourism: Tea with Mussolini

What if Germany attacked England during WWII (1939-1945)? The global community would have thought that modern era expansionist theories were in conflict with developed country intentions. 'Fortunately,' they only invaded countries such as Poland.

Sovereignty is always an issue when talking about economics-related traffic, and illegal immigration is almost always related to economics.

That's why I find a lot of democracy dialogue potential arising from the tourism industry. You might disagree politically with a nation such as North Korea or Cuba, especially if you are an American, but as a tourist, you might find natural interest in culture and interaction, and this 'natural interest' can ironically promote real progress. Isn't this why Third World nations invest so heavily in the tourism industry by developing lavish hotels (at the expense of other areas of their economies)?

All aboard...three cheers then for the Italian stewardess!


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