Twitter promptly removed a video tweeted out by President Trump warning of big tech censorship


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Twitter promptly removed a video tweeted out by President Trump warning of Big Tech censorship.
On Saturday, Trump tweeted out a video featuring conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin warning of Big Tech’s massive censorship power, adding that his administration is trying to “remedy” the “illegal situation.”

but we can be sure MSM wont tell their sheep this one.

Oh look another Hitler loser who just has to CONTROL what THEIR USERS say !!! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: bahaahaah.

Sooner or later this leftist little bitch will sink himself satans little bitches always do.

Some loser should learn their laws because having dictatorship control doesn't always give them a right to do as they wish cause oh It's their site their right.

18 U.S. Code § 241.Conspiracy against rights
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If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 696; Pub. L. 90–284, title I, § 103(a), Apr. 11, 1968, 82 Stat. 75; Pub. L. 100–690, title VII, § 7018(a), (b)(1), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4396; Pub. L. 103–322, title VI, § 60006(a), title XXXII, §§ 320103(a), 320201(a), title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 1970, 2109, 2113, 2147; Pub. L. 104–294, title VI, §§ 604(b)(14)(A), 607(a), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3507, 3511.)

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The flakes on twitter blocked my account with the old "you're a bot" routine. I tried to reinstate it to no avail. I was outspoken against the communists and a respectful supporter of Trump policies, crushing many of the big well known alt-left every chance I could. In a respectful manner, of course.

They had throttled my followers after I quickly built a few thousand (then would lose 1500 overnight), shadowban, mute, all the other dirty communist tricks that those who fear clean, honest debate employ.

I always say, "there will always be a new game in town". Be it facebook, twitter or whomever. Nothing lasts forever, especially as a younger generation gets older and have less interest in what "the old dudes use".

For instance, I hear instagram is popular with the younger generation. I don't understand why people want to post their photos for all to see, twitter was perfect for me.

It's only a matter of time before the backlash becomes real. Those who support liberty will be left standing. That's how communication mediums work.
Well, I would think that if this is an issue for Trump and his loyal band of minions he could start his own social media platform. I mean, he is a "billionaire"...right?? My guess is that if he ever did that, he'd get his lemmings....err...supporters to put up a Give-Me-The-Money-To-Do-It-Because-I-Won't-Spend-My-Own page. Otherwise, these are private companies that can set their own rules. You can choose to follow them or go elsewhere. I thought that's what your freedom loving patriots believed in?
Well, I would think that if this is an issue for Trump and his loyal band of minions he could start his own social media platform. I mean, he is a "billionaire"...right?? My guess is that if he ever did that, he'd get his lemmings....err...supporters to put up a Give-Me-The-Money-To-Do-It-Because-I-Won't-Spend-My-Own page. Otherwise, these are private companies that can set their own rules. You can choose to follow them or go elsewhere. I thought that's what your freedom loving patriots believed in?
Fuck off and die Commie scum!
Well, I would think that if this is an issue for Trump and his loyal band of minions he could start his own social media platform. I mean, he is a "billionaire"...right?? My guess is that if he ever did that, he'd get his lemmings....err...supporters to put up a Give-Me-The-Money-To-Do-It-Because-I-Won't-Spend-My-Own page. Otherwise, these are private companies that can set their own rules. You can choose to follow them or go elsewhere. I thought that's what your freedom loving patriots believed in?
Fuck off and die Commie scum!

Hey, the 80's called. They'd like their commie slogans back. :)
Just as I would say to people that didn't get their cake baked because the shop owner didn't like their lifestyle, if you don't like it (or they won't bake it), go somewhere else.
Well, I would think that if this is an issue for Trump and his loyal band of minions he could start his own social media platform. I mean, he is a "billionaire"...right?? My guess is that if he ever did that, he'd get his lemmings....err...supporters to put up a Give-Me-The-Money-To-Do-It-Because-I-Won't-Spend-My-Own page. Otherwise, these are private companies that can set their own rules. You can choose to follow them or go elsewhere. I thought that's what your freedom loving patriots believed in?
Fuck off and die Commie scum!

Hey, the 80's called. They'd like their commie slogans back. :)
Just as I would say to people that didn't get their cake baked because the shop owner didn't like their lifestyle, if you don't like it (or they won't bake it), go somewhere else.
Eat a bag of dicks and GTFO America, Commie swine.

but don't worry the deep state creating all this VIRUS bs doesn't exist.........
Well, I would think that if this is an issue for Trump and his loyal band of minions he could start his own social media platform. I mean, he is a "billionaire"...right?? My guess is that if he ever did that, he'd get his lemmings....err...supporters to put up a Give-Me-The-Money-To-Do-It-Because-I-Won't-Spend-My-Own page. Otherwise, these are private companies that can set their own rules. You can choose to follow them or go elsewhere. I thought that's what your freedom loving patriots believed in?
These are private companies that have agreed to a whole bunch of carve outs in order to get Congress
to stay off their backs, not that you'd know.

Facebook and the gang has claimed they are just like a phone book merely publishing whatever is given to them. Well they can't claim that and publish some things but reject other things that offends their
globalist world view.

It's time for Congress to grow some nuts and revoke the special protections Zuckerberg has been given.

Your argument is as stale as a cookie found in a sealed up cave somewhere in the mountains.
Well, I would think that if this is an issue for Trump and his loyal band of minions he could start his own social media platform. I mean, he is a "billionaire"...right?? My guess is that if he ever did that, he'd get his lemmings....err...supporters to put up a Give-Me-The-Money-To-Do-It-Because-I-Won't-Spend-My-Own page. Otherwise, these are private companies that can set their own rules. You can choose to follow them or go elsewhere. I thought that's what your freedom loving patriots believed in?
These are private companies that have agreed to a whole bunch of carve outs in order to get Congress
to stay off their backs, not that you'd know.

Facebook and the gang has claimed they are just like a phone book merely publishing whatever is given to them. Well they can't claim that and publish some things but reject other things that offends their
globalist world view.

It's time for Congress to grow some nuts and revoke the special protections Zuckerberg has been given.

Your argument is as stale as a cookie found in a sealed up cave somewhere in the mountains.

"These are private companies...." To those who say this nonsense, do I sense a loservative attempting to conserve less again?
Well, I would think that if this is an issue for Trump and his loyal band of minions he could start his own social media platform. I mean, he is a "billionaire"...right?? My guess is that if he ever did that, he'd get his lemmings....err...supporters to put up a Give-Me-The-Money-To-Do-It-Because-I-Won't-Spend-My-Own page. Otherwise, these are private companies that can set their own rules. You can choose to follow them or go elsewhere. I thought that's what your freedom loving patriots believed in?
These are private companies that have agreed to a whole bunch of carve outs in order to get Congress
to stay off their backs, not that you'd know.

Facebook and the gang has claimed they are just like a phone book merely publishing whatever is given to them. Well they can't claim that and publish some things but reject other things that offends their
globalist world view.

It's time for Congress to grow some nuts and revoke the special protections Zuckerberg has been given.

Your argument is as stale as a cookie found in a sealed up cave somewhere in the mountains.
Break up FaceBook and Twitter just like we did to Standard Oil

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