Tut, Tut, Tut......

Aw cmon Roomy. You can do better than that. You are almost getting as bad as Bully....those are articles are a bit dated....
roomy said:
Tell me, has the parity changed?
Not necessarily and quite frankly I dont give a damn. Obviously you are trying to stir something up. Some would even call it trolling.

Let me save you some time...I surrender. Lets give all the blacks massive reparations, release all black prisoners with amnesty and put all the whites in prison in their place. Never mind the whole circular logic argument I am sure you have ready to spew. In fact, I find your argument so compelling that I think we should ship all whites back to where ever they came from and keep them there forever isolated so they can't screw up the world ever again.

Happy now?
roomy said:
Given time it would have surfaced from me or ..................You.You seem to be far too touchy on the subject at hand, why?And why don't you care that nothing has changed?

You're assuming that these studies are completely unbiased, but they're based on false premises.

False premise 1: Blacks are poor and povery causes crime - While it is true that a greater percentage of blacks than whites are considered 'poor,' there's still a huge number of poor white people. However, poor black people are far more likely to commit crimes than poor whites because of the culture that's pushed on them. Povery doesn't cause crime. Disregard for the law, the rights of others, and morality causes crime. Poverty is simply a catalyst.

False premise 2: The exact same percentages of whites and blacks are murderers - The PC crowd would like to kill this one, but as of this time, including all of these suspects that supposedly got away because they're white, a far greater percentage of blacks are murderers than whites. Add to this the fact that the percentage of convicted white murderers on death row is far greater than the percentage of convicted black murderers on death row, we start to see a different picture.

False premise 3: The same percentage of crimes along racial lines have the same circumstances - Again, a harsh reality is that, due once again to cultural biases far more that 'the white man keeping them down,' blacks are far more likely to live in gang-infested slums. A far greater percentage of black murder victims than whites are killed in gang wars, bad drug deals, and other circumstances that do not merit the death penalty. White victims, on the other hand, are more likely to be the victims of premeditated murder, a capital offense. Poor, black, inner city ghettos lend themselves more to crimes of passion than poor, white, rural trailer parks.

False premise 4: No race is more likely to vote along racial lines than another - If you really believe this, you're in a fantasy land. Thanks to the culture pushed by the NAACP, blacks think they have to 'stand up for each other,' meaning they are far more likely lie on the stand and deliver innocent verdicts simply because the person is black, and for no other reason. This, not racism, is why black witnesses and juries are considered unreliable.

These studies, like most of the bullcrap studies I see everywhere to prove so many bullcrap theories, fail to take outside influences into account. One of the basic requirements for a scientific study is that ALL variables are considered. When you fail to take into account all variables, you nullify the entire scientific process.
Now id like to see how each case breaks down in the study on those who should have been sentenced to death row and werent.
roomy said:
Hobbit, Like the other fellow, I could care less that they execute murderers,
what bothers me is the fact that they don't kill them all, it just seems slightly unfair that skin colour appears to be a deciding factor.Kill them all, murderers, rapists, paedophiles.the whole lot of them, not just the black ones.

Did you even read what I wrote? If so, are you brain dead? The point of my post is that skin color is NOT a deciding factor, but these studies made it seem that way so they could blame whitey for yet another false injustice.
roomy said:
Are you crazy?Why on earth would anyone do what you are suggesting in that ridiculous post of yours.Some might say it was the response of a troll?Do you ever respond in an intelligent considered manner?I almost get the impression you don't like me. :teeth:

Yes, I am crazy. They let us inmates on the computer when they aren't using them to schedule electro-shock therapy sessions. My post was to head off that big, long (and mostly wasteful discussion) about how white US males are evil and everything is our fault. It was a response TO a troll. I respond in a considered manner when someone posts something of import and worth discussing. As for intelligence, that is a matter of perspective. Regarding my likes and dislikes: I dont much like Europeans in general; mostly because they appear arrogant and hypocritical and they just love bashing the United States of America and its people and government. I like trolling Europeans even less and beneath them are immature European trolls.

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps more blacks are on death row because they commit more murders? What have you to say about the racism apparent in UK's justice system? Hobbits reply was right on the money.
roomy said:
Given time it would have surfaced from me or ..................You.You seem to be far too touchy on the subject at hand, why?And why don't you care that nothing has changed?

I am touchy about trolling Europeans who think they know what's best for the US and its citizens. Those Europeans who are arrogant, vain and obnoxious. Those Europeans who think the US is bad and Europe is good. That is what I am touchy about.

I dont care that the situation hasn't changed because I believe those you are so concerned about are where they belong; not because of racism but because they were found guilty in a trial of commiting a crime.
roomy said:
It's always the same isn't it? As soon as someone posts something you know to be true but don't like being reminded of accusations of trolling abound.I don't hate America or Americans, infact quite the opposite, what I do hate are racist, bigotted, homophobic thick, ignorant bastards with a holier than thou attitude, I point no finger because people like that are indigenous to all continents and I have been guilty of many of the traits I hate at times.So instead of spouting xenephobic rhetoric read my posts again but this time try to understand them, if you come across any big words that you don't understand please ask for help :baby4: Try not to spit your dummy/pacifier out again. :rolleyes:

I understand your posts quite well; they are what fostered my opinion that you are a pompous European ass. You are indeed guilty of all the negative adjectives you listed. In addition, you are a troll. A sophmoric troll at that.

I am touched by your concern over my level of education as well as by your concern over my satisfaction, but dont bother yourself. You obviously have enough trouble with your own thought processes without trying to run mine.
roomy said:
I am English, Sparky, E...N...G...L...I...S...H, from E...N...G...L...A...N...D, quite distinct and apart from Europe as they so often tell us and for the most part we agree and would have it no other way.Here endeth the first lesson.Read some books you might learn something new.Get yourself a tutor to explain the meaning of the words, I know you can read, it's comprehension you have difficuilty with.Now take your xenophobic paranoia and stuff it up you lardy arse. :teeth:

Oh well, I stand corrected...England is not part of Europe and doesn't belong to the EU. You must be talking about the OTHER England...the one on that OTHER planet where all the pimple faced, immature know-it-alls live.

Yep, I am xenophobic. I dont want my nation invaded by the likes of YOU! and I'm paranoid over you sneaking across the border and taking up residence here. The very thought scares the crap out of me.

As for my lardy arse, I have to ask why you are so concerned about it. Do you find it appealing?
roomy said:
We belong to the EU but are not part of Europe.That is like me accusing America of being part of Canada.As for finding your arse appealing, are you offering?
How much money ya got?
roomy said:
Have you read my homo post?I am not a bender myself but I have nothing against them :teeth:
Actually, I have not read your post about homosexuality. I find the subject holds no interest for me so don't engage in discussions about it. Personally, I happen to like woomens....a whole lot! Guys make good pals but they hold no sexual attraction for me, but then neither do animals.

If you look up the current death row population it says.

white: 45.5%
black: 41.7%

With blacks commiting half of the 16,000 murders in the US every year and whites and others commiting the other half it makes sense that blacks make up a large percentage of the inmates.
roomy said:
As soon as I read false premise I dismissed your post as quickly as you had mine, I reckon we suffer from the same brain dead syndrome you mentioned. :tinfoil:

Wow, CSM's right. You really are a pompous ass. I read the entire post looking for a single study that even attempted to consider outside factors in their study. I found none. I didn't dismiss your post, quickly or otherwise. I read the whole thing and came to conclusions based on that. You dismissed my post without reading it because you're a pompous know-it-all that thinks you already know what I wrote andthat you can't possibly be wrong.

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