Tuscan Speech Jumbotron Told the Audience When to Applaude


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Tuscan Speech Jumbotron Told the Audience When to Applaude

During Obama's memorial speech .... ummm .. political pep rally on Thursday the jumbotron told the audience when to applaude. This comes after the Whitehouse tells the press that they were surprised of the amount of applause when Robert Gibbs said ...

"I will say that I read the speech several times and thought that there wouldn't be a lot of applause if any. I think many of us thought that. But I think there was a celebration, again, of the lives of those who had been impacted. Not just at that grocery store but throughout the country. And I think that, if that is part of the healing process, then that's a good thing."

This also comes after we found out that Obama's organization "Organizing for America" printed out t-shirts for the pep rally participants to wear. They Couldn’t Help It… Team Obama Hands Out T-Shirts at Pep Rally Memorial | The Gateway Pundit .

Not to mention that within hours of the shooting Obama released photos of his response. Gabrielle Giffords shooting: a leadership moment for Obama, Boeh - KTNV ABC,Channel 13,Las Vegas,Nevada,News,Weather,Sports,Entertainment,KTNV.com,Action News .:.

Along with all the leftists in the media who were so desperate to label this shooter a tea party nut or accuse the violence on tea party retoric, THIS SHOWS THAT THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION HOLDS TRUE TO THE RAHM EMANUAL PHILOSOPHY OF NEVER LETTING A GOOD CRISIS GO TO WASTE.



Listen to the pep rally here. Woooooooo! We love you Obama!
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It's not just "a possibility" its a fact, and its clearly obvious.

The mere fact that the Far Right are doing acrobatics and back flips to paint Obama's magnanimous speech as something other speaks volumes about THEMSELVES and no one else.

Keep it up Pub, you have quite a rep in the short time I've seen you post.
The mere fact that the Far Right are doing acrobatics and back flips to paint Obama's magnanimous speech as something other speaks volumes about THEMSELVES and no one else.
I bow to Obama's ability to recap events and thank people. :rolleyes:

Besides, you guys said his earlier "Race Speech" was magnanimous. And please, be civil. You're under orders to do so.
It's not just "a possibility" its a fact, and its clearly obvious.

The mere fact that the Far Right are doing acrobatics and back flips to paint Obama's magnanimous speech as something other speaks volumes about THEMSELVES and no one else.

Keep it up Pub, you have quite a rep in the short time I've seen you post.

Yes. Jumbotrons, t-shirts, photos of Obama's reaction from the Whitehouse only hours after the shooting. That combined with mindless Obama cheering. Whats political about that? You must admit that whoever came up with the idea of passing out blue shirts with a theme on them did not have anything other than political intentions in mind. Exactly what part of the healing process involves a momento or souvineer to take home to remember the day Obama came out to give a pep rally among a crowd of wildly cheering fans? Of course, Obama could have waived the crowd down but what the hey? Obama never stops applause directed toward him no matter how unappropriate. Lets compare shall we?

Hmmm, no applause, no t-shirts, no jumbotron, no cheering, no "wooohoo's", and a somber atmosphere. looks like a memorial, not a pep rally. What was Bush thinking huh?

Oh, and what does rep have to do with anything and I am looking up the definition of "Pub".
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Were there reporters inside of the hall during the speech? It seems as though we would have heard of this before. Although I know the audience we watching something above Obama. I thought it must have been a huge screen for viewers in the back.
That looks like closed captioning. It indicates that applause occurred, it's not a set of directions.

Considering the current state of our educational system, there is a high likelihood that the students in attendance mistook the "closed-captioning" for audience direction...
That looks like closed captioning. It indicates that applause occurred, it's not a set of directions.

Considering the current state of our educational system, there is a high likelihood that the students in attendance mistook the "closed-captioning" for audience direction...

Got it! Here it is on TTube what was seen at the hall during the speech.


While the entire speech was written with "(applause)" interjected every few sentences. Which proves that dear Gibbs was fibbing when he said he read the speech several times and there were no "applause" stops in it. Shame on you, Bobby.

There goes their grand record of transparency.:lol:

ETA: The video changed! Can't see the closed captioning when you link it! Sorry folks! Now I'm embarrassed.

Alright here..Now I can do it. Just click on the four dots on the lower right and it takes you to full page screen. Then click on the red triangle and then click on closed captioning. Want me to repeat that? Oh, k, just read it again. Won't bother you again....
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That looks like closed captioning. It indicates that applause occurred, it's not a set of directions.

Considering the current state of our educational system, there is a high likelihood that the students in attendance mistook the "closed-captioning" for audience direction...

Got it! Here it is on TTube what was seen at the hall during the speech.


While the entire speech was written with "(applause)" interjected every few sentences. Which proves that dear Gibbs was fibbing when he said he read the speech several times and there were no "applause" stops in it. Shame on you, Bobby.

There goes their grand record of transparency.:lol:

So, what we have is a speech transcribed from a paper format to an electronic format in an effort to afford the deaf and hard of hearing an opportunity to appreciate the inspiring words of our President concerning this national tragedy, and some moron left in the portions where they thought Obama might expect applause?

Considering the current state of our educational system, there is a high likelihood that the students in attendance mistook the "closed-captioning" for audience direction...

Got it! Here it is on TTube what was seen at the hall during the speech.


While the entire speech was written with "(applause)" interjected every few sentences. Which proves that dear Gibbs was fibbing when he said he read the speech several times and there were no "applause" stops in it. Shame on you, Bobby.

There goes their grand record of transparency.:lol:

So, what we have is a speech transcribed from a paper format to an electronic format in an effort to afford the deaf and hard of hearing an opportunity to appreciate the inspiring words of our President concerning this national tragedy, and some moron left in the portions where they thought Obama might expect applause?


Okay, maybe a little wow. Only because Gibbs said there were no applause expected by Obama in the speech. I do think the college kids took it as an instruction.
Got it! Here it is on TTube what was seen at the hall during the speech.


While the entire speech was written with "(applause)" interjected every few sentences. Which proves that dear Gibbs was fibbing when he said he read the speech several times and there were no "applause" stops in it. Shame on you, Bobby.

There goes their grand record of transparency.:lol:

So, what we have is a speech transcribed from a paper format to an electronic format in an effort to afford the deaf and hard of hearing an opportunity to appreciate the inspiring words of our President concerning this national tragedy, and some moron left in the portions where they thought Obama might expect applause?


Okay, maybe a little wow. Only because Gibbs said there were no applause expected by Obama in the speech. I do think the college kids took it as an instruction.

That's embarrassing.

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