Turks Fascists Grey Wolves invaded Stuttgart, no problem and fine for policymakers.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Thousands of Turk Fascists Grey Wolves invaded Stuttgart yesterday, No Problem and Fine for stupid politically correct brainless corrupted "policymakers". No one of mainstream parties has condemned it. Interesting that almost all Muslim Organizations in Germany are being financed with the money of tax payers and more as 80 % of all Muslims in Germany are unemployed, receive huge benefites and have till 7 - 9 children pro family.

Allah Akbar, Alla Akbar chanted demonstrators, the Future of Germany was going.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HKAGAP7mUQ]GraueWölfe Stuttgart Okt2011 - YouTube[/ame]

Who are Grey Wolves?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN0Yx6cD1lA]TURKISH GREY WOLVES-(BOZKURT) & DER NATIONALE WIDERSTAND - YouTube[/ame]

And what will be happen to Germans after Muslims gain majority in 40 years.Only completely idiots can not understand that all non-Muslims will be killed!

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First, the nazis ruled Germany. Now, the islamonazis. Germans have a penchant for fascism.
First, the nazis ruled Germany. Now, the islamonazis. Germans have a penchant for fascism.

Islamofascism is more dangerously because crazy guys with Qurans want to kill all non-Muslims and to throw Germany to 13th century.
The demonstration was legally registered with the Police and its theme was to protest the PKK terror in S.East Turkey of the last weeks.

The organization is legal in Germany and does not commit any crimes as it is the youth organization of 3rd biggest political party in Turkey.
The demonstration was legally registered with the Police and its theme was to protest the PKK terror in S.East Turkey of the last weeks.

The organization is legal in Germany and does not commit any crimes as it is the youth organization of 3rd biggest political party in Turkey.

Germans politicians are too dumb and too corrupt, therefore Grey Wolves are still not prohibited. Turks want to eliminate democracy in Germany and to establish a Caliphate with Sharia law.
This demonstration was registered with the Police.
It is absolutely normal, that Police is used for safety of taxpayers who decided to stage a demonstration.
Turks live in Germany for 50 years and they contributed to Germany's Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle) and have a share in rebuilding Germany.

Everything is as it should be, otherwise demonstration wouldn't have been permitted.

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