Turkish Pianist Facing Jail Because Of Anti-Muslim Tweets


Jun 29, 2011
Turkish pianist is facing prison time for anti-Muslim tweets, raising questions over the state of religious and Internet freedoms in less than secular countries.

Fazil Say, a virtuoso pianist and composer, faces an investigation over tweeting remarks considered offensive to Muslims, Christians and Jews. Say used Twitter to question whether Islamic heaven is like a brothel or a pub, citing Qu'ranic verses that describe rivers of drinks and beautiful women for those admitted to paradise.

He also tweeted about a muezzin who recited the evening call to prayer in under 30 seconds, surmising the religious man was either impatient to see his lover or get drunk on a beverage called raki.

Say may have been joking about his disregard for religion, but Turkey's authorities are not laughing.

As Turkish Penal Code specifies, "Anyone who openly denigrates the religious values of a part of the population shall be sentenced to imprisonment of from six months to one year, where the act is sufficient to breach public peace."

Continued: Turkish Pianist Faces Prison for Tweets - Mobiledia
"Don't shoot me, I'm only the Turkish piano player".

A private person has accused the pianist with incitement of the people, and this private person has filed a charge at the court.
Name of the person who made the charges is Turan Gümüş

It's not even clear if this whole thing will see a court session or the court drops the charge made by the private person against the pianist.
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