Turkey to take countries to court


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Türkiye soykýrýmý tanýyan ülkelere dava açabilir - Hürriyet

It is a bill that will come to Turkish parliament introduced by 2 parliamentarians.
They say that political activism like establishing a "Historical Commission" regarding the Allegations do not bear fruits, so the judiciary process on the Armenian Allegations to be started.

It will be voted on 2 options:

1.) To sue countries that have so far recognized the Armenian Allegations as Genocide.
Based on 1948 UN convention on Genocide a country can not be accused of genocide if there is no judicial base, meaning explicit declarative statement by International Court identifying the Allegations as Genocide.
The parliament bill says also, countries accusing Turkey of Genocide are violating Article 2 and 9 of the Convention on Genocide
Countries would be sued in International Court of Justice in The Hague.

2.) Taking the issue of the Armenian Allegations to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.
For this process Turkey would have to pass a seperate legislation that states that 1948 Convention on Genocide is specifically reverse applyable to 1915.
Also Armenia itself would have to agree going to The Hague.
My grand-fathers did not make genocide with Armenians.
Armenians were aligning with the enemy (Russia) in hope for Orthodox independence.
All within WW1 whilst Ottomans was fighting whole world for existance in places like Palestine, Sarikamis and Gallipoli.

We made with Armenians Anti-Terror Operations.
If the solutions of yesteryear are defined today as Genocide, so be it. But only by court or "Historical Commission".
But everything from A to Z must come to light, we have documents that the whole Armenian thing was Anti-Terror against Orthodox-Jihadists.
Actio et Reactio.
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1896 Ottoman Bank Takeover
was the seizing of the Ottoman Bank in Istanbul, Ottoman Empire, on August 26, 1896, by members of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnak Party)
1896 Ottoman Bank Takeover - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yıldız assassination attempt
an assassination attempted on Sultan Abdul Hamid II by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation at Yıldız Mosque in July 21, 1905 in the Ottoman capital Constantinople
Y?ld?z assassination attempt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Armenian national movement
Armenian national movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sasun Resistance (1894)
Sasun Resistance (1894) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zeitun Resistance (1895)
Zeitun Resistance (1895) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sasun Resistance (1904)
Sasun Resistance (1904) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gugunian Expedition
Gugunian Expedition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WW1 and Ottomans:
Death of Population: 13,72%
World War I casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Same year as the "Armenian Genocide" happened (1915)
Gallipoli Campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Caucasus Campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also the number of the casualities of the "Armenian Gencide" are inflated.

According to The Catholic Encyclopedia (1922) the number of deported was 600,000[5].
The USA government source puts the number of deported people 486,000, and it also includes the resource size requested to coordinate the American Committee for Relief in the Near East efforts[6]. According to Turkish sources a total of 438,758 people were "relocated" [7].
Armenian casualties of deportations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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