Turkey ready to enter northern Iraq

Y'all wear swastikas too?

The grey wolf is the main totem of ancient Turkish tribes and became the national symbol from Hun to Ottoman Empire. Before the adoption of Islam by the Turks, a grey wolf's head was used to be put on the tips of flagpoles, replaced later by the crescent and star.
The admiration for the grey wolf as a strong, freedom-loving and intelligent animal exists among all Turks from the Altai Mountains to Anatolia. During the presidency of Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the grey wolf was depicted on the banknotes, postage stamps and many other official documents.

Asena is the name of a female wolf in Turkish mythology.One tale of the origins of the Göktürks involves a massacre and the rescue of a lone baby boy by a she wolf who raised him. He then went on to found a new dynasty, the Ashina.The legend of Asena is an old Turkish myth that tells of how the Turkish people were created.

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