TrumpUSA/NASA: The Diplomat Omen?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Why is Halloween so popular in America? Why do we celebrate Hollywood films about outlandish characters and/or strange individuals wearing masks? Maybe America's brand of confluence culture and immigration makes for interesting 'self-idealization' storytelling, which perhaps explains why comic book art is so popular in America.

Here's a short-story I wrote about consumerism-culture omens relevant to the media-hysteria (IMO) in our consumerism-obsessed 'TrumpUSA'.

I wonder who would like this sort of 'cautionary storytelling' more, President Donald Trump (a man with a capitalism/consumerism background) or First Lady Melania Trump (the woman who can provide the President with the needed moral grounding)...


Evans was on the NASA assignment which sent him to Venus to investigate a strange intelligent radio-signal sent from there in 2010. When he landed on Venus, he was shocked to be greeted by a species of super-intelligent apes who claimed they once lived on Earth and helped 'guide' evolution there before returning to Venus. Evans realized the apes were very much like human beings but were much more sensitive about contracts and profiteerism. When Evans told the apes about U.S. President Donald Trump, the apes seemed concerned that America had elected a casino-owner as its leader.

When Evans returned to Earth, he kept his promise to the apes on Venus not to disclose their existence. The apes gave him a special pre-recorded video staging the false-fact that they were actually from a very distant planet from a faraway galaxy and simply wanted to position a radio-transmitter on Venus to send signals all over the solar system from there. Evans had terrible nightmares for the next two months, always remembering the wariness the apes on Venus expressed about the fact that America was led by a casino-owner (Donald Trump). Evans did not feel too concerned, however, remembering that the last 'celebrity-president' (Ronald Reagan) simply made Reaganomics (which was certainly forgettable and even forgiveable).

Evans decided to take a much-needed vacation to Switzerland on Memorial Day weekend in 2015. He checked into a remote but nice hotel and was watching TV and reading his copy of Thoreau's naturalism-meditation novel Walden. That night, Evans had another nightmare --- he dreamt he was being visited by a strange man in a cloth-mask who seemed human but may not have been. The man approached Evans and explained to the former NASA astronaut that the wariness the apes on Venus delivered to him was justified --- America had become morally apathetic about the dangers of capitalism-culture (e.g., Wall Street) and the excesses of consumerism (e.g., Burger King, Facebook, etc.).

Evans decided to meet with President Trump at the White House to discuss his dreams. He told Trump about his nightmares about the apes on Venus telling him that America had gone wayward with consumerism-excesses and about the strange masked-man telling him that America had become complacent with its capitalism conveniences. Trump assured him that Americans were being guided appropriately and that the world would become a species of 'Facebook-addicts,' but the President was intrigued by the notion that a NASA astronaut would become paranoid about metaphysical confusion and wondered if capitalism was obscuring the spiritual value of NASA. Evans and Trump then decided to watch the space-travel omen film The Astronaut's Wife (starring Johnny Depp) together and conversed about the moral comfort of 'planetary trust.'



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