Trump's sales pitch for capitalism


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Trump made his sales pitch for capitalism for North Korea to lil’Kim. Trump gave Kim a video presentation of what North Korea could be like under capitalism. The video, translated into Korean, was viewed by Mr. Kim and several members of his delegation. “It captures what could be done [in North Korea],” Mr. Trump said. “It has the potential to be a great place. I think he understands that.”

The North Korean citizens have been brainwashed, starved and oppressed for generations. They probably know very little about the outside world. They will be shocked if they are ever liberated. Hopefully this summit will be successful. At least Trump has taken the situation in a new direction.

Donald Trump casts Kim Jong-un in starring role in film about North Korea’s ‘destiny’

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Trump made his sales pitch for capitalism for North Korea to lil’Kim. Trump gave Kim a video presentation of what North Korea could be like under capitalism. The video, translated into Korean, was viewed by Mr. Kim and several members of his delegation. “It captures what could be done [in North Korea],” Mr. Trump said. “It has the potential to be a great place. I think he understands that.”

The North Korean citizens have been brainwashed, starved and oppressed for generations. They probably know very little about the outside world. They will be shocked if they are ever liberated. Hopefully this summit will be successful. At least Trump has taken the situation in a new direction.

Donald Trump casts Kim Jong-un in starring role in film about North Korea’s ‘destiny’

There is no evidence that the subject of the video was about capitalism. From all accounts it was a proposal about eliminating sanctions in exchange for denuclearization.
Here's the video. Not a single mention of capitalism. Mostly a pumped up, thinly veiled threat that seems in line with Donald's recently described "We're America, bitch!" approach to diplomacy.

Here's the video. Not a single mention of capitalism. Mostly a pumped up, thinly veiled threat that seems in line with Donald's recently described "We're America, bitch!" approach to diplomacy.

Good video that would appeal to Kim's ego.

As to thinly veiled threats, none have been made. They have been quite clear.
Here's the video. Not a single mention of capitalism. Mostly a pumped up, thinly veiled threat that seems in line with Donald's recently described "We're America, bitch!" approach to diplomacy.

oh that video is so awesome.
This is the beginning of the rest of your life. Choose to be a Despot, or the Champion of progress for your country.
This is what makes this summit with Donald Trump different than what Obama offered him.
This is what the Republicans should stick to in their re-election campaigns for 2018.
It's not what we can give you in the form of handouts, but what you can give yourself if only given a equal playing field. Elect Republicans and you can have a chance at being a productive member of society and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Here's the video. Not a single mention of capitalism. Mostly a pumped up, thinly veiled threat that seems in line with Donald's recently described "We're America, bitch!" approach to diplomacy.

Marxism is a failed ideology that has killed millions of people.
Trump is just trying to help lil'Kim have a heart and see the reality of it.
Humanity will be better off the sooner that it’s permanently flushed.
Here's the video. Not a single mention of capitalism. Mostly a pumped up, thinly veiled threat that seems in line with Donald's recently described "We're America, bitch!" approach to diplomacy.

So words like prosperity and investment while showing modern city scapes in the background don’t mean capitalism to you? Hmmm......stick to your porn videos.
Trump made his sales pitch for capitalism for North Korea to lil’Kim. Trump gave Kim a video presentation of what North Korea could be like under capitalism. The video, translated into Korean, was viewed by Mr. Kim and several members of his delegation. “It captures what could be done [in North Korea],” Mr. Trump said. “It has the potential to be a great place. I think he understands that.”

The North Korean citizens have been brainwashed, starved and oppressed for generations. They probably know very little about the outside world. They will be shocked if they are ever liberated. Hopefully this summit will be successful. At least Trump has taken the situation in a new direction.

Donald Trump casts Kim Jong-un in starring role in film about North Korea’s ‘destiny’

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This is great stuff!

Under Clinton we would have had a sale's pitch on how we could be more like communist North Korea, and she would have delivered.

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