Trump's Russian connections......Possible outcomes


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
What we know so far:
- Putin helped Trump get elected by hacking DNC servers and releasing information
- Trump altered the Republican Platform to aid Putin, publically defended Putin and made statements advocating US recognition of Russia's control of Crimea and lifting Russian sanctions
- Trump's representatives had meetings at this time with Russian agents and denied it

What are the possible outcomes of an investigation?

1. These actions were purely coincidence and Trump contact with the Russians was unrelated

2. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and coordinated the release of hacked information but there is no provable connection to Trump

3. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and offered policy changes in return for Russian assistance in getting elected but with no provable link to Trump

4. A direct link to Trump is established

Not only Trump but his whole team is involved in this treason

he's toast, so is Pence

special elections time
Not only Trump but his whole team is involved in this treason

he's toast, so is Pence

special elections time

Depending which outcome is proven, Trump may or may not be charged

Outcome 1: Everyone dances, no charges filed, the issue is forgotten

Outcome 2: Trump aides are charged, they take the fall, Trump claims...I knew nothing about it. Politically embarrassing but Trump probably suffers little political fallout

Outcome 3: Trump aides charged with Treason. Trump takes the 5th, Trumps whole election is considered bogus. Trump either resigns or becomes politically neutered. Dems swamp Republicans in the election

Outcome 4: Trump is indicted for Treason. He resigns but is still impeached. If Pence was in no way connected, he becomes President. If he is.....Paul Ryan takes over. Republicans are humiliated. Dems take over the government
What we know so far:
- Putin helped Trump get elected by hacking DNC servers and releasing information
- Trump altered the Republican Platform to aid Putin, publically defended Putin and made statements advocating US recognition of Russia's control of Crimea and lifting Russian sanctions
- Trump's representatives had meetings at this time with Russian agents and denied it

What are the possible outcomes of an investigation?

1. These actions were purely coincidence and Trump contact with the Russians was unrelated

2. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and coordinated the release of hacked information but there is no provable connection to Trump

3. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and offered policy changes in return for Russian assistance in getting elected but with no provable link to Trump

4. A direct link to Trump is established


Translation ~ Russia leaked information to the press on Hillary's corruption and shenanigans...

So what's the big deal? I thought you wanted a transparent government?
What we know so far:
- Putin helped Trump get elected by hacking DNC servers and releasing information
- Trump altered the Republican Platform to aid Putin, publically defended Putin and made statements advocating US recognition of Russia's control of Crimea and lifting Russian sanctions
- Trump's representatives had meetings at this time with Russian agents and denied it

What are the possible outcomes of an investigation?

1. These actions were purely coincidence and Trump contact with the Russians was unrelated

2. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and coordinated the release of hacked information but there is no provable connection to Trump

3. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and offered policy changes in return for Russian assistance in getting elected but with no provable link to Trump

4. A direct link to Trump is established


Putin helped Trump get elected by hacking DNC servers and releasing information

Exposing the DNC's and Hillary's corruption helped Trump get elected? Tell me more.
. . . OR . . .

The nation will find out that both parties are just as shady and have been involved with the Russians from the start.

AP Sources: Manafort tied to undisclosed foreign lobbying
AP Sources: Manafort tied to undisclosed foreign lobbying

"Trump's own views and the Republican platform itself have notably backed Russian views and Russian polices," Mook said. "It paints a very disturbing picture and I think the voters need to pay a lot of attention to that."

The intent of using the two lobbying firms was unclear, but ironically, one of firms Manafort and Gates worked with has strong Democratic and Clinton ties.

The founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, Tony Podesta, is the brother of longtime Democratic strategist John Podesta, who now is campaign chairman for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. The head of Mercury, Vin Weber, is an influential Republican, former congressman and former special policy adviser to Mitt Romney. Weber announced earlier this month that he will not support Trump.

After being introduced to the lobbying firms, the European nonprofit paid the Podesta Group $1.13 million between June 2012 and April 2014 to lobby Congress, the White House National Security Council, the State Department and other federal agencies, according to U.S. lobbying records.

The nonprofit also paid $1.07 million over roughly the same period to Mercury to lobby Congress. Among other issues, Mercury opposed congressional efforts to pressure Ukraine to release one of Yanukovych's political rivals from prison.

One former Podesta employee, speaking on condition of anonymity because of a non-disclosure agreement, said Gates described the nonprofit's role in an April, 2012 meeting as supplying a source of money that could not be traced to the Ukrainian politicians who were paying him and Manafort.

In separate interviews, three current and former Podesta employees said disagreements broke out within the firm over the arrangement, which at least one former employee considered obviously illegal. Podesta, who said the project was vetted by his firm's counsel, said he was unaware of any such disagreements.

A legal opinion drafted for the project for Mercury in May 2012, and obtained by AP, concluded that the European Centre qualified as a "foreign principal" under the Foreign Agents Registration Act but said disclosure to the Justice Department was not required. That determination was based on the nonprofit's assurances that none of its activities was directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed or subsidized by Ukraine's government or any of the country's political parties.

The Podesta Group's CEO, Kimberley Fritts, said the two lobbying firms had coordinated on the legal conclusion that disclosure was not necessary to the Justice Department.

"If counsel had determined FARA was the way to go, we would have gladly registered under FARA," she said in a statement to the AP. She said the nonprofit provided a signed statement affirming its independence from Ukraine's government.

People involved in the lobbying project offered contradictory descriptions of how it came about.

Podesta told the AP his firm worked closely with the nonprofit and with Gates simultaneously. But Podesta said Gates was not working for Yanukovych's political party and said Manafort was not involved."
Not only Trump but his whole team is involved in this treason

he's toast, so is Pence

special elections time

Depending which outcome is proven, Trump may or may not be charged

Outcome 1: Everyone dances, no charges filed, the issue is forgotten

Outcome 2: Trump aides are charged, they take the fall, Trump claims...I knew nothing about it. Politically embarrassing but Trump probably suffers little political fallout

Outcome 3: Trump aides charged with Treason. Trump takes the 5th, Trumps whole election is considered bogus. Trump either resigns or becomes politically neutered. Dems swamp Republicans in the election

Outcome 4: Trump is indicted for Treason. He resigns but is still impeached. If Pence was in no way connected, he becomes President. If he is.....Paul Ryan takes over. Republicans are humiliated. Dems take over the government

Outcome 69: The people setup a guillotine and lop off the heads of every single one of these pricks whether they have an R or D after their name. :lmao:
It's not even alleged that Trump had any illegal contact with Russia prior to the election. If the DNC was hacked and Hillary's e mails were hacked, who's fault was it? Maybe Hillary and the DNC or Barry Hussein?
What we know so far:
- Putin helped Trump get elected by hacking DNC servers and releasing information
- Trump altered the Republican Platform to aid Putin, publically defended Putin and made statements advocating US recognition of Russia's control of Crimea and lifting Russian sanctions
- Trump's representatives had meetings at this time with Russian agents and denied it

What are the possible outcomes of an investigation?

1. These actions were purely coincidence and Trump contact with the Russians was unrelated

2. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and coordinated the release of hacked information but there is no provable connection to Trump

3. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and offered policy changes in return for Russian assistance in getting elected but with no provable link to Trump

4. A direct link to Trump is established


LOL!!! OMFG!!!

Wins the Big Lie Award!

BTW most of the LWNJ posts in this thread were all by the same person running 4 sock accounts
What we know so far:
- Putin helped Trump get elected by hacking DNC servers and releasing information
- Trump altered the Republican Platform to aid Putin, publically defended Putin and made statements advocating US recognition of Russia's control of Crimea and lifting Russian sanctions
- Trump's representatives had meetings at this time with Russian agents and denied it

What are the possible outcomes of an investigation?

1. These actions were purely coincidence and Trump contact with the Russians was unrelated

2. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and coordinated the release of hacked information but there is no provable connection to Trump

3. Trump representatives met with Russian agents and offered policy changes in return for Russian assistance in getting elected but with no provable link to Trump

4. A direct link to Trump is established


Translation ~ Russia leaked information to the press on Hillary's corruption and shenanigans...

So what's the big deal? I thought you wanted a transparent government?

If Russia did it on their big deal when it comes to Trump
If Trump coordinated Russia's illegal activity...he will have to resign
If Trump offered anything in return...he has committed Treason
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to circumstantial talking points...
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to circumstantial talking points...

We have evidence of actual actions taken by Russia and Team Trump. That is fact, not circumstantial
A connection between the two is circumstantial at this time
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to circumstantial talking points...

We have evidence of actual actions taken by Russia and Team Trump. That is fact, not circumstantial
A connection between the two is circumstantial at this time
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to contextually isolated, factual statements.... in addition to circumstantial talking points...
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to circumstantial talking points...

We have evidence of actual actions taken by Russia and Team Trump. That is fact, not circumstantial
A connection between the two is circumstantial at this time

Great, share that evidence, after 8 months you are the one with the evidence everyone is looking for, let's see it so we can get this Russian crap over with.
Oh and Russia said yesterday they are thinking about releasing some secrets that Obable asked them not to tell us. Wonder what that info is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Throughout this thread I see the ascribing of "motivations" to circumstantial talking points...

We have evidence of actual actions taken by Russia and Team Trump. That is fact, not circumstantial
A connection between the two is circumstantial at this time

Great, share that evidence, after 8 months you are the one with the evidence everyone is looking for, let's see it so we can get this Russian crap over with.
Oh and Russia said yesterday they are thinking about releasing some secrets that Obable asked them not to tell us. Wonder what that info is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why the hurry for a resolution?

We have ample evidence to warrant further investigation. If that investigation is fruitless, we move on. If the investigation finds collusion, the legitimacy of our President comes into question
Based on what we know right now, the most probable outcome will be outcome #1

1. These actions were purely coincidence and Trump contact with the Russians was unrelated

Unless Trump and his aides are incredibly stupid, they probably did a good enough job of covering their tracks so that nothing can ever be proven

But the FBI is very good at what they we will have to let this thing play itself out

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