Trump's Lies

Fact check is liberal bias..

Here's one of the biggest problems in America.

Conformation bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.

Mr. Bear thinks Fact Check is liberal (of course he doesn't think all the times Fact Check has labeled Obama a liar, they weren't liberal, but all the rest)... Because Fact Check posts any conclusions (no all, just any) that don't confirm his preexisting beliefs, they must be bias.

How truly stupid, right?
Yup. Exactly what I have been saying for a long time. Cons are particularly bad about wanting to be 1. Part of a group.(group think)
2. Believing in what they WANT to believe.
3. Made to be angry.
4. Want to be told what is what. Saves a lot of time, no need for study, etc.

So, They can believe what their con "friends" Believe, be angry that libs don't see things their way, join the group and believe as they are told. Makes life so easy, and they truly believe stuff. Makes them perfect for political operatives. Shovel the crap, and they buy it. Sad, but kind of funny too.

And speaking of con trolls, here are comments from one now,
You're a good little lib. Thanks for calling me little, me con troll. Divide everybody into similar-thinking little groups. Un, dipshit. There is no way for me to divide cons, like you. You have a weak mind that needs those things I mentioned earlier. Rational thought does not, and can not, happen for a con. Group think is required, otherwise they have nothing to believe they know. So, well paid con handlers write viral nut case emails, radio hate talkers all say the same things to control them, and they are made to feel ANGRY. Just the way it works. And they are controlled. Sad people, like yourself.
Divide, divide, divide.

Nice little groups of zombies with no individual thought or responsibility. That is what they are. You have it. Incapable of independent rational thought. Like you.
The liberal utopia. As a con troll, you have been told things that are outright lies, many things. And you dutifully believe what you are told. Because that is what con trolls do. But impartial, rational thought is not part of the makeup of con trolls like yourself. So, for "liberals", utopia is where free thinking people can have rational beliefs, and rational conversations. Oh, and you will need to look up that word: rational. And they like dealing with smart people, not robots.
Fact check is liberal bias..

Here's one of the biggest problems in America.

Conformation bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.

Mr. Bear thinks Fact Check is liberal (of course he doesn't think all the times Fact Check has labeled Obama a liar, they weren't liberal, but all the rest)... Because Fact Check posts any conclusions (no all, just any) that don't confirm his preexisting beliefs, they must be bias.

How truly stupid, right?
Yup. Exactly what I have been saying for a long time. Cons are particularly bad about wanting to be 1. Part of a group.(group think)
2. Believing in what they WANT to believe.
3. Made to be angry.
4. Want to be told what is what. Saves a lot of time, no need for study, etc.

So, They can believe what their con "friends" Believe, be angry that libs don't see things their way, join the group and believe as they are told. Makes life so easy, and they truly believe stuff. Makes them perfect for political operatives. Shovel the crap, and they buy it. Sad, but kind of funny too.

And speaking of con trolls, here are comments from one now,
You're a good little lib. Thanks for calling me little, me con troll. Divide everybody into similar-thinking little groups. Un, dipshit. There is no way for me to divide cons, like you. You have a weak mind that needs those things I mentioned earlier. Rational thought does not, and can not, happen for a con. Group think is required, otherwise they have nothing to believe they know. So, well paid con handlers write viral nut case emails, radio hate talkers all say the same things to control them, and they are made to feel ANGRY. Just the way it works. And they are controlled. Sad people, like yourself.
Divide, divide, divide.

Nice little groups of zombies with no individual thought or responsibility. That is what they are. You have it. Incapable of independent rational thought. Like you.
The liberal utopia. As a con troll, you have been told things that are outright lies, many things. And you dutifully believe what you are told. Because that is what con trolls do. But impartial, rational thought is not part of the makeup of con trolls like yourself. So, for "liberals", utopia is where free thinking people can have rational beliefs, and rational conversations. Oh, and you will need to look up that word: rational. And they like dealing with smart people, not robots.

Travel gate, bengahzi gate, trooper gate and Jennifer flowers..
North Korea, South Korea,
Naomi Robson, Markie Post, and
Maria Furtwängler
Asia fund raising scandal, white water and Monica Lewinsky
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the Clintons been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Bengahzi gate, email gate and hillary stealing white house furniture..
Hillary don't want to do an interview. for 263 days now.. And the corrupt clinton foundation..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary got off a rapist and laughed about it, ruby ridge, Waco, hillary got fired, Vince foster, Hubble trouble, hillary emails, Jillian assage, the Pentagon didn't trust hillary in lybia,the reset button with Putin and the many of Hillary's lesbo affairs..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary's fake head injury before congress, she lied about classified emails, Putin, iran has ballastic missiles, japan don't trust us , north Korea firing missiles at japan.

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning
So, Trumps people call Hillary a liar. Hillary's people call Trump a liar. So, they are politicians, and VERY few politicians do not create untruths. How do you judge which lie the most? Really simple, use the organizations who's job it is to find the truth: IMPARTIAL FactCheck organizations.
Conservaties' definition of impartial is Breitbart.
Fact check is liberal bias..

Here's one of the biggest problems in America.

Conformation bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.

Mr. Bear thinks Fact Check is liberal (of course he doesn't think all the times Fact Check has labeled Obama a liar, they weren't liberal, but all the rest)... Because Fact Check posts any conclusions (no all, just any) that don't confirm his preexisting beliefs, they must be bias.

How truly stupid, right?
Yup. Exactly what I have been saying for a long time. Cons are particularly bad about wanting to be 1. Part of a group.(group think)
2. Believing in what they WANT to believe.
3. Made to be angry.
4. Want to be told what is what. Saves a lot of time, no need for study, etc.

So, They can believe what their con "friends" Believe, be angry that libs don't see things their way, join the group and believe as they are told. Makes life so easy, and they truly believe stuff. Makes them perfect for political operatives. Shovel the crap, and they buy it. Sad, but kind of funny too.

And speaking of con trolls, here are comments from one now,
You're a good little lib. Thanks for calling me little, me con troll. Divide everybody into similar-thinking little groups. Un, dipshit. There is no way for me to divide cons, like you. You have a weak mind that needs those things I mentioned earlier. Rational thought does not, and can not, happen for a con. Group think is required, otherwise they have nothing to believe they know. So, well paid con handlers write viral nut case emails, radio hate talkers all say the same things to control them, and they are made to feel ANGRY. Just the way it works. And they are controlled. Sad people, like yourself.
Divide, divide, divide.

Nice little groups of zombies with no individual thought or responsibility. That is what they are. You have it. Incapable of independent rational thought. Like you.
The liberal utopia. As a con troll, you have been told things that are outright lies, many things. And you dutifully believe what you are told. Because that is what con trolls do. But impartial, rational thought is not part of the makeup of con trolls like yourself. So, for "liberals", utopia is where free thinking people can have rational beliefs, and rational conversations. Oh, and you will need to look up that word: rational. And they like dealing with smart people, not robots.

Say what huff and puff Boy?

What the fuck you talking about moron, I know how god Damn corrupt hillary and the liberals are moron, I was born and raised in chicago and its burbs
So, Trumps people call Hillary a liar. Hillary's people call Trump a liar. So, they are politicians, and VERY few politicians do not create untruths. How do you judge which lie the most? Really simple, use the organizations who's job it is to find the truth: IMPARTIAL FactCheck organizations.

Everyone lies.

However, not every person has perjured themselves. Not everyone has given away top secret information that has cost innocent lives. Not everyone has laundered money all in the name of charity, etc.

Can you still hear the screams for help in Benghazi?

The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!

There are a lot of people suffering from OCD--(Obsessive Clinton Derangement syndrome)--brought on by 25 years of 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing talk show hosts, that fill their audiences with Reich wing hyperbole, 1/2 truths, misconceptions and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. They are also responsible for shattering the Republican party into pieces, by continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment--"thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican."


Yup I have been saying it forever , hillary is a master criminal..Al Capone would be proud of her.

But then you are a joke. The only group trying to convict her of anything, me poor con troll, are republican committees. And they have done so at least 6 times, and in each case, no charges were brought. The process is obviously agenda driven; Nothing found, but republicans just continue on. By now, with six hearings complete and NO findings against her, Hillary is the most innocent person in the US. And republicans look stupid. As do you.
Oh, and Capone was found guilty in ONE hearing, and spent his life in jail. See the difference, me poor ignorant con troll.

You really should be very concerned about something that is coming up very shortly. 3500 class action law suits over Trump University--that are due in court within a couple of months.
Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam

Clinton has been investigated numerous times, with no Charges, and Trump's legal problems are going to be making the headlines here very quickly.

And this gal will be the first witness.

And you're referring to Hillary Clinton as a criminal--LOL

Right. So the con "belief" is the opposite of that of our legal system. Which is that having a "trial" and ho charges found against her, is then guilty. Our legal system would say she is innocent. No charges, and inonocent. But Republicans simply keep holding hearings, against her, and find NOTHING, because thy suggest there is something there. Poor stupid people.
Trump is trying as hard as possible to push his trial out, past the November election. Only chance he has. Because even in a fair trial, trump is toast. Guilty as can be.
Fact check is liberal bias..

Here's one of the biggest problems in America.

Conformation bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.

Mr. Bear thinks Fact Check is liberal (of course he doesn't think all the times Fact Check has labeled Obama a liar, they weren't liberal, but all the rest)... Because Fact Check posts any conclusions (no all, just any) that don't confirm his preexisting beliefs, they must be bias.

How truly stupid, right?
Yup. Exactly what I have been saying for a long time. Cons are particularly bad about wanting to be 1. Part of a group.(group think)
2. Believing in what they WANT to believe.
3. Made to be angry.
4. Want to be told what is what. Saves a lot of time, no need for study, etc.

So, They can believe what their con "friends" Believe, be angry that libs don't see things their way, join the group and believe as they are told. Makes life so easy, and they truly believe stuff. Makes them perfect for political operatives. Shovel the crap, and they buy it. Sad, but kind of funny too.

And speaking of con trolls, here are comments from one now,
You're a good little lib. Thanks for calling me little, me con troll. Divide everybody into similar-thinking little groups. Un, dipshit. There is no way for me to divide cons, like you. You have a weak mind that needs those things I mentioned earlier. Rational thought does not, and can not, happen for a con. Group think is required, otherwise they have nothing to believe they know. So, well paid con handlers write viral nut case emails, radio hate talkers all say the same things to control them, and they are made to feel ANGRY. Just the way it works. And they are controlled. Sad people, like yourself.
Divide, divide, divide.

Nice little groups of zombies with no individual thought or responsibility. That is what they are. You have it. Incapable of independent rational thought. Like you.
The liberal utopia. As a con troll, you have been told things that are outright lies, many things. And you dutifully believe what you are told. Because that is what con trolls do. But impartial, rational thought is not part of the makeup of con trolls like yourself. So, for "liberals", utopia is where free thinking people can have rational beliefs, and rational conversations. Oh, and you will need to look up that word: rational. And they like dealing with smart people, not robots.

Say what huff and puff Boy?

What the fuck you talking about moron, I know how god Damn corrupt hillary and the liberals are moron, I was born and raised in chicago and its burbs
Apparently under a rock, me con troll. And still stupid. Got it. Though you have proven your ignorance many times over by now.
Where is the hearing when Hillary was found guilty of anything, me poor con troll?
Funny, in the courts you are tried once. Here with Republican hearings, for any issue, at least 6 times. But ONLY for dems by republican controlled hearings. By now, she has been found innocent so many times that she is the most innocent person in America.
So, Trumps people call Hillary a liar. Hillary's people call Trump a liar. So, they are politicians, and VERY few politicians do not create untruths. How do you judge which lie the most? Really simple, use the organizations who's job it is to find the truth: IMPARTIAL FactCheck organizations.

Everyone lies.

However, not every person has perjured themselves. Oh, so she is charged with Purjery? No? So you are just pushing con talking points. Wasting peoples time. Got it. You are a con troll. Not everyone has given away top secret information that has cost innocent lives. Ah, making more unsubstantiated charges. Because you believe what you are told to believe. And most people do not find it easy, as you do, to lie.
Not everyone has laundered money all in the name of charity, etc. And, of course, neither has Hilary. As you should know, if you had a working mind. Thanks for trying, idiot.

Can you still hear the screams for help in Benghazi?
No, can you, dipshit. Did you notice that republicans brought her to hearings several times, and each time she was found to have done NOTHING wrong.
But, you being a con troll, simply push nut case charges that have been found by rational people to be wrong. Because it is what you want to believe in your weak little mind. You are simply another weak minded con troll who has been told what to believe, and do as you are told.
Benghazi was a disaster. It was underfunded, by republicans, who took funding for foreign outposts away. Look it up, and try to be less ignorant. Though I know you will not. Cons like yourself prefer to be told what to believe by other cons. Because they are weak minded, like yourself.
So, you have no credentials. You lie like a rug. You have no sources. You are, therefor, irrelevant.
Fact check is liberal bias..

Here's one of the biggest problems in America.

Conformation bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.

Mr. Bear thinks Fact Check is liberal (of course he doesn't think all the times Fact Check has labeled Obama a liar, they weren't liberal, but all the rest)... Because Fact Check posts any conclusions (no all, just any) that don't confirm his preexisting beliefs, they must be bias.

How truly stupid, right?
Yup. Exactly what I have been saying for a long time. Cons are particularly bad about wanting to be 1. Part of a group.(group think)
2. Believing in what they WANT to believe.
3. Made to be angry.
4. Want to be told what is what. Saves a lot of time, no need for study, etc.

So, They can believe what their con "friends" Believe, be angry that libs don't see things their way, join the group and believe as they are told. Makes life so easy, and they truly believe stuff. Makes them perfect for political operatives. Shovel the crap, and they buy it. Sad, but kind of funny too.

And speaking of con trolls, here are comments from one now,
You're a good little lib. Thanks for calling me little, me con troll. Divide everybody into similar-thinking little groups. Un, dipshit. There is no way for me to divide cons, like you. You have a weak mind that needs those things I mentioned earlier. Rational thought does not, and can not, happen for a con. Group think is required, otherwise they have nothing to believe they know. So, well paid con handlers write viral nut case emails, radio hate talkers all say the same things to control them, and they are made to feel ANGRY. Just the way it works. And they are controlled. Sad people, like yourself.
Divide, divide, divide.

Nice little groups of zombies with no individual thought or responsibility. That is what they are. You have it. Incapable of independent rational thought. Like you.
The liberal utopia. As a con troll, you have been told things that are outright lies, many things. And you dutifully believe what you are told. Because that is what con trolls do. But impartial, rational thought is not part of the makeup of con trolls like yourself. So, for "liberals", utopia is where free thinking people can have rational beliefs, and rational conversations. Oh, and you will need to look up that word: rational. And they like dealing with smart people, not robots.

I realize you are a partisan troll, but for all others here is the truth.

So, Trumps people call Hillary a liar. Hillary's people call Trump a liar. So, they are politicians, and VERY few politicians do not create untruths. How do you judge which lie the most? Really simple, use the organizations who's job it is to find the truth: IMPARTIAL FactCheck organizations.
Conservaties' definition of impartial is Breitbart.

Yeah the Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the Trump party with a whole lot of new Regulations.

"In fact, a list of what “Republicans” now stand for has nothing at all to do with policy or principle, but rather is filled with beliefs about very specific concepts. For instance, being a member of the current GOP pretty much requires you to pledge allegiance to most, if not all, of the following views."

  • That Hillary and Bill Clinton are at least an accessories to murder if not murderers, the DNC killed a member of its staff for leaking her emails, her use of which was the greatest national security breech in history, and Vince Foster killed himself because of Hillary nagging him (assuming he really wasn’t murdered).
  • Hillary Clinton is hiding a severe illness which makes her incapable of holding office and which will soon cause her death (well, at least we might not have to worry about her serving two full terms!).
  • President Obama is easily the worst president in history, a Muslim terrorist sympathizer, the founder of ISIS, and likely wasn’t really born in the United States.
  • The Republican “establishment” is a bunch of impotent losers because they lost two elections to a media darling and can’t override vetoes without a super majority, but a guy who has never been truly leading a horrible candidate like Hillary in the polls is a sure winner.
  • Conservative writers at the National Review and Weekly Standard along with Charles Krauthammer, George Will and Brit Hume are all out-of-touch wimps who can’t be trusted to tell us the truth, but Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge and Alex Jones would never lie to us for profit (expect for maybe that whole Alex Jones “9/11 Truther” thing, which we’ll sort of pretend didn’t happen).
  • When in doubt, Trump is always right, no matter what he has said in the past, even when it has directly contradicted his previous statement, and even if that happens on the same day, or in the same interview.
  • Deporting illegal immigrants and building a huge wall on our Mexican border is the most important thing we must do, unless Trump changes his mind.
  • There is nothing more significant (especially now that we’ve forgotten about that whole illegal immigration thing) than making sure that the person who picks the next Supreme Court justice is the same guy who was recently “very pro-choice,” favors eminent domain and curtailing the First Amendment, and who picked Arsenio Hall and Piers Morgan as the “Celebrity Apprentice.”
  • The news media has never been more biased than they are against Trump, which is why they gave him two billion dollars in free advertising in the primaries and why he just hired the head of a major conservative “news” outlet to head his campaign while using Sean Hannity and Roger Ailes as advisors.
  • The background of a potential First Lady and her ability to properly represent the country no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Experience in public office no longer matters (that’s so 2008!).
  • Using a Teleprompter is good, unless it is bad (that’s so 2008!).
  • Flip-flopping means nothing (so 2004!).
  • Releasing your tax returns (even when you entire campaign is based on your wealth) means nothing.
  • Words mean nothing.
  • Having class or decency means nothing.
  • Limited government means nothing.
  • Cultural issues mean nothing.
  • Fiscal responsibility means nothing.
  • Cozying up to Vladimir Putin is numerous bizarre ways means nothing.
  • Campaigning as an amazing manager of people but running a campaign that is in constant chaos and disarray means nothing.
  • Lying is a total disqualifier for Hillary, but when Trump lies it is simply part of the “Art of the Deal.”
  • Polls are either wrong or part of a massive nonsensical conspiracy, unless Trump is winning.
    Facts mean nothing (unless they are sanctified by Matt Drudge, in which case they are then gospel).
  • Stories from “mainstream” media sources are inherently wrong, even if all they are doing is reporting Trump’s actual words.
  • Hillary is the worst person who has ever lived and would be such a dangerous president that we must do everything possible to defeat her, except actually bother to consider electability when it comes to picking our nominee.
So it is now all so clear to me. It’s not that Donald Trump isn’t a conservative or a Republican. It’s that I’m not.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

Fact check is liberal bias..

Here's one of the biggest problems in America.

Conformation bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.

Mr. Bear thinks Fact Check is liberal (of course he doesn't think all the times Fact Check has labeled Obama a liar, they weren't liberal, but all the rest)... Because Fact Check posts any conclusions (no all, just any) that don't confirm his preexisting beliefs, they must be bias.

How truly stupid, right?
Yup. Exactly what I have been saying for a long time. Cons are particularly bad about wanting to be 1. Part of a group.(group think)
2. Believing in what they WANT to believe.
3. Made to be angry.
4. Want to be told what is what. Saves a lot of time, no need for study, etc.

So, They can believe what their con "friends" Believe, be angry that libs don't see things their way, join the group and believe as they are told. Makes life so easy, and they truly believe stuff. Makes them perfect for political operatives. Shovel the crap, and they buy it. Sad, but kind of funny too.

And speaking of con trolls, here are comments from one now,
You're a good little lib. Thanks for calling me little, me con troll. Divide everybody into similar-thinking little groups. Un, dipshit. There is no way for me to divide cons, like you. You have a weak mind that needs those things I mentioned earlier. Rational thought does not, and can not, happen for a con. Group think is required, otherwise they have nothing to believe they know. So, well paid con handlers write viral nut case emails, radio hate talkers all say the same things to control them, and they are made to feel ANGRY. Just the way it works. And they are controlled. Sad people, like yourself.
Divide, divide, divide.

Nice little groups of zombies with no individual thought or responsibility. That is what they are. You have it. Incapable of independent rational thought. Like you.
The liberal utopia. As a con troll, you have been told things that are outright lies, many things. And you dutifully believe what you are told. Because that is what con trolls do. But impartial, rational thought is not part of the makeup of con trolls like yourself. So, for "liberals", utopia is where free thinking people can have rational beliefs, and rational conversations. Oh, and you will need to look up that word: rational. And they like dealing with smart people, not robots.

Travel gate, bengahzi gate, trooper gate and Jennifer flowers..
North Korea, South Korea,
Naomi Robson, Markie Post, and
Maria Furtwängler
Asia fund raising scandal, white water and Monica Lewinsky
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the Clintons been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Bengahzi gate, email gate and hillary stealing white house furniture..
Hillary don't want to do an interview. for 263 days now.. And the corrupt clinton foundation..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary got off a rapist and laughed about it, ruby ridge, Waco, hillary got fired, Vince foster, Hubble trouble, hillary emails, Jillian assage, the Pentagon didn't trust hillary in lybia,the reset button with Putin and the many of Hillary's lesbo affairs..

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Hillary's fake head injury before congress, she lied about classified emails, Putin, iran has ballastic missiles, japan don't trust us , north Korea firing missiles at japan.

We didn't start the fire
Nor did we light it
But we tried to fight it
Since the clintons been turning

Nice bunch of con talking points, dipshit. Not sure who you think you are blaming, but do you have any case where Hilary was found guilty of anything. No, not looking for your word on anything, because you lie like a rug. Looking for a link to an impartial source. Look up the word first, and see if you can find anything. But anyway, thanks for trying to play.
Fact check is liberal bias..

Here's one of the biggest problems in America.

Conformation bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.

Mr. Bear thinks Fact Check is liberal (of course he doesn't think all the times Fact Check has labeled Obama a liar, they weren't liberal, but all the rest)... Because Fact Check posts any conclusions (no all, just any) that don't confirm his preexisting beliefs, they must be bias.

How truly stupid, right?
Yup. Exactly what I have been saying for a long time. Cons are particularly bad about wanting to be 1. Part of a group.(group think)
2. Believing in what they WANT to believe.
3. Made to be angry.
4. Want to be told what is what. Saves a lot of time, no need for study, etc.

So, They can believe what their con "friends" Believe, be angry that libs don't see things their way, join the group and believe as they are told. Makes life so easy, and they truly believe stuff. Makes them perfect for political operatives. Shovel the crap, and they buy it. Sad, but kind of funny too.

And speaking of con trolls, here are comments from one now,
You're a good little lib. Thanks for calling me little, me con troll. Divide everybody into similar-thinking little groups. Un, dipshit. There is no way for me to divide cons, like you. You have a weak mind that needs those things I mentioned earlier. Rational thought does not, and can not, happen for a con. Group think is required, otherwise they have nothing to believe they know. So, well paid con handlers write viral nut case emails, radio hate talkers all say the same things to control them, and they are made to feel ANGRY. Just the way it works. And they are controlled. Sad people, like yourself.
Divide, divide, divide.

Nice little groups of zombies with no individual thought or responsibility. That is what they are. You have it. Incapable of independent rational thought. Like you.
The liberal utopia. As a con troll, you have been told things that are outright lies, many things. And you dutifully believe what you are told. Because that is what con trolls do. But impartial, rational thought is not part of the makeup of con trolls like yourself. So, for "liberals", utopia is where free thinking people can have rational beliefs, and rational conversations. Oh, and you will need to look up that word: rational. And they like dealing with smart people, not robots.

I realize you are a partisan troll, but for all others here is the truth.

Thanks for that effort, Votto (A name from the planet STUPID) Actually, posting a bat shit crazy con video proves nothing at all. I have noticed that con trolls do not understand the term Agenda, though they are driven by it. Because they believe what they are told to believe. But no serious person actually uses a source that is not known to be impartial. You, being a con troll, used a source made in an effort to attack Hilary. And which WAS OBVIOSLY partial. Bad form, me boy. You simply proved:
1. You could care less about truth.
2. You are only interested in your favorite agenda, as a con troll.
3. You could care less about honesty.
4. You have no class, and no integrity, and want neither.
5. You are a simple minded con troll.
6. You are quite happy being a simple minded con troll.
7. All of which makes you irrelevant.
Here's one of the biggest problems in America.

Conformation bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.

Mr. Bear thinks Fact Check is liberal (of course he doesn't think all the times Fact Check has labeled Obama a liar, they weren't liberal, but all the rest)... Because Fact Check posts any conclusions (no all, just any) that don't confirm his preexisting beliefs, they must be bias.

How truly stupid, right?
Yup. Exactly what I have been saying for a long time. Cons are particularly bad about wanting to be 1. Part of a group.(group think)
2. Believing in what they WANT to believe.
3. Made to be angry.
4. Want to be told what is what. Saves a lot of time, no need for study, etc.

So, They can believe what their con "friends" Believe, be angry that libs don't see things their way, join the group and believe as they are told. Makes life so easy, and they truly believe stuff. Makes them perfect for political operatives. Shovel the crap, and they buy it. Sad, but kind of funny too.

And speaking of con trolls, here are comments from one now,
You're a good little lib. Thanks for calling me little, me con troll. Divide everybody into similar-thinking little groups. Un, dipshit. There is no way for me to divide cons, like you. You have a weak mind that needs those things I mentioned earlier. Rational thought does not, and can not, happen for a con. Group think is required, otherwise they have nothing to believe they know. So, well paid con handlers write viral nut case emails, radio hate talkers all say the same things to control them, and they are made to feel ANGRY. Just the way it works. And they are controlled. Sad people, like yourself.
Divide, divide, divide.

Nice little groups of zombies with no individual thought or responsibility. That is what they are. You have it. Incapable of independent rational thought. Like you.
The liberal utopia. As a con troll, you have been told things that are outright lies, many things. And you dutifully believe what you are told. Because that is what con trolls do. But impartial, rational thought is not part of the makeup of con trolls like yourself. So, for "liberals", utopia is where free thinking people can have rational beliefs, and rational conversations. Oh, and you will need to look up that word: rational. And they like dealing with smart people, not robots.

I realize you are a partisan troll, but for all others here is the truth.

Thanks for that effort, Votto (A name from the planet STUPID) Actually, posting a bat shit crazy con video proves nothing at all. I have noticed that con trolls do not understand the term Agenda, though they are driven by it. Because they believe what they are told to believe. But no serious person actually uses a source that is not known to be impartial. You, being a con troll, used a source made in an effort to attack Hilary. And which WAS OBVIOSLY partial. Bad form, me boy. You simply proved:
1. You could care less about truth.
2. You are only interested in your favorite agenda, as a con troll.
3. You could care less about honesty.
4. You have no class, and no integrity, and want neither.
5. You are a simple minded con troll.
6. You are quite happy being a simple minded con troll.
7. All of which makes you irrelevant.

Let me guess, you have conversations with yourself.

Care to respond to the video?

I thought not.
So, Trumps people call Hillary a liar. Hillary's people call Trump a liar. So, they are politicians, and VERY few politicians do not create untruths. How do you judge which lie the most? Really simple, use the organizations who's job it is to find the truth: IMPARTIAL FactCheck organizations.
Conservaties' definition of impartial is Breitbart.
So, Trumps people call Hillary a liar. Hillary's people call Trump a liar. So, they are politicians, and VERY few politicians do not create untruths. How do you judge which lie the most? Really simple, use the organizations who's job it is to find the truth: IMPARTIAL FactCheck organizations.
Conservaties' definition of impartial is Breitbart.
Yup. They think that Breitbart is the German word for impartial. Cons actually do not know what impartial is, but some look the word up. To them, they argue that any source that says what they want to believe is impartial. Maybe they have their own con dictionary.
Yup. Exactly what I have been saying for a long time. Cons are particularly bad about wanting to be 1. Part of a group.(group think)
2. Believing in what they WANT to believe.
3. Made to be angry.
4. Want to be told what is what. Saves a lot of time, no need for study, etc.

So, They can believe what their con "friends" Believe, be angry that libs don't see things their way, join the group and believe as they are told. Makes life so easy, and they truly believe stuff. Makes them perfect for political operatives. Shovel the crap, and they buy it. Sad, but kind of funny too.

And speaking of con trolls, here are comments from one now,
You're a good little lib. Thanks for calling me little, me con troll. Divide everybody into similar-thinking little groups. Un, dipshit. There is no way for me to divide cons, like you. You have a weak mind that needs those things I mentioned earlier. Rational thought does not, and can not, happen for a con. Group think is required, otherwise they have nothing to believe they know. So, well paid con handlers write viral nut case emails, radio hate talkers all say the same things to control them, and they are made to feel ANGRY. Just the way it works. And they are controlled. Sad people, like yourself.
Divide, divide, divide.

Nice little groups of zombies with no individual thought or responsibility. That is what they are. You have it. Incapable of independent rational thought. Like you.
The liberal utopia. As a con troll, you have been told things that are outright lies, many things. And you dutifully believe what you are told. Because that is what con trolls do. But impartial, rational thought is not part of the makeup of con trolls like yourself. So, for "liberals", utopia is where free thinking people can have rational beliefs, and rational conversations. Oh, and you will need to look up that word: rational. And they like dealing with smart people, not robots.

I realize you are a partisan troll, but for all others here is the truth.

Thanks for that effort, Votto (A name from the planet STUPID) Actually, posting a bat shit crazy con video proves nothing at all. I have noticed that con trolls do not understand the term Agenda, though they are driven by it. Because they believe what they are told to believe. But no serious person actually uses a source that is not known to be impartial. You, being a con troll, used a source made in an effort to attack Hilary. And which WAS OBVIOSLY partial. Bad form, me boy. You simply proved:
1. You could care less about truth.
2. You are only interested in your favorite agenda, as a con troll.
3. You could care less about honesty.
4. You have no class, and no integrity, and want neither.
5. You are a simple minded con troll.
6. You are quite happy being a simple minded con troll.
7. All of which makes you irrelevant.

Let me guess, you have conversations with yourself.

Care to respond to the video?

I thought not.
nah, I never respond to partial and agenda driven sources. I don't bother to read or watch them. I prefer truth. Honesty. Those thing you do not understand.
I would never use a partial source. It is something cons do normally, showing their complete disrespect for those reading their posts. I mean, me boy, I could go out and get a quote from MoveOn.Org and use it. But then, I value my integrity. Now, as con troll, as I mentioned, you have no integrity and want none. You just want to post drivel from bat shit crazy con sites, like you just did. Thanks again for trying. But again, your source and you are irrelevant.

And speaking of con trolls, here are comments from one now,
You're a good little lib. Thanks for calling me little, me con troll. Divide everybody into similar-thinking little groups. Un, dipshit. There is no way for me to divide cons, like you. You have a weak mind that needs those things I mentioned earlier. Rational thought does not, and can not, happen for a con. Group think is required, otherwise they have nothing to believe they know. So, well paid con handlers write viral nut case emails, radio hate talkers all say the same things to control them, and they are made to feel ANGRY. Just the way it works. And they are controlled. Sad people, like yourself.
Divide, divide, divide.

Nice little groups of zombies with no individual thought or responsibility. That is what they are. You have it. Incapable of independent rational thought. Like you.
The liberal utopia. As a con troll, you have been told things that are outright lies, many things. And you dutifully believe what you are told. Because that is what con trolls do. But impartial, rational thought is not part of the makeup of con trolls like yourself. So, for "liberals", utopia is where free thinking people can have rational beliefs, and rational conversations. Oh, and you will need to look up that word: rational. And they like dealing with smart people, not robots.

I realize you are a partisan troll, but for all others here is the truth.

Thanks for that effort, Votto (A name from the planet STUPID) Actually, posting a bat shit crazy con video proves nothing at all. I have noticed that con trolls do not understand the term Agenda, though they are driven by it. Because they believe what they are told to believe. But no serious person actually uses a source that is not known to be impartial. You, being a con troll, used a source made in an effort to attack Hilary. And which WAS OBVIOSLY partial. Bad form, me boy. You simply proved:
1. You could care less about truth.
2. You are only interested in your favorite agenda, as a con troll.
3. You could care less about honesty.
4. You have no class, and no integrity, and want neither.
5. You are a simple minded con troll.
6. You are quite happy being a simple minded con troll.
7. All of which makes you irrelevant.

Let me guess, you have conversations with yourself.

Care to respond to the video?

I thought not.
nah, I never respond to partial and agenda driven sources. I don't bother to read or watch them. I prefer truth. Honesty. Those thing you do not understand.
I would never use a partial source. It is something cons do normally, showing their complete disrespect for those reading their posts. I mean, me boy, I could go out and get a quote from MoveOn.Org and use it. But then, I value my integrity. Now, as con troll, as I mentioned, you have no integrity and want non. You just want to post drivel from bat shit crazy con sites, like you just did. thanks again for trying. But again, your source and you are irrelevant.

Ok then, keep reading the Huffington Post then.
And speaking of con trolls, here are comments from one now,
You're a good little lib. Thanks for calling me little, me con troll. Divide everybody into similar-thinking little groups. Un, dipshit. There is no way for me to divide cons, like you. You have a weak mind that needs those things I mentioned earlier. Rational thought does not, and can not, happen for a con. Group think is required, otherwise they have nothing to believe they know. So, well paid con handlers write viral nut case emails, radio hate talkers all say the same things to control them, and they are made to feel ANGRY. Just the way it works. And they are controlled. Sad people, like yourself.
Divide, divide, divide.

Nice little groups of zombies with no individual thought or responsibility. That is what they are. You have it. Incapable of independent rational thought. Like you.
The liberal utopia. As a con troll, you have been told things that are outright lies, many things. And you dutifully believe what you are told. Because that is what con trolls do. But impartial, rational thought is not part of the makeup of con trolls like yourself. So, for "liberals", utopia is where free thinking people can have rational beliefs, and rational conversations. Oh, and you will need to look up that word: rational. And they like dealing with smart people, not robots.

I realize you are a partisan troll, but for all others here is the truth.

Thanks for that effort, Votto (A name from the planet STUPID) Actually, posting a bat shit crazy con video proves nothing at all. I have noticed that con trolls do not understand the term Agenda, though they are driven by it. Because they believe what they are told to believe. But no serious person actually uses a source that is not known to be impartial. You, being a con troll, used a source made in an effort to attack Hilary. And which WAS OBVIOSLY partial. Bad form, me boy. You simply proved:
1. You could care less about truth.
2. You are only interested in your favorite agenda, as a con troll.
3. You could care less about honesty.
4. You have no class, and no integrity, and want neither.
5. You are a simple minded con troll.
6. You are quite happy being a simple minded con troll.
7. All of which makes you irrelevant.

Let me guess, you have conversations with yourself.

Care to respond to the video?

I thought not.
nah, I never respond to partial and agenda driven sources. I don't bother to read or watch them. I prefer truth. Honesty. Those thing you do not understand.
I would never use a partial source. It is something cons do normally, showing their complete disrespect for those reading their posts. I mean, me boy, I could go out and get a quote from MoveOn.Org and use it. But then, I value my integrity. Now, as con troll, as I mentioned, you have no integrity and want non. You just want to post drivel from bat shit crazy con sites, like you just did. thanks again for trying. But again, your source and you are irrelevant.

Ok then, keep reading the Huffington Post then.

This is probably too difficult for you con troll mind. I have never in my time on this board used Huffington as a source. It is an impartial source, but cons hate it, so I have the consideration to not use it. You, however, use a bat shit crazy con video as a source. Shows you have zero integrity. Kind of normal for a con. You are a simple minded con ass hole, posting drivel from a video that any person with a rational mind would recognize as what it is. Drivel. And irrelevant as are you.
You keep proving what and whom you are. Technically, a con troll in the normal resting state: With your head firmly up your ass.

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