Trump's Comments Are Mild Compared to Bob Grant


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I'd say that Trump's comments and demeanor is really not as bad as many people think. The leftist media constantly rants about Trump having a bad attitude, but many, if not most, if not all of the comments Trump is being castigated for, are actually proper.

Included among those media distortions, are what he said in the Access Hollywood tape, the disabled reporter, his remark about McCain not being a hero, criticisms of him by the Muslim goldstar father, Khizir Khan, and the Hillary Clinton slam job TV ads about outsourcing. And those are just the tip of the iceberg.

I know that it is different to be president of the United States than to be a talk radio host, but comparing him to some of them is interesting. One of the greatest of all the talk radio show hosts (many call him THE greatest) was the ultra-conservative Bob Grant, whose show from New York (Trump's same hometown) + fill-ins ran from 1959 to 2012.

This tape of a Bob Grant show in 1992, is illustrative of Grant's typical, New York, brash combativeness. Listen to it, and then look at Trump's current style. Everyone ought to hear a Bob Grant show at least once in their life, and conservatives will probably especially relate to it, despite a few Grant liberal leanings (ex abortion)

Who cares about Trump's comments? (Other than emotionally disturbed demwits.)
So, you get some radical radio host who uses inciting language to compare against Trump so that he looks sane?

If you need that to see Trump as being sane, then YOUR sanity is in question.
Who cares about Trump's comments? (Other than emotionally disturbed demwits.)

Well, considering that he's currently president of the USA, as well as is a direct representative of this country, I'd like someone in that office that could act with at least a bit of decorum.
Who cares about Trump's comments? (Other than emotionally disturbed demwits.)

Well, considering that he's currently president of the USA, as well as is a direct representative of this country, I'd like someone in that office that could act with at least a bit of decorum.

It's nut-cutting time in this country. Too late for decorum; especially when considering that the only purpose that decorum serves is a smokescreen for gross corruption for the last 28 years.
It's nut-cutting time in this country. Too late for decorum; especially when considering that the only purpose that decorum serves is a smokescreen for gross corruption for the last 28 years.
Correct. Democrats constantly slobber on and on about decorum, while putting words and ideas into Trump's mouth and then attacking for them. Part of it is their odd way of defining things differently, and thus seeing things he says as different from what he means, and part of it is their deliberate attempt to confuse, distort, and generally make a mess of things Trump is trying to do.

As stated in the OP, many, if not most, if not all of the comments Trump is being castigated for, are actually proper.

Lastly, we elected Trump to fix the economy. He has. We elected him to protect America. He has. We didn't elect him to be an altar boy.
Bob Grant was hilarious, and had a tremendous grasp of history and current events! I used to have a signed copy of his book Let's Be Heard. :p I would listen to him most everyday on the commute home back in the early 90's. He named pro-crime, corrupt POS Gov. Cuomo "The Sfachime" whose son sadly is the current governor in NY. Bottom line he told the truth, but had to tone it down because of Jesse "I Have a Scheme" Jackson and other extortionists who tried and eventually did censor him or he would not have a job.
Bob Grant was hilarious, and had a tremendous grasp of history and current events! I used to have a signed copy of his book Let's Be Heard. :p I would listen to him most everyday on the commute home back in the early 90's. He named pro-crime, corrupt POS Gov. Cuomo "The Sfachime" whose son sadly is the current governor in NY. Bottom line he told the truth, but had to tone it down because of Jesse "I Have a Scheme" Jackson and other extortionists who tried and eventually did censor him or he would not have a job.
He called black people "savages" and was 100% unapologetic about it, but he did dilute that some, when talking about some of his favorite people (who were black), like Coin Powell. But you're right he was hilarious. And he had a great skill of getting to the callers' motives, when they tryied to hide them.
Another right-winger who does not the know or understand the role of the presidency. To make such a ludicrous comparison shows profound ignorance of the President's constitutional role.
I'd say that Trump's comments and demeanor is really not as bad as many people think. The leftist media constantly rants about Trump having a bad attitude, but many, if not most, if not all of the comments Trump is being castigated for, are actually proper.

Included among those media distortions, are what he said in the Access Hollywood tape, the disabled reporter, his remark about McCain not being a hero, criticisms of him by the Muslim goldstar father, Khizir Khan, and the Hillary Clinton slam job TV ads about outsourcing. And those are just the tip of the iceberg.

I know that it is different to be president of the United States than to be a talk radio host, but comparing him to some of them is interesting. One of the greatest of all the talk radio show hosts (many call him THE greatest) was the ultra-conservative Bob Grant, whose show from New York (Trump's same hometown) + fill-ins ran from 1959 to 2012.

This tape of a Bob Grant show in 1992, is illustrative of Grant's typical, New York, brash combativeness. Listen to it, and then look at Trump's current style. Everyone ought to hear a Bob Grant show at least once in their life, and conservatives will probably especially relate to it, despite a few Grant liberal leanings (ex abortion)

He used to be on here in Burley. But he said something really bad. Like racist or something like that, and they took him off
Another right-winger who does not the know or understand the role of the presidency. To make such a ludicrous comparison shows profound ignorance of the President's constitutional role.
I know quite well the role of the presidency. And Trump is fulfilling it magnificently.
Trump's very presence is a disturbing indication of where our society is right now.

Zero standards.
Disturbing to leftists who thought they had Hillary for the next 4 years to keep ruining the country with illegal immigration, black & Muslim pandering, election corruption, etc. The more disturbing Trump is to them, the better off we Americans are.
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He's the leader of the country. His comments matter. Do you understand what leadership is?
They matter. So ? What's the problem ?
They matter. They are consequential. Therefore, he cant just carelessly vomit broken thoughts onto the public at large.

Leadership is a crititcal skillset for success in an organization. It is very much about building a connection with your whole team. Getting people involved and committed to the vision. Setting an example of expectations. Setting achievable goals. If you've never seen a bad leader in the workplace, it ends up creating a toxic culture and leading to failure. What trump is doing is creating that toxic culture by setting an awful example, the petti attacks on his enemies..even creating huge groups of enemies within our society and regularly calling them out, the dishonesty, the unprofessionalism, the blatant trolling, the aversion to science and tech which ARE the new economy of the world. His vision is not sufficiently developed or even correct for what we are facing as a country. He is sort of acting like a childish bitchy CEO/owner - which he can do with his direct staff, admin, and potentially congress to an extent of it is results driven. But he should absolutely not be directing that nasty mentality as the leader of the free world at the other stakeholders in our society. Absolutely not. He isnt our boss. He isnt the boss of the free press or any business or private sector organziation because - shocker - he isnt a dictator or king! You get it?

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