Trump tweet storm when does this witch hunt stop


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
With the ā€œRussian collusionā€ narrative disintegrating fast, as even the biggest Russiagate cheerleaders exit stage left now that the publicā€™s attention has shifted to the FBI itself for having created the narrative after planting at least one infiltrator ā€“ Stefan Halper ā€“ in the Trump campaign, overnight the NYT tried to pivot the collusion story away from Russia and toward the middle east, reporting that Trump advisers met with an emissary for two Gulf nations during the campaign, a meeting arranged by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, suggesting countries beyond Russia may have offered help.
Trump Tweetstorm: ā€˜When Does This Witch Hunt STOPā€™

The left is hard up to sink Trump , they have to make up some bs lies that is hardest to prove not true in the eyes of the dumbed down sheep.
The problem is that 40+% of the voters worship at the altar of political power and approve any means to hold onto it. This requires near unanimity by the rest of us who do not share these "values."
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With the ā€œRussian collusionā€ narrative disintegrating fast, as even the biggest Russiagate cheerleaders exit stage left now that the publicā€™s attention has shifted to the FBI itself for having created the narrative after planting at least one infiltrator ā€“ Stefan Halper ā€“ in the Trump campaign, overnight the NYT tried to pivot the collusion story away from Russia and toward the middle east, reporting that Trump advisers met with an emissary for two Gulf nations during the campaign, a meeting arranged by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, suggesting countries beyond Russia may have offered help.
Trump Tweetstorm: ā€˜When Does This Witch Hunt STOPā€™

The left is hard up to sink Trump , they have to make up some bs lies that is hardest to prove not true in the eyes of the dumbed down sheep.

You think it is unfair to mention that Trump-0 was conspiring with more than one country to steal the election?
You think it is unfair to mention that Trump-0 was conspiring with more than one country to steal the election?

Well, since it's a fucking lie - yeah...

Now you Stalinists absolutely colluded with foreign agents in your attempt to rig the election. Stefan Halper, Steele....

Keep trying. You might come up with something to detract from Trump's felonies yet. You haven't so far though.
You think it is unfair to mention that Trump-0 was conspiring with more than one country to steal the election?

Well, since it's a fucking lie - yeah...

Now you Stalinists absolutely colluded with foreign agents in your attempt to rig the election. Stefan Halper, Steele....

Keep trying. You might come up with something to detract from Trump's felonies yet. You haven't so far though.


Oh, you're just lying again.

So, has Torquemada had anyone's wife raped in front of them until the confessed today?

You Stalinists will have FAR MORE people end up in prison than your victims will.

Obama put a spy in the Trump campaign to rig the 2016 election, then used the spy to stage a coup d'etat.

That's treason.
You think it is unfair to mention that Trump-0 was conspiring with more than one country to steal the election?

Well, since it's a fucking lie - yeah...

Now you Stalinists absolutely colluded with foreign agents in your attempt to rig the election. Stefan Halper, Steele....

Keep trying. You might come up with something to detract from Trump's felonies yet. You haven't so far though.


Oh, you're just lying again.

So, has Torquemada had anyone's wife raped in front of them until the confessed today?

You Stalinists will have FAR MORE people end up in prison than your victims will.

Obama put a spy in the Trump campaign to rig the 2016 election, then used the spy to stage a coup d'etat.

That's treason.

As stupid as that claim is, somebody already went to the trouble to prove it's bullshit.
With the ā€œRussian collusionā€ narrative disintegrating fast, as even the biggest Russiagate cheerleaders exit stage left now that the publicā€™s attention has shifted to the FBI itself for having created the narrative after planting at least one infiltrator ā€“ Stefan Halper ā€“ in the Trump campaign, overnight the NYT tried to pivot the collusion story away from Russia and toward the middle east, reporting that Trump advisers met with an emissary for two Gulf nations during the campaign, a meeting arranged by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, suggesting countries beyond Russia may have offered help.
Trump Tweetstorm: ā€˜When Does This Witch Hunt STOPā€™

The left is hard up to sink Trump , they have to make up some bs lies that is hardest to prove not true in the eyes of the dumbed down sheep.
Why should it end when we get damning new evidence in pretty much every week?

Defying the rule of law has nothing to do with the Left, and everything to do with Trump and his criminal supporters.

Oh yea, so give us all the details about how exactly the "Russian collusion narrative is disintegrating fast"?
You think it is unfair to mention that Trump-0 was conspiring with more than one country to steal the election?

Well, since it's a fucking lie - yeah...

Now you Stalinists absolutely colluded with foreign agents in your attempt to rig the election. Stefan Halper, Steele....

Keep trying. You might come up with something to detract from Trump's felonies yet. You haven't so far though.

Obama put a spy in the Trump campaign to rig the 2016 election, then used the spy to stage a coup d'etat.

That's treason.
Actually, all of that is a lie. But thanks for letting us all know that is what you like to do; FBI used informant after multiple Trump camp Russia contacts
With the ā€œRussian collusionā€ narrative disintegrating fast, as even the biggest Russiagate cheerleaders exit stage left now that the publicā€™s attention has shifted to the FBI itself for having created the narrative after planting at least one infiltrator ā€“ Stefan Halper ā€“ in the Trump campaign, overnight the NYT tried to pivot the collusion story away from Russia and toward the middle east, reporting that Trump advisers met with an emissary for two Gulf nations during the campaign, a meeting arranged by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, suggesting countries beyond Russia may have offered help.
Trump Tweetstorm: ā€˜When Does This Witch Hunt STOPā€™

The left is hard up to sink Trump , they have to make up some bs lies that is hardest to prove not true in the eyes of the dumbed down sheep.
Why should it end when we get damning new evidence in pretty much every week?

Defying the rule of law has nothing to do with the Left, and everything to do with Trump and his criminal supporters.

Oh yea, so give us all the details about how exactly the "Russian collusion narrative is disintegrating fast"?
WTP, the "Russian Collusion narrative" is disintegrating in the sense that the Trump-bog is being filtered and drained into the indicted pool. The 'witch hunt' will end when the witches are all exposed. The names of Erlichmann, Halderman, Colson, Mitchell and Agnew are being replaced. Looks like current names like Cohen, Flynn, Manafort, Stone, McGahn et al could become a whole new crop of Fox News pundits in a few years!
WTP, the "Russian Collusion narrative" is disintegrating in the sense that the Trump-bog is being filtered and drained into the indicted pool. The 'witch hunt' will end when the witches are all exposed. The names of Erlichmann, Halderman, Colson, Mitchell and Agnew are being replaced. Looks like current names like Cohen, Flynn, Manafort, Stone, McGahn et al could become a whole new crop of Fox News pundits in a few years!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a conspiracy out of my ass!

You think it is unfair to mention that Trump-0 was conspiring with more than one country to steal the election?

Well, since it's a fucking lie - yeah...

Now you Stalinists absolutely colluded with foreign agents in your attempt to rig the election. Stefan Halper, Steele....

Keep trying. You might come up with something to detract from Trump's felonies yet. You haven't so far though.


Oh, you're just lying again.

So, has Torquemada had anyone's wife raped in front of them until the confessed today?

You Stalinists will have FAR MORE people end up in prison than your victims will.

Obama put a spy in the Trump campaign to rig the 2016 election, then used the spy to stage a coup d'etat.

That's treason.

no, it isn't

you 2nd amendment fetishists know damn little about the rest of the constitution, don't you?

article iii, section iii

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

trump colluding with russia might be, but since he's more likely just a useful idiot (does anyone think he's smart enough to collude or that putin is stupid enough to trust him?), he'll stand clear of treason charges and be allowed to retire to the home for old laughingstocks.

be sure to say hi to him when you get there. :thup:
WTP, the "Russian Collusion narrative" is disintegrating in the sense that the Trump-bog is being filtered and drained into the indicted pool. The 'witch hunt' will end when the witches are all exposed. The names of Erlichmann, Halderman, Colson, Mitchell and Agnew are being replaced. Looks like current names like Cohen, Flynn, Manafort, Stone, McGahn et al could become a whole new crop of Fox News pundits in a few years!
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a conspiracy out of my ass!

how will you get it past your head?
With the ā€œRussian collusionā€ narrative disintegrating fast, as even the biggest Russiagate cheerleaders exit stage left now that the publicā€™s attention has shifted to the FBI itself for having created the narrative after planting at least one infiltrator ā€“ Stefan Halper ā€“ in the Trump campaign, overnight the NYT tried to pivot the collusion story away from Russia and toward the middle east, reporting that Trump advisers met with an emissary for two Gulf nations during the campaign, a meeting arranged by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, suggesting countries beyond Russia may have offered help.
Trump Tweetstorm: ā€˜When Does This Witch Hunt STOPā€™

The left is hard up to sink Trump , they have to make up some bs lies that is hardest to prove not true in the eyes of the dumbed down sheep.
Why should it end when we get damning new evidence in pretty much every week?

Defying the rule of law has nothing to do with the Left, and everything to do with Trump and his criminal supporters.

Oh yea, so give us all the details about how exactly the "Russian collusion narrative is disintegrating fast"?

With the ā€œRussian collusionā€ narrative disintegrating fast, as even the biggest Russiagate cheerleaders exit stage left now that the publicā€™s attention has shifted to the FBI itself for having created the narrative after planting at least one infiltrator ā€“ Stefan Halper ā€“ in the Trump campaign, overnight the NYT tried to pivot the collusion story away from Russia and toward the middle east, reporting that Trump advisers met with an emissary for two Gulf nations during the campaign, a meeting arranged by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, suggesting countries beyond Russia may have offered help.
Trump Tweetstorm: ā€˜When Does This Witch Hunt STOPā€™

The left is hard up to sink Trump , they have to make up some bs lies that is hardest to prove not true in the eyes of the dumbed down sheep.
Why should it end when we get damning new evidence in pretty much every week?

Defying the rule of law has nothing to do with the Left, and everything to do with Trump and his criminal supporters.

Oh yea, so give us all the details about how exactly the "Russian collusion narrative is disintegrating fast"?

One day you might figure it out doubtful though.


And the bottom 3 one dead, one had an attempt to be killed, and Trump well it's coming but you all can't seem to connect those dots yet.
With the ā€œRussian collusionā€ narrative disintegrating fast, as even the biggest Russiagate cheerleaders exit stage left now that the publicā€™s attention has shifted to the FBI itself for having created the narrative after planting at least one infiltrator ā€“ Stefan Halper ā€“ in the Trump campaign, overnight the NYT tried to pivot the collusion story away from Russia and toward the middle east, reporting that Trump advisers met with an emissary for two Gulf nations during the campaign, a meeting arranged by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, suggesting countries beyond Russia may have offered help.
Trump Tweetstorm: ā€˜When Does This Witch Hunt STOPā€™

The left is hard up to sink Trump , they have to make up some bs lies that is hardest to prove not true in the eyes of the dumbed down sheep.
Why should it end when we get damning new evidence in pretty much every week?

Defying the rule of law has nothing to do with the Left, and everything to do with Trump and his criminal supporters.

Oh yea, so give us all the details about how exactly the "Russian collusion narrative is disintegrating fast"?

One day you might figure it out doubtful though.


And the bottom 3 one dead, one had an attempt to be killed, and Trump well it's coming but you all can't seem to connect those dots yet.
You have not presented us with an answer. So you just lied. Thanks!
With the ā€œRussian collusionā€ narrative disintegrating fast, as even the biggest Russiagate cheerleaders exit stage left now that the publicā€™s attention has shifted to the FBI itself for having created the narrative after planting at least one infiltrator ā€“ Stefan Halper ā€“ in the Trump campaign, overnight the NYT tried to pivot the collusion story away from Russia and toward the middle east, reporting that Trump advisers met with an emissary for two Gulf nations during the campaign, a meeting arranged by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, suggesting countries beyond Russia may have offered help.
Trump Tweetstorm: ā€˜When Does This Witch Hunt STOPā€™

The left is hard up to sink Trump , they have to make up some bs lies that is hardest to prove not true in the eyes of the dumbed down sheep.
Why should it end when we get damning new evidence in pretty much every week?

Defying the rule of law has nothing to do with the Left, and everything to do with Trump and his criminal supporters.

Oh yea, so give us all the details about how exactly the "Russian collusion narrative is disintegrating fast"?

Another non-existing rebuttal.
With the ā€œRussian collusionā€ narrative disintegrating fast, as even the biggest Russiagate cheerleaders exit stage left now that the publicā€™s attention has shifted to the FBI itself for having created the narrative after planting at least one infiltrator ā€“ Stefan Halper ā€“ in the Trump campaign, overnight the NYT tried to pivot the collusion story away from Russia and toward the middle east, reporting that Trump advisers met with an emissary for two Gulf nations during the campaign, a meeting arranged by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, suggesting countries beyond Russia may have offered help.
Trump Tweetstorm: ā€˜When Does This Witch Hunt STOPā€™

The left is hard up to sink Trump , they have to make up some bs lies that is hardest to prove not true in the eyes of the dumbed down sheep.
Why should it end when we get damning new evidence in pretty much every week?

Defying the rule of law has nothing to do with the Left, and everything to do with Trump and his criminal supporters.

Oh yea, so give us all the details about how exactly the "Russian collusion narrative is disintegrating fast"?

Another non-existing rebuttal.


Sharyl Attkisson Creates Detailed Timeline Showing Collusion AGAINST Trump

Like it or not oh well.
With the ā€œRussian collusionā€ narrative disintegrating fast, as even the biggest Russiagate cheerleaders exit stage left now that the publicā€™s attention has shifted to the FBI itself for having created the narrative after planting at least one infiltrator ā€“ Stefan Halper ā€“ in the Trump campaign, overnight the NYT tried to pivot the collusion story away from Russia and toward the middle east, reporting that Trump advisers met with an emissary for two Gulf nations during the campaign, a meeting arranged by Blackwater founder Erik Prince, suggesting countries beyond Russia may have offered help.
Trump Tweetstorm: ā€˜When Does This Witch Hunt STOPā€™

The left is hard up to sink Trump , they have to make up some bs lies that is hardest to prove not true in the eyes of the dumbed down sheep.
Why should it end when we get damning new evidence in pretty much every week?

Defying the rule of law has nothing to do with the Left, and everything to do with Trump and his criminal supporters.

Oh yea, so give us all the details about how exactly the "Russian collusion narrative is disintegrating fast"?

One day you might figure it out doubtful though.


And the bottom 3 one dead, one had an attempt to be killed, and Trump well it's coming but you all can't seem to connect those dots yet.
You have not presented us with an answer. So you just lied. Thanks!

So like you would believe it anyway. search it yourself if your so curious about it.

Yah don't know jack chit because CNN MSN, MSNBC, HUFFSPOST SNOPES
are your truth bibles just where your globalist pos LEADERS want you can't you figure out why OBAMA AND CLINTON MADE IT POINT TO MENTION SNOPES LMFAO......

SO idiots who can't think for themselves keep going there lol.

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