Trump To Unruly CNN Reporter Jim Acosta in Oval Office: "Out"

Once again, rules and traditions have to be changed for the spoiled little brat President, who has never been and never will be a man or adult.

It is time for someone to stand up the vile media.

Good for Trump.

That you miss the days when no one called them on their vile behavior,

don't care.
...Trump looked like a moron
Trump oftentimes looks like a moron.

This was not one of those times.
Looks like Crooked Donnie can't take the heat

Fuck the media. Why treat them with any respect? They deserve nothing but contempt.
Right...just get rid of that part of the 1st Amendment, right?

The piece of shit reporter was free to go back to work and write whatever vile bullshit he wanted.

Your desire to hide or justify the shit behavior of the press by hiding behind the 1st Amendment is noted and dismissed as absurd.

You make a very strong and subtle point that others tend to ignore.

The Donald isn't telling anybody what to write or that they can't write
something. He's just tossing them out of his house. He should revoke
any press credentials where the reporters and/or their bosses lie about
what was said, or they refuse to write the good things about something that
was said. POTUS he is responsible for the Constitution. It is his job
to ensure that the people know the truth and the facts, not invented,
slanted bull shit.

CNN makes it up as they go along...I don't even know why they even
attend. They're just going to write whatever they want anyway.
Media thinks they are the head of the dog. They are actually the rectum.

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