Trump To Cut $15,000,000,000 In Unneeded Spending...Until Democrats Blocked It


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Whenever you hear the national debt is 22 trillion and still climbing and wonder why Trump hasn't done more, just remember that it was the DEMOCRATS who blocked him in cutting spending at every turn. They've never met a government spending program of victimized voting block THEY DIDN'T LIKE.

Senate blocks Trump plan to cut $15B in unused spending

And just remember, that money could have paid for the wall.
Whenever you hear the national debt is 22 trillion and still climbing and wonder why Trump hasn't done more, just remember that it was the DEMOCRATS who blocked him in cutting spending at every turn. They've never met a government spending program of victimized voting block THEY DIDN'T LIKE.

Senate blocks Trump plan to cut $15B in unused spending

And just remember, that money could have paid for the wall.
Republicans control all three branches. They (and you) need to man up and accept responsibility for their failures.

Two Republicans — Susan Collins of Maine and Richard Burr of North Carolina — joined with Democrats to defeat the measure. Fifty senators opposed the plan and 48 supported it.

Senate Blocks Trump Plan to Cut $15B in Unused Spending

The main reason why I hate the GOP. Full of RINOS. Sick as they are, you don't ever see any Democratic party defections. Even when the GOP "controls" the full Congress, they don't control their own people and you can always count on people like McCain or Collins to trip up their own party and serve up defeat in the face of victory.
Whenever you hear the national debt is 22 trillion and still climbing and wonder why Trump hasn't done more, just remember that it was the DEMOCRATS who blocked him in cutting spending at every turn. They've never met a government spending program of victimized voting block THEY DIDN'T LIKE.

Senate blocks Trump plan to cut $15B in unused spending

And just remember, that money could have paid for the wall.
Republicans control all three branches. They (and you) need to man up and accept responsibility for their failures.

You need a SUPERMAJORITY to really control the Congress, Creepypus! All it takes (as usual) is a few RINO defections to help get the Dems over the hurdle.
Dems and Collins etc. were only concerned about the 7 billion cut from Children's health care.... the R's in charge, should have agreed to not cut the child's health care $7 B but TAKEN the reduction of the other $8 billion.... people need to learn to compromise again! It would have given them $8 billion in reductions, vs. NONE!
Damned Dimms, this is why I never vote for them. Unfortunately where I live its a Dimm state so everyone else votes for them so... Well, at least I ain't helping. LOL

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