Trump Thought He Won By Rolling Back Auto Standards


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
A week after he moved into the White House, Donald Trump pulled in the heads of the nation’s auto manufacturers to talk with Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon. At that meeting, Trump told them he was going to do them a “favor” by rolling back the standards for vehicle mileage and emissions. A year later, Donald Trump officially announced he was freezing standards at the 2020 level and would rollback improvements initiated under President Obama. It was a change that became one of Trump’s big bragging points, accompanied by claims that it would create thousands of new automotive jobs.

However, from the beginning, the plan had two issues. Trump’s announcement utterly ignored the law which allows California to set its own standard, and the actual auto manufacturers were less than supportive from the very beginning. By the time more details of Trump’s plan emerged last summer, auto makers had already determined that what Trump was proposing would actually cost the industry 236,000 jobs while turning the United States into a dumping ground for second-rate technology that wouldn’t meet the standards of other nations. On top of all that, Trump’s plan would actually cost consumers $460 billion in extra fuel and more rapid depreciation.

That set the stage for last month, when California announced a stunning deal with four major automakers that pretty much made Trump’s still incomplete plan dead on arrival.

Trump thought he 'won' by rolling back auto standards ... until CA and the automakers struck back

What's going to happen, is we're going to roll back Trump, and the last 30 years worth of Republican dumbass failure. I don't think they are going to be ready for what's coming. It's not something the brain dead right has had to deal with.
Screw California...let them ride e bikes and Morse code instead of text....sailboats instead of cargo ships and t-pees instead of homes....
With modern emissions-systems and mileage standards, the auto makers have no choice but to build under-powered, plastic and aluminum cars. But they will go 50mph and when they hit each other, everybody is belts only hold the corpses inside for the paramedics to pry out. On the other hand, back in the day, cars were made of Detroit steel and powerful engines...when they hit each other doing 70, unless it was a head-on, most folks survived. Chassis didn't rack, motor mounts didn't snap and drive the engine into the passenger compartment. Hell, the woman who first demanded air-bags well before the industry was able to make safe ones later tried to apologize for murdering thousands of Americans. So, I drive an '85 F-150 gets about 13mpg but holds 25 gallons between two tanks. The gas tanks are inside the frame rails....remember when GM tried mounting them outside the rails and turned anyody who got t-boned into crispy critters? Or how about the runaway TOYodas you couldn't shift into neutral when the gas pedal stuck wide open? That couldn't happen with the accelerators of yesteryear. Who needed the massive expense of fuel injectors when a Holley 4 barrel was about as simple as a toaster to repair? It goes on and on...good intentions that don't work, cost a fortune, and leave you beside the road, dead or waiting for a carload of little monsters to come along and rob you (if you're lucky). I stay old-school as much as possible....back then things were built to last and the shade tree mechanic ruled the roost.
Screw California...let them ride e bikes and Morse code instead of text....sailboats instead of cargo ships and t-pees instead of homes....

First order of business. Windmills and solar farms around all of his golf courses.
Screw California...let them ride e bikes and Morse code instead of text....sailboats instead of cargo ships and t-pees instead of homes....

First order of business. Windmills and solar farms around all of his golf courses.
Windmills only work in the wind when they are not broken and leaking oil...and solar panels covered in dust and dirt from the winds are libs trying to go back in time but still think you are progressive cracks me up....



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