Trump: The new face of crony capitalism


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Donald Trump is reviving the Export Import Bank which has been nothing but a tool of big gov’t to dish out fat contracts to their buddies in big business.

Trump: The New Face Of Crony Capitalism?
Good news for big business, bad news for the little guy

Oh we know the Trump haters and what they will say LOL........have fun what's your take?

Not Donald.

You have to love his hire American & buy Amertican crap after he imports his products & his labor at his golf courses & even Mir-a-lago.

How his supporters put up with this shit I will never know.

When asked about his hiring of fopreigners for his hotels, he claims the work is seasonal & Americans eithewr are unqualified or don't want the seasonal work.

So Trump says American are unqualified to be yard workers & maids but Haitians are.

Again, his fans cheer.

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