Trump Shitposts Millions of Phones


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Oh, if only!....:FIREdevil:

If this were Obama you trumplicans would be having hissy fits and conniptions. You guys are always good for a morning laugh.
I’m pissed I couldn’t send back a “go fuck yourself” when that stupid alert popped up.
I’m pissed I couldn’t send back a “go fuck yourself” when that stupid alert popped up.

I'm pissed a fraction of a cent was wasted sending it to you, and that you're still stealing oxygen. I'd rather you remain oblivious if a catastrophic event is coming your way. For some reason we just can't get you to wander in front of a speeding truck.

I’m pissed I couldn’t send back a “go fuck yourself” when that stupid alert popped up.

I'm pissed a fraction of a cent was wasted sending it to you, and that you're still stealing oxygen. I'd rather you remain oblivious if a catastrophic event is coming your way. For some reason we just can't get you to wander in front of a speeding truck.

Poor snowflake, you need a hug :itsok:
If this were Obama you trumplicans would be having hissy fits and conniptions. You guys are always good for a morning laugh.

It's a freaking text message....good grief

You remember when the military training exercise known as Operation Jade Helm were being held in Texas and all the right-wing went nuts thinking it was a conspiracy to overthrow the government. The right blew it all out of proportion.

If Obama had done the exact same thing, mark my words, the right would now be claiming this was some kind of globalist/NSA/CIA conspiracy to gain access to our phones and private information, and to track all of us.

Thank heaven it was Trump so we don't have to hear these conspiracy theories until of course a Democrat does it.
If this were Obama you trumplicans would be having hissy fits and conniptions. You guys are always good for a morning laugh.

It's a freaking text message....good grief

You remember when the military training exercise known as Operation Jade Helm were being held in Texas and all the right-wing went nuts thinking it was a conspiracy to overthrow the government. The right blew it all out of proportion.

If Obama had done the exact same thing, mark my words, the right would now be claiming this was some kind of globalist/NSA/CIA conspiracy to gain access to our phones and private information and to track all of us.

Thank heaven it was Trump so we don't have to hear these conspiracy theories until of course a Democrat does it.

If Ears sent me a text I'd look, laugh and delete. Get your panties out of a twist
I thought it was Trump calling me than I realized it wasn't my direct line to the white house red phone that was ringing.....:113:

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