Trump says Russian Collusion is all Obama's fault! Hilarious!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Trump: Obama didn’t want to ‘upset the apple cart’ by investigating Russians

"Why didn't President Obama do something about the so-called Russian Meddling when he was told about it by the FBI before the Election?" Trump asked in a tweet. "Because he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win, and he didn't want to upset the apple cart!"

Trump has lodged a number of accusations at Obama for not doing anything about Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 election. However, the administration did take action against Russia.

So now Trump's collusion with Russia is Obama's fault.

It all makes sense now.
Obama knew the Russians were interfering because they always have but Obama thought Hillary would win and so he sat on it...but realistically...any meddling the Russians did changed absolutely nothing....That is why this investigation should have never began and the FBI had no reason nor right to send in an infiltrator/informant/spy into Trump's campaign without informing Trump....if the shoe was on the other foot all hell would be breaking out....what a shameful media we are stuck least everyone now knows how one sided and corrupt they are and no longer pay any attention to what they say....
If Obama didn't want to upset the apple cart, then why did he kick all those Russian diplomats out of the country and seize their compound? He did it in response to the Russians screwing with our election via propaganda.
If Obama didn't want to upset the apple cart, then why did he kick all those Russian diplomats out of the country and seize their compound? He did it in response to the Russians screwing with our election via propaganda.
Probably b/c he had his secretary of state pushing a reset button.
Or she was making back room deals for millions
If Obama didn't want to upset the apple cart, then why did he kick all those Russian diplomats out of the country and seize their compound? He did it in response to the Russians screwing with our election via propaganda.
Obama stated right before the election, there was no way anyone could interfere with our elections. So another unaccounted Obama lie?
It's true isn't it? Barry Hussein was in charge and if there was "Russian Collusion" it was on his watch. It's no secret that the Clinton Foundation took in tens of millions and then withered away after Hillary lost the election. Do the freaking math. Democrats seem to be conflicted about the whole thing though. Hussein lap dog Clapper justifies a spy in the Trump campaign and democrats deny it but wait....if they admit that there was an "informant" in the Trump campaign so wouldn't that get them off the hook and the "spy" allegations will go away? What bunch of a-holes.
Trump: Obama didn’t want to ‘upset the apple cart’ by investigating Russians

"Why didn't President Obama do something about the so-called Russian Meddling when he was told about it by the FBI before the Election?" Trump asked in a tweet. "Because he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win, and he didn't want to upset the apple cart!"

Trump has lodged a number of accusations at Obama for not doing anything about Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 election. However, the administration did take action against Russia.

So now Trump's collusion with Russia is Obama's fault.

It all makes sense now.
POTUS is correct. Obama turned his back on Russia. He liked them so much he told Romeny the 1980's want their foreign policy back. Obama was a joke of a President and an epic skid mark in the history or our country

Trump: Obama didn’t want to ‘upset the apple cart’ by investigating Russians

"Why didn't President Obama do something about the so-called Russian Meddling when he was told about it by the FBI before the Election?" Trump asked in a tweet. "Because he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win, and he didn't want to upset the apple cart!"

Trump has lodged a number of accusations at Obama for not doing anything about Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 election. However, the administration did take action against Russia.

So now Trump's collusion with Russia is Obama's fault.

It all makes sense now.

Obama is a piece of shit and a horrible President.

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The truth is every major power tries meddle in the elections of other countries to some degree Russia does it we do it. Jeremy Bird, the architect of the grass-roots and online organizing efforts that powered President Obama’s presidential campaigns advised a similar operation in Tel Aviv. focused on ousting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu there is no evidence Obama had anything to do with this but given how the men felt about each other I doubt he would have done anything to discourage it and it could be seen as trying to meddle in another country's election. There was also the Brexit vote when President Obama told the UK they would be at the back of the queue in any trade deal with the US if the country chose to leave the EU that had nothing to do with electing a leader but still that statement could have been seen as trying to meddle so the British people would vote the way he wanted.
It's true isn't it? Barry Hussein was in charge and if there was "Russian Collusion" it was on his watch. It's no secret that the Clinton Foundation took in tens of millions and then withered away after Hillary lost the election. Do the freaking math. Democrats seem to be conflicted about the whole thing though. Hussein lap dog Clapper justifies a spy in the Trump campaign and democrats deny it but wait....if they admit that there was an "informant" in the Trump campaign so wouldn't that get them off the hook and the "spy" allegations will go away? What bunch of a-holes.

The Clinton Foundation is still taking in millions. The government of Canada donated $74 million in 2017 after Trump defunded Planned Parenthood in Africa.

The Clinton Foundation was also involved in Hurricane Harvey relief.

There was no spy in the Trump campaign. That’s another Trump lie to deflect from news that Junior lied to Congress, and he met with Saudis to get their help with the campaign.
Trump: Obama didn’t want to ‘upset the apple cart’ by investigating Russians

"Why didn't President Obama do something about the so-called Russian Meddling when he was told about it by the FBI before the Election?" Trump asked in a tweet. "Because he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win, and he didn't want to upset the apple cart!"

Trump has lodged a number of accusations at Obama for not doing anything about Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 election. However, the administration did take action against Russia.

So now Trump's collusion with Russia is Obama's fault.

It all makes sense now.

Soon Trump and Gooliani will offer up "we didn't collude with the Russians, they colluded with us. See? So now we're exonerated, the most exonerated in history. Obama was never exonerated as much as me."

Can we just finally get the butterfly nets out and have Trump committed to Bellvue with a team of psychiatrists. What an utter disgrace to America that this butt-pimple is anything more than a garbage collector and no disrespect to garbage collectors who actually work hard!
Trump: Obama didn’t want to ‘upset the apple cart’ by investigating Russians

"Why didn't President Obama do something about the so-called Russian Meddling when he was told about it by the FBI before the Election?" Trump asked in a tweet. "Because he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win, and he didn't want to upset the apple cart!"

Trump has lodged a number of accusations at Obama for not doing anything about Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 election. However, the administration did take action against Russia.

So now Trump's collusion with Russia is Obama's fault.

It all makes sense now.
He’s right. What are you going to do about it?
If Obama didn't want to upset the apple cart, then why did he kick all those Russian diplomats out of the country and seize their compound? He did it in response to the Russians screwing with our election via propaganda.
Probably b/c he had his secretary of state pushing a reset button.
Or she was making back room deals for millions

Do you know that Hillary stopped being Secretary of State in January 2013?

That's over 3 years before the 2016 election. By the time that trump declared his candidacy in 2015 Hillary had nothing to do with the state department.

The person who was Secretary of State during all of this was John Kerry.

Hillary has nothing to do with this.

Obama did all he could do to warn everyone.

By the way, if there had been no conspiracy with russia then why are you and trump blaming it on Obama? If there was no conspiracy there would be nothing to blame on Obama or Hillary.

You all know he conspired with russia to throw that election. None of you want to admit it.

By trump blaming it on Obama he's admitting to it.
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It's true isn't it? Barry Hussein was in charge and if there was "Russian Collusion" it was on his watch. It's no secret that the Clinton Foundation took in tens of millions and then withered away after Hillary lost the election. Do the freaking math. Democrats seem to be conflicted about the whole thing though. Hussein lap dog Clapper justifies a spy in the Trump campaign and democrats deny it but wait....if they admit that there was an "informant" in the Trump campaign so wouldn't that get them off the hook and the "spy" allegations will go away? What bunch of a-holes.

The Clinton Foundation is still taking in millions. The government of Canada donated $74 million in 2017 after Trump defunded Planned Parenthood in Africa.

The Clinton Foundation was also involved in Hurricane Harvey relief.

There was no spy in the Trump campaign. That’s another Trump lie to deflect from news that Junior lied to Congress, and he met with Saudis to get their help with the campaign.
Brennan and Clapper have already admitted there was a spy, you dumbass snowflake.
If Obama didn't want to upset the apple cart, then why did he kick all those Russian diplomats out of the country and seize their compound? He did it in response to the Russians screwing with our election via propaganda.
Probably b/c he had his secretary of state pushing a reset button.
Or she was making back room deals for millions

What Dana 7360 said. You can't blame Hillary for the Russians being kicked out. She wasn't SoS then.
It's true isn't it? Barry Hussein was in charge and if there was "Russian Collusion" it was on his watch. It's no secret that the Clinton Foundation took in tens of millions and then withered away after Hillary lost the election. Do the freaking math. Democrats seem to be conflicted about the whole thing though. Hussein lap dog Clapper justifies a spy in the Trump campaign and democrats deny it but wait....if they admit that there was an "informant" in the Trump campaign so wouldn't that get them off the hook and the "spy" allegations will go away? What bunch of a-holes.

The Clinton Foundation is still taking in millions. The government of Canada donated $74 million in 2017 after Trump defunded Planned Parenthood in Africa.

The Clinton Foundation was also involved in Hurricane Harvey relief.

There was no spy in the Trump campaign. That’s another Trump lie to deflect from news that Junior lied to Congress, and he met with Saudis to get their help with the campaign.
Brennan and Clapper have already admitted there was a spy, you dumbass snowflake.

The shit bird liberals will never admit there wrong.

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