Trump/Sanders ticket


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Possibility of it happening or no? Both are truly independents even though both are seeking party nominations because of the way the system is set up....both seem to care for the little man and agree on trade issues etc....what yall think? I would be out beating on doors for that ticket! Although Trump is starting to look really good to me. I love his economic/trade stance and his immigration stance although I hate his Iran and Israel stances....2 things that are never going to chance. Iran deal is almost a done deal and no politician that wants to get elected in this country will tell Israhell to get lost.
Interesting since Trumps daughter is Jewish and Sanders is Jewish , the nazis won't like that , they may kick you out
Imagine a general election with TWO "third parties" and the havoc that would wreak on the whole "electoral college" system.

As it stands right now the possibility of the two "establishments" nominating unelectable stooges is reality. At the end of the day the courts may have to decide.....decide between Trump or Sanders as those who got the most votes.
What of these does Sanders stand for?

People like Trump because he stands his ground. When he was attacked by the hispanic pseudo journalist he sent him packing like a whipped dog. When Sanders was assaulted by no-nothing Black radicals he left the podium and ran for cover.
People like Trump because he stands his ground. When he was attacked by the hispanic pseudo journalist he sent him packing like a whipped dog. When Sanders was assaulted by no-nothing Black radicals he left the podium and ran for cover.

Trump has bodyguards to escort hecklers out. Bernie doesn't. NIce try though.
People like Trump because he stands his ground. When he was attacked by the hispanic pseudo journalist he sent him packing like a whipped dog. When Sanders was assaulted by no-nothing Black radicals he left the podium and ran for cover.

Trump has bodyguards to escort hecklers out. Bernie doesn't. NIce try though.

Bernie's STUPID! Even the Hildebeast has them!
People like Trump because he stands his ground. When he was attacked by the hispanic pseudo journalist he sent him packing like a whipped dog. When Sanders was assaulted by no-nothing Black radicals he left the podium and ran for cover.

BLM stands for the Bureau of Land Management,

reminding us of every RWnut's favorite racist scofflaw, Cliven Bundy.

Never forget.
People like Trump because he stands his ground. When he was attacked by the hispanic pseudo journalist he sent him packing like a whipped dog. When Sanders was assaulted by no-nothing Black radicals he left the podium and ran for cover.

BLM stands for the Bureau of Land Management,

reminding us of every RWnut's favorite racist scofflaw, Cliven Bundy.

Never forget.

It's what FREEDOM is sup[posed to be about, as a FREE American citizen! But #BlackLivesMatter is a racist, Soros funded, HATE group!
People like Trump because he stands his ground. When he was attacked by the hispanic pseudo journalist he sent him packing like a whipped dog. When Sanders was assaulted by no-nothing Black radicals he left the podium and ran for cover.

BLM stands for the Bureau of Land Management,

reminding us of every RWnut's favorite racist scofflaw, Cliven Bundy.

Never forget.

It's what FREEDOM is sup[posed to be about, as a FREE American citizen! But #BlackLivesMatter is a racist, Soros funded, HATE group!

Well, round up your James Earl Rays and do something about it.
Sanders is a career politician who's never done anything of substance. He's financially broke at age 73 and advocates theft from the successful as a solution to government overspending. He's a complete and utter failure. A total loser.

He has nothing in common with Trump.
Possibility of it happening or no? Both are truly independents even though both are seeking party nominations because of the way the system is set up....both seem to care for the little man and agree on trade issues etc....what yall think? I would be out beating on doors for that ticket! Although Trump is starting to look really good to me. I love his economic/trade stance and his immigration stance although I hate his Iran and Israel stances....2 things that are never going to chance. Iran deal is almost a done deal and no politician that wants to get elected in this country will tell Israhell to get lost.
The fact that you even posed the first sentence in your absurd paragraph says you don't belong on this forum.

Trump is a doer
Sanders is a leech
Sanders is a career politician who's never done anything of substance. He's financially broke at age 73 and advocates theft from the successful as a solution to government overspending. He's a complete and utter failure. A total loser.

He has nothing in common with Trump.

Trump got rich because his daddy was rich. Simple as that. He then used capitalism to rob others of their wealth and hard work without rightful pay. Sanders would fix that. Only WHINERS hate Sanders because Sanders would set things straight.
Possibility of it happening or no? Both are truly independents even though both are seeking party nominations because of the way the system is set up....both seem to care for the little man and agree on trade issues etc....what yall think? I would be out beating on doors for that ticket! Although Trump is starting to look really good to me. I love his economic/trade stance and his immigration stance although I hate his Iran and Israel stances....2 things that are never going to chance. Iran deal is almost a done deal and no politician that wants to get elected in this country will tell Israhell to get lost.
The fact that you even posed the first sentence in your absurd paragraph says you don't belong on this forum.

Trump is a doer
Sanders is a leech
Sanders would set things right that capitalism and its leeches have destroyed. Getting rich off of workers hard work while not giving them just payment. Time to set things RIGHT! Only whiners hate Sanders. So no surprise here.

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