Trump Said He Would Teach GOP Establishment a Lesson, But What Lesson?

What was Trumps lesson he taught the GOP Establishment?

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?

Did it have something to do with his socialist tariff and subsidy policies? His lesson that evangelicals will vote for the GOP regardless of anything? Not sure what else he was trying to teach them.

Also, Donny is not a billionaire so the poll has to have one of its options changed.
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?

That it's not a good time to be a Democrat in the Republican Party. :lmao:
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?

How to actually defeat the democrats.......

During the Civil War the republican establishment wanted Lincoln to get rid of General Grant....they didn't like that Grant drank too much and didn't dress appropriately for a General and didn't meet their standards for a General...

Lincoln told them..." I can't lose this man, he fights....."

The Generals and Admirals: Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) - Mr. Lincoln's White House

I pressed upon him with all the earnestness I could command the immediate removal of Grant as an imperious necessity to sustain himself.

Nearly every day brought some new and perplexing military complication. He had gone through a long winter of terrible strain with McClellan and the Army of the Potomac; and from the day that Grant started on his Southern expedition until the battle of Shiloh he had had little else than jarring and confusion among his generals in the West

He knew that I had no ends to serve in urging Grant’s removal, beyond the single desire to make him be just to himself, and he listened patiently.

“I appealed to Lincoln for his own sake to remove Grant at once, and, in giving my reasons for it, I simply voiced the admittedly overwhelming protest from the loyal people of the land against Grant’s continuance in command.

I could form no judgment during the conversation as to what effect my arguments had upon him beyond the fact that he was greatly distressed at this new complication.

When I had said everything that could be said from my standpoint, we lapsed into silence. Lincoln remained silent for what seemed a very long time. He then gathered himself up in his chair and said in a tone of earnestness that I shall never forget: ‘I can’t spare this man; he fights.'”10
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?

Did it have something to do with his socialist tariff and subsidy policies? His lesson that evangelicals will vote for the GOP regardless of anything? Not sure what else he was trying to teach them.

Also, Donny is not a billionaire so the poll has to have one of its options changed. assholes taught the Evangelicals that you will vote for a rapist, and a friend to terrorists as long as you get power...and then you will destroy any republican with the allegations of the smallest order to push your agenda...

You taught the evangelicals that you have no souls, and that you don't care how you get power, as long as you get more of it.......they are just realizing that if they allow you to do what you want, you will end freedom of religion......

You taught them that, not Trump.
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?

How to actually defeat the democrats.......

During the Civil War the republican establishment wanted Lincoln to get rid of General Grant....they didn't like that Grant drank too much and didn't dress appropriately for a General and didn't meet their standards for a General...

Lincoln told them..." I can't lose this man, he fights....."

The Generals and Admirals: Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) - Mr. Lincoln's White House

I pressed upon him with all the earnestness I could command the immediate removal of Grant as an imperious necessity to sustain himself.

Nearly every day brought some new and perplexing military complication. He had gone through a long winter of terrible strain with McClellan and the Army of the Potomac; and from the day that Grant started on his Southern expedition until the battle of Shiloh he had had little else than jarring and confusion among his generals in the West

He knew that I had no ends to serve in urging Grant’s removal, beyond the single desire to make him be just to himself, and he listened patiently.

“I appealed to Lincoln for his own sake to remove Grant at once, and, in giving my reasons for it, I simply voiced the admittedly overwhelming protest from the loyal people of the land against Grant’s continuance in command.

I could form no judgment during the conversation as to what effect my arguments had upon him beyond the fact that he was greatly distressed at this new complication.

When I had said everything that could be said from my standpoint, we lapsed into silence. Lincoln remained silent for what seemed a very long time. He then gathered himself up in his chair and said in a tone of earnestness that I shall never forget: ‘I can’t spare this man; he fights.'”10

The modern GOP rejects Lincoln's Republican party. The deep south democrats of the past now support the deep south republican party.
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?

Did it have something to do with his socialist tariff and subsidy policies? His lesson that evangelicals will vote for the GOP regardless of anything? Not sure what else he was trying to teach them.

Also, Donny is not a billionaire so the poll has to have one of its options changed. assholes taught the Evangelicals that you will vote for a rapist, and a friend to terrorists as long as you get power...and then you will destroy any republican with the allegations of the smallest order to push your agenda...

You taught the evangelicals that you have no souls, and that you don't care how you get power, as long as you get more of it.......they are just realizing that if they allow you to do what you want, you will end freedom of religion......

You taught them that, not Trump.

Evangelicals voted for a rapist in Trump, and voted for a pedophile in Roy Moore. They, and you, can fuck off.
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?

Did it have something to do with his socialist tariff and subsidy policies? His lesson that evangelicals will vote for the GOP regardless of anything? Not sure what else he was trying to teach them.

Also, Donny is not a billionaire so the poll has to have one of its options changed. assholes taught the Evangelicals that you will vote for a rapist, and a friend to terrorists as long as you get power...and then you will destroy any republican with the allegations of the smallest order to push your agenda...

You taught the evangelicals that you have no souls, and that you don't care how you get power, as long as you get more of it.......they are just realizing that if they allow you to do what you want, you will end freedom of religion......

You taught them that, not Trump.

Evangelicals voted for a rapist in Trump, and voted for a pedophile in Roy Moore. They, and you, can fuck off.

No...they voted to stop fascists, who plan on ending the 1st and 2nd Amendment...... Trump isn't a rapist...bill clinton is, and you assholes still allow him out in public as your representative...ask Juanita Broderick, Elizabeth Gracen and Eileen Wellstone, as well as about a dozen other women clinton assaulted....
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?

How to actually defeat the democrats.......

During the Civil War the republican establishment wanted Lincoln to get rid of General Grant....they didn't like that Grant drank too much and didn't dress appropriately for a General and didn't meet their standards for a General...

Lincoln told them..." I can't lose this man, he fights....."

The Generals and Admirals: Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) - Mr. Lincoln's White House

I pressed upon him with all the earnestness I could command the immediate removal of Grant as an imperious necessity to sustain himself.

Nearly every day brought some new and perplexing military complication. He had gone through a long winter of terrible strain with McClellan and the Army of the Potomac; and from the day that Grant started on his Southern expedition until the battle of Shiloh he had had little else than jarring and confusion among his generals in the West

He knew that I had no ends to serve in urging Grant’s removal, beyond the single desire to make him be just to himself, and he listened patiently.

“I appealed to Lincoln for his own sake to remove Grant at once, and, in giving my reasons for it, I simply voiced the admittedly overwhelming protest from the loyal people of the land against Grant’s continuance in command.

I could form no judgment during the conversation as to what effect my arguments had upon him beyond the fact that he was greatly distressed at this new complication.

When I had said everything that could be said from my standpoint, we lapsed into silence. Lincoln remained silent for what seemed a very long time. He then gathered himself up in his chair and said in a tone of earnestness that I shall never forget: ‘I can’t spare this man; he fights.'”10

The modern GOP rejects Lincoln's Republican party. The deep south democrats of the past now support the deep south republican party.

No....the racist democrats still vote for democrats..... the ones who stopped being racists grew up and became republicans...
No...they voted to stop fascists, who plan on ending the 1st and 2nd Amendment...... Trump isn't a rapist...bill clinton is, and you assholes still allow him out in public as your representative...ask Juanita Broderick, Elizabeth Gracen and Eileen Wellstone, as well as about a dozen other women clinton assaulted....
There is equal amount of evidence that Trump is a rapist as there is for Bill. Yet you lionize him. 19 women have claimed rape against Trump, and we already know he pays hush money thanks to Stormy. You're a hack, and evangelicals are frauds using religion to hide their prejudices.
No...they voted to stop fascists, who plan on ending the 1st and 2nd Amendment...... Trump isn't a rapist...bill clinton is, and you assholes still allow him out in public as your representative...ask Juanita Broderick, Elizabeth Gracen and Eileen Wellstone, as well as about a dozen other women clinton assaulted....
There is equal amount of evidence that Trump is a rapist as there is for Bill. Yet you lionize him. 19 women have claimed rape against Trump, and we already know he pays hush money thanks to Stormy. You're a hack, and evangelicals are frauds using religion to hide their prejudices.

Nope...... rape allegations came out when he ran for President..... just in time.... bill clinton was a rapist when he was in England and all through his life......

Evangelicals have decided to play by your rules....... you support a rapist in clinton, and a terrorist friend in obama, they will vote to stop those monsters from destroying the Constitution....

You taught them that you forced bakers to bake cakes and try to take guns away from normal people while you let criminals out of jail....
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?

Did it have something to do with his socialist tariff and subsidy policies? His lesson that evangelicals will vote for the GOP regardless of anything? Not sure what else he was trying to teach them.

Also, Donny is not a billionaire so the poll has to have one of its options changed. assholes taught the Evangelicals that you will vote for a rapist, and a friend to terrorists as long as you get power...and then you will destroy any republican with the allegations of the smallest order to push your agenda...

You taught the evangelicals that you have no souls, and that you don't care how you get power, as long as you get more of it.......they are just realizing that if they allow you to do what you want, you will end freedom of religion......

You taught them that, not Trump.

Just the opposite, the evangelicals showed their love of money takes precedence over their morals.
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?

how to rapidly increase the debt.

they didn't learn it from obama, so trumps going to show them
I find it interesting how Republicans can give a thoughtful respons as can moderate Democrats, but lefties are just too googlygoogoo to do much more than utter mental farts.

So what do you think Trump meant when he said he would teach the Republican Establishment a lesson?

Did it have something to do with his socialist tariff and subsidy policies? His lesson that evangelicals will vote for the GOP regardless of anything?

Hysterically funny. Tell us, who else could they vote for? There's not a Democrat in sight worth a single damn.

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