Trump Polling Lead Surges After Anti-Muslim Comments


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
While Trump is not my choice, I like what he says


Donald Trump, GOP frontrunner and self-styled anti-establishment candidate, knows how to entertain.

He also understands that he has built a political brand which garners momentum from the very type of controversy that would sink any other candidate in the field.

When you put those two things together, you have a recipe for bombastic rhetoric designed to hold the electorate in a perpetual state of shock and embed a tiny voice that says “you know, maybe he’s right” in the back of voters’ collective mind.

The genius of Trump is that he’s been remarkably adept at making voters question whether what he says is actually crazy or just sounds that way because Americans have been conditioned to recoil at anything that breaks decorum or sounds like it might not be “PC.” And that plays right into his message. He makes you wonder if it’s you that’s the crazy one. Perhaps you’ve been put in a stupor by years of watered down stump speeches and Trump is just speaking plainly and saying what everyone knows is true but is too scared to say in public. If that’s true, he’s a kind of nationalistic Morpheus trying to pull you out of a dangerous, misplaced multiculturalism Matrix. Or at least that’s what he wants you to think. It could be that he is exactly what his detractors say he is: a demagogue that’s stark raving mad.

As we said earlier this week, voters will ultimately decide what Trump is or isn’t and render their judgement at the polls and make no mistake, the Donald’s controversial suggestion that Muslims should be banned from entering the country has resonated with large swaths of the electorate and a new poll shows that in South Carolina, Trump has opened up a commanding lead since creating a firestorm on Monday.

“It’s no wonder Trump is leading,” GOP mouthpiece Fox News (which has had its differences with Trump this year) says. “He’s ahead among both those who prioritize national security and economic issues. He’s the top pick among voters on the two most important candidate qualities -- strong leader and, to a lesser degree, honest and trustworthy. Plus, he’s considered the most electable -- by a lot.”

The poll surveyed 437 likely Republican primary voters by phone from December 5-8. Here are the numbers at a glance:

  • Trump: 35%
  • Carson: 15%
  • Cruz: 14%
  • Rubio: 14%
  • Bush: 5%
Don’t even ask about the rest of the field.

Trump Polling Lead Surges After Anti-Muslim Comments | Zero Hedge
I agree. While he might not be my choice what he says makes perfect sense to any reasonable citizen.

Of course the left calls anyone with common sense a racist and a bigot. Just shows how clueless these idiots are.

Obama wants to bring in another 100,000 refugees next year. We taxpayers will get the honor of supporting them. Most are uneducated and they don't speak English. They will be on Welfare for years.

And of those 100,000 I wonder how many will be terrorists???
I agree. While he might not be my choice what he says makes perfect sense to any reasonable citizen.

Of course the left calls anyone with common sense a racist and a bigot. Just shows how clueless these idiots are.

Obama wants to bring in another 100,000 refugees next year. We taxpayers will get the honor of supporting them. Most are uneducated and they don't speak English. They will be on Welfare for years.

And of those 100,000 I wonder how many will be terrorists???

Well, we know of one that got in from Indonesia and he's in the Oval Office,...... scratch that, he's at Marthas Vineyard hanging out with rich white people

it still boggles all of us that people want to vote for Hillary in these times of panic, guess they want to live to see another major attack.

Maybe since she withstood all the attacks from the fallout relative to her sexual predator husband Slick Willie

I like a lot of things he says. However, I don't think I would vote for him if the election were today. IDK if I fully trust him or not.
His anti-Establishment energy is exactly what I was looking for! But he seems to not think a lot.. Then again, one of the things I appreciate about him is the fact that he is the kind of person that would listen. And I bet his administration would be pretty badass. But back to the negative... I don't like people that "erupt". I mean, it happens sometimes but with him, its ALOT...
I figured his numbers would be down by now, but they aren't.. Seems he gets a bigger lead every day.. People are fed up with the bullshit. And he is one of two people that would actually focus on the American citizens.
I mean he has republicans begging for fair trade. People aren't even speaking against his healthcare for crying out loud.
Its time for a change. He is disrupting this whole duopoly and THAT I LOVE :thup:
The left and the media are flummoxed, the more they attack the stronger his numbers. Perhaps they should realize he's connecting with the people
The left and the media are flummoxed, the more they attack the stronger his numbers. Perhaps they should realize he's connecting with the people
till this day, i just cannot phathom how anyone (well besides those as retarded as obama-phone- girl) would vote for Hillary,,,its so obvious she has brain damage, all she has to do is speak, and there u go! Brain Damage!,,,,uhmm, errr, I dont recall?
The left and the media are flummoxed, the more they attack the stronger his numbers. Perhaps they should realize he's connecting with the people
till this day, i just cannot phathom how anyone (well besides those as retarded as obama-phone- girl) would vote for Hillary,,,its so obvious she has brain damage, all she has to do is speak, and there u go! Brain Damage!,,,,uhmm, errr, I dont recall?

She seems "confused" ;)

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