Trump or Clintons: Who Is Most Closely Connected to Jeffrey Epstein?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
I'm not big fan of either side but it really doesn't look good for the Clintons.

Trump or Clintons: Who Is Most Closely Connected to Jeffrey Epstein?

After the spectacular re-arrest of convicted child sex offender and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, both Trump and Clinton partisans are rushing to connect each other's nemesis to Epstein's life and whereabouts. Epstein has now been charged with child trafficking for sex purposes, in a case which some say has the elements of the perfect storm.
I'm not big fan of either side but it really doesn't look good for the Clintons.

Trump or Clintons: Who Is Most Closely Connected to Jeffrey Epstein?

After the spectacular re-arrest of convicted child sex offender and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, both Trump and Clinton partisans are rushing to connect each other's nemesis to Epstein's life and whereabouts. Epstein has now been charged with child trafficking for sex purposes, in a case which some say has the elements of the perfect storm.

Of course its the Clintons! Its the whole leftist, Hollywood, liberal elite gang.
I'm not big fan of either side but it really doesn't look good for the Clintons.

Trump or Clintons: Who Is Most Closely Connected to Jeffrey Epstein?

After the spectacular re-arrest of convicted child sex offender and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, both Trump and Clinton partisans are rushing to connect each other's nemesis to Epstein's life and whereabouts. Epstein has now been charged with child trafficking for sex purposes, in a case which some say has the elements of the perfect storm.

Of course its the Clintons! Its the whole leftist, Hollywood, liberal elite gang.

B b but...the picture of Trump with Epstein in '92!
I'm not big fan of either side but it really doesn't look good for the Clintons.

Trump or Clintons: Who Is Most Closely Connected to Jeffrey Epstein?

After the spectacular re-arrest of convicted child sex offender and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, both Trump and Clinton partisans are rushing to connect each other's nemesis to Epstein's life and whereabouts. Epstein has now been charged with child trafficking for sex purposes, in a case which some say has the elements of the perfect storm.
It's not even close.

The Democrat Party and The Clintons

President Trump met Epstein, I believe one time, as Epstein tried to join one of Trump's clubs.

Trump kicked Epstein out once the rumors about Bill Clinton and The Lolita Express were finally confirmed as true.

But Good Ole Billy kept on flying on The Lolita Express.

The Clintons, Obamas, Schummer, and Nadler have all taken massive donations from Epstein, and numerous Democrat Leaders and Politicians have been entertained by Epstein at his ranch, on the Lolita Express and on his Island.

Look at The Democrat Party in General. They Enable Human Trafficking. The tried to cover for both Weinstein and Epstein. Hollywood has had big Sex Rings and other perversions. They have even Decriminalized Child Prostitution in California for children as young as 13 years old, under Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Carmela Harris' watch. They promote Pedophilia as a lifestyle choice, and they want to force schools to teach children how to be homosexuals.

Children are nothing but Disposable Commodities to The Left!
Hillary Violated State Department Policy to Get Convicted Child Trafficker Out of Haiti. Activist Found Dead.
Updated on September 10, 2018

Ralph Lopez
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Laura Silsby
In a well-known criminal case in which an American woman from Idaho attempted to smuggle 33 Haitian children across the Haitian border into the Dominican Republic soon after the 2010 earthquake, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took extraordinary measures, including the deployment of former president Bill Clinton as a negotiator, to get the woman released and sent back to the states to freedom. Also released were 9 co-participants in the enterprise, who denied any in-depth knowledge of the plan.

In 2013 an NBC News report claimed that the Clinton State Department had squashed an internal investigation into allegations of pedophilia and prostitution involving State Department personnel.
I'm not big fan of either side but it really doesn't look good for the Clintons.

Trump or Clintons: Who Is Most Closely Connected to Jeffrey Epstein?

After the spectacular re-arrest of convicted child sex offender and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, both Trump and Clinton partisans are rushing to connect each other's nemesis to Epstein's life and whereabouts. Epstein has now been charged with child trafficking for sex purposes, in a case which some say has the elements of the perfect storm.

We knew Trump wouldn't let down, and the big finale was coming.

Is Clinton a child rapist? We will find out.
god damn - when did speculation become news?

i'll wait and see how it unfolds.
Hillary Violated State Department Policy to Get Convicted Child Trafficker Out of Haiti. Activist Found Dead.
Updated on September 10, 2018

Ralph Lopez
Contact Author


Laura Silsby
In a well-known criminal case in which an American woman from Idaho attempted to smuggle 33 Haitian children across the Haitian border into the Dominican Republic soon after the 2010 earthquake, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took extraordinary measures, including the deployment of former president Bill Clinton as a negotiator, to get the woman released and sent back to the states to freedom. Also released were 9 co-participants in the enterprise, who denied any in-depth knowledge of the plan.

In 2013 an NBC News report claimed that the Clinton State Department had squashed an internal investigation into allegations of pedophilia and prostitution involving State Department personnel.

The Reports of Liberals, Democrat Politicians and Hollywood Actors, Actresses and Big Wigs all being involved in Sex Trafficking Rings and Pedophilia are True.

We are heading towards The Days of Noah and Sodom and Gommorah and The Left is taking us there.
Hillary Violated State Department Policy to Get Convicted Child Trafficker Out of Haiti. Activist Found Dead.
Updated on September 10, 2018

Ralph Lopez
Contact Author


Laura Silsby
In a well-known criminal case in which an American woman from Idaho attempted to smuggle 33 Haitian children across the Haitian border into the Dominican Republic soon after the 2010 earthquake, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took extraordinary measures, including the deployment of former president Bill Clinton as a negotiator, to get the woman released and sent back to the states to freedom. Also released were 9 co-participants in the enterprise, who denied any in-depth knowledge of the plan.

In 2013 an NBC News report claimed that the Clinton State Department had squashed an internal investigation into allegations of pedophilia and prostitution involving State Department personnel.

The Reports of Liberals, Democrat Politicians and Hollywood Actors, Actresses and Big Wigs all being involved in Sex Trafficking Rings and Pedophilia are True.

We are heading towards The Days of Noah and Sodom and Gommorah and The Left is taking us there.
I don't think it ever stopped, america just had to wait for them to show up. which they eventually did. middle east is still prosecuting children especially girls.
What does it matter. Anyone involved in this situation should be held accountable. There are no "not as pervy" pervs. All child molesters are sick and perverted.
The FACT that the MEDIA had to trot out 25 year old pictures of Trump with Epstein tells me everything. They had the 18 - 22 times Bill Clinton flew to Pedo Island. Why?

This was another case of ARKANCIDE.
If the info. gets out you Demonicrats will discover you support Demonicrats. No doubt some Repulsivcans are in the mix as well. I say expose em all.
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