Trump May Announce For MutherFukin' White House Soon, in Lincoln's Party!(?)!

The federal troops were in full readiness in the South. The federal marshalls were ready in the North. Any indigenous tribes were probably too busy laughing. San Francisco liberals were otherwise engaged--and often still are.

Nixon would later on create Emancipation II, with the famous Southern Strategy of creating an alienated, Republican, Southern base. Widely touted by the Obamas, the "Reagan Trajectory," of federally supported, White Entrepreneurship, would create the basis for youth gang violence, creating the entertainment industry mega-bucks. Unemployment among Black teenagers would soar above 50 percent. The Obama Administration, of the famous Ivy League, would sign on to it big-time, in the new Century.

If the Boy Scouts were famous for, "Be Prepared!" The GOP and Ivy League could respond, "We Are Prepared!'

The Old, Fat, White People--Cavorting about naked on other people's yachts--dumping substance and other treasure into the sea: Would eventually cry, "Freedom Like Always!" and do well at the polls, except in the upwind position, in the Far West.

Some might remark that so far, the Third Time around is no charm, at all.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., would stand in front of the Lincoln Memorial, and proclaim the great tradition of Civil Rights, like Americans Understand them! Donald Trump would later go onto no particular fame whatsoever, proclaiming that some people in the United States are probably that stupid! In fact, even Ivy League would eventually be shown to not be immune--even in the eternal search for house keys!)
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I don't think there's any doubt he's running. He knows he can beat the kenyan without much to-do at all, because little lop eared, purple lipped Barry has already beat himself, and not only that, I think Trump has bigger bombs than proving obama's birth certificates are fake to drop when he does run.
Rave On, White Trash.....Rave On!!!
"It didn’t take long for the conspiracy lunatics to claim President Barack Obama‘s full birth certificate, released Wednesday, is a fake.

What else are they going to do? Their inherent racism, hate and bigotry cannot allow them to admit the truth.

No other President in American history has been asked to provide so much proof of birthrate. Of course, no other President in American history is part African-American.

The birthers can bluster all they want and claim all they want is the “truth,” but the truth does not matter to a racist and the birther movement is racism in all its angry, hate-filled manifestations."

The Republicans originally found themselves able to keep the new free labor away from the North. The South would devise its own ploys to keep it contained, and variously confined.

The Great Emancipation in Europe, of the Nazis, actually became a wholesale slaughter instead. Especially universities, in the United States, were aware that the Nazis had their rights to be free, at last!

Nazis in the Ivory Tower - News - Students For Academic Freedom

It is difficult to understand the full horror of Nixon-Reagan, without understanding just who gets emancipated when "freedom" is set to "ring-ding-a-ding." The Obamas aren't even about to free the schools, even in their district, away from Chicago.

The Democratic Liberal New Math of equal dollar raised and indexed, personal exemptions and standard deduction is after the ascendancy of Nixon, and in spite of Reagan. In fact it mainly succeeding in throwing people off of the income tax rolls. The Ivy League Clintons magnified that outcome, and the Ivy League Bush Adminstration made sure that the rich were included in there, too.

The poor had a chance to get rid of clunkers. Now they can buy cheap SUV's instead(?)! Emancipation does that to people. The 99ers may all be colored after all. Unemploymennt now means no jobs offered.

Emancipation is on with a vengeance!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(At least the entrepreneurial banking community got their federal largesse--with greater than usual visibility with the Republicans again in office. The Obamas even wanted to make sure that the Ivy League was still perceived to be in control, even in the Reno Gazette(?)! The roofs on the park restrooms, at Mammoth Lakes resort nearby, would follow as the famous "Public Works" of Obama/Ivy League Stimulus program.)

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