Trump lies shamelessly about his tax-cut plan.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2016
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
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Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to call his blatant bullshit.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
Trump lies shamelessly about his tax-cut plan....Claims that

The first lie regarding his so-called tax cut plan, last I checked, is that there even is a plan.
It's funny to me that he spits at Trumpsters like that but I'm surprised to see that they find it funny too.
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Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to call his blatant bullshit.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
Trump lies shamelessly about his tax-cut plan....Claims that

The first lie regarding his so-called tax cut plan, last I checked, is that there even is a plan.

Well whatever it is, it personally benefits Trump BIG LEAGUE while he says with a straight face that this is all about middle class and jobs.
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to call his blatant bullshit.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
Trump lies shamelessly about his tax-cut plan....Claims that

The first lie regarding his so-called tax cut plan, last I checked, is that there even is a plan.

Well whatever it is, it personally benefits Trump BIG LEAGUE while he says with a straight face that this is all about middle class and jobs.

No doubt about that.
  • Consider the removal of the AMT and the following: Trump paid $31 million in alternative minimum tax in 2005 — and now he plans to repeal it (FWIW, I wouldn't mind the AMT reduction for individual taxpayers having gross income of $750K or less)
  • Pass through marginal rate reduction combined with Trump's AMT elimination --> For people like Trump, this could essentially and literally bring their tax bill to $0.00, particularly if all the current exceptions and exemptions ("loopholes") remain in place.
It's worth noting that Trump's rate reduction proposals are marginal rate reductions. Because they are marginal rate reductions, they are of no value to anyone whose effective tax rate is already below the relevant marginal rate.
Simply put, if one's marginal tax rate is, say 25% and one's deductions and exemptions allow one to actually pay tax such that one's effective rate is 15%, with no change other than a reduction in one's marginal tax rate from 25% to 15%, one will pay the same sum of money in taxes.

I discussed effective tax rates in one context or another a good deal on USMB. Some excerpts form those posts are below.
Most Left Wing Losers are very envious of successful people who pay the taxes that support the welfare system
I read it & it helps the richest, and gives very little to the middle class, & helps working class people not at all. and that's before they play with it a little more. when its done my guess is it will be worse.
oh no. someone else may not pay as much tax as I think they should. my world is going to end. it's all just so unfair.
Trump is a snake, his prey is the Middle Class and the Working Poor.

Says the one that support social programs causing the poor to remain poor by taking away the incentive to do better.

I do support social programs; you are simply echoing the Right Wing / Callous Conservative meme that they are not only not effective, but that they hurt those the policies were developed to aid.

That's one of the many BIG LIES echoed by the naive and the biddable.

I bet you believe the Republican tax "reform" bill aids the middle class and not the wealthiest Americans.

Americans should have no fear about Communism or Terrorists anymore than they do about stupid people like you voting for self serving pols like Ryan, Trump, McConnell and Tea Party / Freedom Party Caucus Members.

Trickle down never aided the many, and austerity never cured an economic crisis.
I read it & it helps the richest, and gives very little to the middle class, & helps working class people not at all. and that's before they play with it a little more. when its done my guess is it will be worse.
What!? People not paying the taxes don't get as much back? What a cruel world we live in.
Trump is a snake, his prey is the Middle Class and the Working Poor.

Says the one that support social programs causing the poor to remain poor by taking away the incentive to do better.

I do support social programs; you are simply echoing the Right Wing / Callous Conservative meme that they are not only not effective, but that they hurt those the policies were developed to aid.

That's one of the many BIG LIES echoed by the naive and the biddable.

I bet you believe the Republican tax "reform" bill aids the middle class and not the wealthiest Americans.

Americans should have no fear about Communism or Terrorists anymore than they do about stupid people like you voting for self serving pols like Ryan, Trump, McConnell and Tea Party / Freedom Party Caucus Members.

Trickle down never aided the many, and austerity never cured an economic crisis.

You care so much for other people you're willing to let others be forced to fund what you support.

They aren't effective. When someone has such low skills that social welfare provides them more than they're capable of earning, they are a bad thing.

I bet you believe those that already foot the bill in this country don't pay a fair share while those that contribute nothing are perfectly OK with being leeches.

Trickle up only keeps people in poverty. The rich are still going to be rich and the poor will continue to be leeches.
NO one pays NO taxes, every trip to the store is taxed. if you own property your taxed, car taxed, work taxed. do you no what % is not taxed?
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
What I heard is we will get $600-$1000 but the rich will win bigly.
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.
The thread has quickly deflected to a general discussion on taxes and gotten away from the thread title and topic, trump shamelessly lying about his tax plan. Why does he need to lie about it? Why do his supporters expect the rest of the population to just accept his lying as standard operating procedure? If the con man has to lie there is a reason for it.
Claims that he, and other rich will not benefit from his tax-cut...while it does EVERYTHING to benefit them:

1. removing inheritance tax.
2. Removes Alternate Minimum tax
3. pass through business income top bracket cut from 39 to just 20%
4. Top personal income rate from 39 to 35%
5. Corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 20%

This all adds up to a HUGE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and Trump personally with not a single idea on how to pay for all that.

And then he tops it off with "Belive me!"...what the fuck is wrong with him and how can his supporters stand by him when he pretty much spits in their face like that and calls them too stupid to know better.

Analysis | Tax reform is ‘not good for me, believe me,’ Trump said. Don’t.

antontoo calling anyone else a liar is rich.
Would you rather believe, the President or somebody named Philip Bump? Even if Trump decided to cave into democrat dreams and double the corporate taxes and stifle the economy the Washington Post would still be critical and everybody knows it.

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