Trump Is The Natural Consequence Of The Anti Democracy Decade


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
That same year, corporations flooded the presidential, Senate and House elections with $3.4bn in donations. Labor unions no longer provided any countervailing power, contributing only $213m – one union dollar for every 16 corporate. Big corporations and the super-wealthy lavished their donations on the Republican party because Republicans promised them a giant tax cut. As Lindsey Graham warned his colleagues, “financial contributions will stop” if the GOP didn’t come through.

The investments paid off big. Pfizer, whose 2016 contributions to the GOP totaled $16m, will reap an estimated $39bn in tax savings by 2022. GE contributed $20m and will get back $16bn. Chevron donated $13m and will receive $9bn. Groups supported by Charles and the late David Koch spent more than $20m promoting the tax cut, which will save them and their heirs between $1bn and $1.4bn every year. Not even a sizzling economy could match these returns.

The tax cut has contributed to record corporate profits but almost nothing has trickled down. Companies have spent most of their extra cash on stock buybacks and dividends. This has given the stock market a sugar high but left little for average workers. Such workers have been shafted. Despite the longest economic expansion in modern history, real wages have barely risen. The share of corporate profits going to workers still isn’t back to where it was before the 2008 financial crisis. Never in the history of economic data have corporate profits outgrown employee compensation so clearly and for so long.

The so-called “free market” has been taken over by crony capitalism, corporate bailouts and corporate welfare.

Trump is the natural consequence of our anti-democracy decade | Robert Reich

Anti American corporate socialism. AKA: Trickle down economics.
Trickle down is working, dear.
Don't Look Now, But Minority Unemployment Is At Record Lows Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily
Black Unemployment Rate Smashes Record for All-Time Low
Minority Women Are Winning the Jobs Race in a Record Economic Expansion
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Trump is the natural consequence of a variety of Democratic Party stupidity over the past two or three decades...

Democrats took sides with Illegal Aliens rather than their fellow countrymen...

Democrats shoved the Gay Mafia Agenda down America's throat...

Democrats shoved their White Folk to the side and began favoring Minorities simply because of their color...

Democrats spent like drunken sailors with no end in sight for either spending or taxation...

Democrats took over much of the media and began using it for Public Shaming...

White Straight Christian Middle-America, collectively, finally vented its disgust with Liberal policies, on November 8, 2016...

Much of America would rather have voted-in a fence-post than endure another smarmy smurf whiny Democrat...

Even an Orange Baboon amoral arrogant incompetent lying POS, assuming that he promised 'em what they wanted to hear...

Helluva con-job, fer shure...:(

Tragically, the idiot Democrats have not learned the lessons of November 8, 2016, with respect to policies and platforms and agendas...

Consequently, the Democrats risk enabling the Con-Man-Robber-Baron a second time, goddamned fools.
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Pfizer, Inc"
.........Total................Dems.........Reps ......D.....R
2012 $2,560,834 $1,279,245 $1,236,546 50% 48%
2010 $2,086,408 $1,062,693 $1,002,215 51% 48%
2008 $2,247,263 $1,129,344 $1,112,544 50% 50%
That same year, corporations flooded the presidential, Senate and House elections with $3.4bn in donations. Labor unions no longer provided any countervailing power, contributing only $213m – one union dollar for every 16 corporate. Big corporations and the super-wealthy lavished their donations on the Republican party because Republicans promised them a giant tax cut. As Lindsey Graham warned his colleagues, “financial contributions will stop” if the GOP didn’t come through.

The investments paid off big. Pfizer, whose 2016 contributions to the GOP totaled $16m, will reap an estimated $39bn in tax savings by 2022. GE contributed $20m and will get back $16bn. Chevron donated $13m and will receive $9bn. Groups supported by Charles and the late David Koch spent more than $20m promoting the tax cut, which will save them and their heirs between $1bn and $1.4bn every year. Not even a sizzling economy could match these returns.

The tax cut has contributed to record corporate profits but almost nothing has trickled down. Companies have spent most of their extra cash on stock buybacks and dividends. This has given the stock market a sugar high but left little for average workers. Such workers have been shafted. Despite the longest economic expansion in modern history, real wages have barely risen. The share of corporate profits going to workers still isn’t back to where it was before the 2008 financial crisis. Never in the history of economic data have corporate profits outgrown employee compensation so clearly and for so long.

The so-called “free market” has been taken over by crony capitalism, corporate bailouts and corporate welfare.

Trump is the natural consequence of our anti-democracy decade | Robert Reich

Anti American corporate socialism. AKA: Trickle down economics.
Banks were the big beneficiaries. Don't you love it?

Story from the beginning of the year, but relevant:

'A large chunk of their profits “were from the Trump tax cuts, which they didn’t pass along to tens of millions of hardworking Americans, who are still getting next to nothing on their savings accounts,” he added.'

Trump's tax law makes big winners of banks, giving $29B boost to profits
That same year, corporations flooded the presidential, Senate and House elections with $3.4bn in donations. Labor unions no longer provided any countervailing power, contributing only $213m – one union dollar for every 16 corporate. Big corporations and the super-wealthy lavished their donations on the Republican party because Republicans promised them a giant tax cut. As Lindsey Graham warned his colleagues, “financial contributions will stop” if the GOP didn’t come through.

The investments paid off big. Pfizer, whose 2016 contributions to the GOP totaled $16m, will reap an estimated $39bn in tax savings by 2022. GE contributed $20m and will get back $16bn. Chevron donated $13m and will receive $9bn. Groups supported by Charles and the late David Koch spent more than $20m promoting the tax cut, which will save them and their heirs between $1bn and $1.4bn every year. Not even a sizzling economy could match these returns.

The tax cut has contributed to record corporate profits but almost nothing has trickled down. Companies have spent most of their extra cash on stock buybacks and dividends. This has given the stock market a sugar high but left little for average workers. Such workers have been shafted. Despite the longest economic expansion in modern history, real wages have barely risen. The share of corporate profits going to workers still isn’t back to where it was before the 2008 financial crisis. Never in the history of economic data have corporate profits outgrown employee compensation so clearly and for so long.

The so-called “free market” has been taken over by crony capitalism, corporate bailouts and corporate welfare.

Trump is the natural consequence of our anti-democracy decade | Robert Reich

Anti American corporate socialism. AKA: Trickle down economics.
Mmm.. no. Trump is the natural consequence of the failure of Democrats and Republicans. People like me elected Republicans for a landslide victory in 2014 mid terms, but those republic didn't follow through on their campaign promises. When the newly elected Republicans lined up behind obama, I knew I could no longer Germany vote for Repubs. I also knew that I couldn't vote Democrat either, but them came Trump. Trump kicked the Repubs off of the Republic platform and used it for his own campaign, effectively defeating repubs. He also defeated the dems. Trump was the result of a perfect storm, the failure of both repubs and dems. Trump represents we the people, not the establishment.
Trump is the natural consequence of a variety of Democratic Party stupidity over the past two or three decades...

Democrats took sides with Illegal Aliens rather than their fellow countrymen...

Democrats shoved the Gay Mafia Agenda down America's throat...

Democrats shoved their White Folk to the side and began favoring Minorities simply because of their color...

Democrats spent like drunken sailors with no end in sight for either spending or taxation...

Democrats took over much of the media and began using it for Public Shaming...

White Christian Straight Middle-America, collectively, finally vented its disgust with Liberal policies, on November 8, 2016...

Much of America would rather have voted-in a fence-post, than endure another smarmy smurf whiny Democrat...
You need to crawl out the holler.
That same year, corporations flooded the presidential, Senate and House elections with $3.4bn in donations. Labor unions no longer provided any countervailing power, contributing only $213m – one union dollar for every 16 corporate. Big corporations and the super-wealthy lavished their donations on the Republican party because Republicans promised them a giant tax cut. As Lindsey Graham warned his colleagues, “financial contributions will stop” if the GOP didn’t come through.

The investments paid off big. Pfizer, whose 2016 contributions to the GOP totaled $16m, will reap an estimated $39bn in tax savings by 2022. GE contributed $20m and will get back $16bn. Chevron donated $13m and will receive $9bn. Groups supported by Charles and the late David Koch spent more than $20m promoting the tax cut, which will save them and their heirs between $1bn and $1.4bn every year. Not even a sizzling economy could match these returns.

The tax cut has contributed to record corporate profits but almost nothing has trickled down. Companies have spent most of their extra cash on stock buybacks and dividends. This has given the stock market a sugar high but left little for average workers. Such workers have been shafted. Despite the longest economic expansion in modern history, real wages have barely risen. The share of corporate profits going to workers still isn’t back to where it was before the 2008 financial crisis. Never in the history of economic data have corporate profits outgrown employee compensation so clearly and for so long.

The so-called “free market” has been taken over by crony capitalism, corporate bailouts and corporate welfare.

Trump is the natural consequence of our anti-democracy decade | Robert Reich

Anti American corporate socialism. AKA: Trickle down economics.


Reich's POV is a little short.

(Billy snerks)

Why the Gap Between Worker Pay and Productivity Is So Problematic
Labor has become more efficient and profitable, but employees aren't sharing in the benefits.

Workers Wages Aren't Rising Even Though They're More Productive

This link takes the data out to 2018.
The Productivity–Pay Gap

There's your societal wealth redistribution, and it's been utterly bipartisan over time.
That same year, corporations flooded the presidential, Senate and House elections with $3.4bn in donations. Labor unions no longer provided any countervailing power, contributing only $213m – one union dollar for every 16 corporate. Big corporations and the super-wealthy lavished their donations on the Republican party because Republicans promised them a giant tax cut. As Lindsey Graham warned his colleagues, “financial contributions will stop” if the GOP didn’t come through.

The investments paid off big. Pfizer, whose 2016 contributions to the GOP totaled $16m, will reap an estimated $39bn in tax savings by 2022. GE contributed $20m and will get back $16bn. Chevron donated $13m and will receive $9bn. Groups supported by Charles and the late David Koch spent more than $20m promoting the tax cut, which will save them and their heirs between $1bn and $1.4bn every year. Not even a sizzling economy could match these returns.

The tax cut has contributed to record corporate profits but almost nothing has trickled down. Companies have spent most of their extra cash on stock buybacks and dividends. This has given the stock market a sugar high but left little for average workers. Such workers have been shafted. Despite the longest economic expansion in modern history, real wages have barely risen. The share of corporate profits going to workers still isn’t back to where it was before the 2008 financial crisis. Never in the history of economic data have corporate profits outgrown employee compensation so clearly and for so long.

The so-called “free market” has been taken over by crony capitalism, corporate bailouts and corporate welfare.

Trump is the natural consequence of our anti-democracy decade | Robert Reich

Anti American corporate socialism. AKA: Trickle down economics.


Reich's POV is a little short.

(Billy snerks)
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
That same year, corporations flooded the presidential, Senate and House elections with $3.4bn in donations. Labor unions no longer provided any countervailing power, contributing only $213m – one union dollar for every 16 corporate. Big corporations and the super-wealthy lavished their donations on the Republican party because Republicans promised them a giant tax cut. As Lindsey Graham warned his colleagues, “financial contributions will stop” if the GOP didn’t come through.

The investments paid off big. Pfizer, whose 2016 contributions to the GOP totaled $16m, will reap an estimated $39bn in tax savings by 2022. GE contributed $20m and will get back $16bn. Chevron donated $13m and will receive $9bn. Groups supported by Charles and the late David Koch spent more than $20m promoting the tax cut, which will save them and their heirs between $1bn and $1.4bn every year. Not even a sizzling economy could match these returns.

The tax cut has contributed to record corporate profits but almost nothing has trickled down. Companies have spent most of their extra cash on stock buybacks and dividends. This has given the stock market a sugar high but left little for average workers. Such workers have been shafted. Despite the longest economic expansion in modern history, real wages have barely risen. The share of corporate profits going to workers still isn’t back to where it was before the 2008 financial crisis. Never in the history of economic data have corporate profits outgrown employee compensation so clearly and for so long.

The so-called “free market” has been taken over by crony capitalism, corporate bailouts and corporate welfare.

Trump is the natural consequence of our anti-democracy decade | Robert Reich

Anti American corporate socialism. AKA: Trickle down economics.
We aren't and thankfully never were a "Democracy", but a Constitutional Republic with an electoral college and elected representatives as a bulwark against "mob rule".

If anything, removing the popular vote entirely, and having local police forces be more proactive about quelling non-peaceful assemblies should be on our agenda.

Most of the anti-Trump protests have not been "peaceful" as far as I can tell - the police in theory could have been ordered to shut them down - lethally if necessary and remind the immoral and the slave class of their proper place in the state's hierarchy.

A lot of these scum believe that life is meaningless, and that "rights" come by force - so maybe it's time the police started suppressing rioters with live ammunition and show them how "right" they actually are - hehehe

Gun down a few anarchist, anti-Trump protests, broadcast it on live TV, and watch the rest of the mouth-breathing rabble shut the f-k up and hide back in their closets. If they showed that on pay per view as a new form of live entertainment, I'd be tempted to pay to watch that.
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Why the Gap Between Worker Pay and Productivity Is So Problematic
Labor has become more efficient and profitable, but employees aren't sharing in the benefits.
View attachment 293866
Workers Wages Aren't Rising Even Though They're More Productive

This link takes the data out to 2018.
The Productivity–Pay Gap

There's your societal wealth redistribution, and it's been utterly bipartisan over time.
Both of yours are old. See mine again
That same year, corporations flooded the presidential, Senate and House elections with $3.4bn in donations. Labor unions no longer provided any countervailing power, contributing only $213m – one union dollar for every 16 corporate. Big corporations and the super-wealthy lavished their donations on the Republican party because Republicans promised them a giant tax cut. As Lindsey Graham warned his colleagues, “financial contributions will stop” if the GOP didn’t come through.

The investments paid off big. Pfizer, whose 2016 contributions to the GOP totaled $16m, will reap an estimated $39bn in tax savings by 2022. GE contributed $20m and will get back $16bn. Chevron donated $13m and will receive $9bn. Groups supported by Charles and the late David Koch spent more than $20m promoting the tax cut, which will save them and their heirs between $1bn and $1.4bn every year. Not even a sizzling economy could match these returns.

The tax cut has contributed to record corporate profits but almost nothing has trickled down. Companies have spent most of their extra cash on stock buybacks and dividends. This has given the stock market a sugar high but left little for average workers. Such workers have been shafted. Despite the longest economic expansion in modern history, real wages have barely risen. The share of corporate profits going to workers still isn’t back to where it was before the 2008 financial crisis. Never in the history of economic data have corporate profits outgrown employee compensation so clearly and for so long.

The so-called “free market” has been taken over by crony capitalism, corporate bailouts and corporate welfare.

Trump is the natural consequence of our anti-democracy decade | Robert Reich

Anti American corporate socialism. AKA: Trickle down economics.
We aren't and thankfully never were a "Democracy", but a Constitutional Republic with an electoral college and elected representatives as a bulwark against "mob rule".

If anything, removing the popular vote entirely, and having local police forces be more proactive about quelling non-peaceful assemblies should be on our agenda.

Most of the anti-Trump protests have not been "peaceful" as far as I can tell - the police in theory could have been ordered to shut them down - lethally if necessary and remind the immoral and the slave class of their proper place in the state's hierarchy.

A lot of these scum believe that life is meaningless, and that "rights" come by force - so maybe it's time the police started suppressing rioters with live ammunition and show them how "right" they actually are - hehehe

Gun down a few anarchist, anti-Trump protests, broadcast it on live TV, and watch the rest of the mouth-breathing rabble shut the f-k up and hide back in their closets. If they showed that on pay per view as a new form of live entertainment, I'd be tempted to pay to watch that.
Easy cowboy. Just can't keep your spurs from jinglin and janglin and twirlin your little guns, can you?
Corporations definitely did not give us Trump. Populous Totalitarians (like yourself) did.
Corporations are not people too, not matter what the Supreme Court said, but I guess nobody agrees with the Supreme Court all the time, do they? Corporations donating to political campaigns just gives the corporations the opportunity to corrupt politicians earlier, by get their hooks in before the election easier, rather than waiting to spend big money for lobbyists. Not good for representatives of the people, by the people and for the people. Just sayin. :)
That same year, corporations flooded the presidential, Senate and House elections with $3.4bn in donations. Labor unions no longer provided any countervailing power, contributing only $213m – one union dollar for every 16 corporate. Big corporations and the super-wealthy lavished their donations on the Republican party because Republicans promised them a giant tax cut. As Lindsey Graham warned his colleagues, “financial contributions will stop” if the GOP didn’t come through.

The investments paid off big. Pfizer, whose 2016 contributions to the GOP totaled $16m, will reap an estimated $39bn in tax savings by 2022. GE contributed $20m and will get back $16bn. Chevron donated $13m and will receive $9bn. Groups supported by Charles and the late David Koch spent more than $20m promoting the tax cut, which will save them and their heirs between $1bn and $1.4bn every year. Not even a sizzling economy could match these returns.

The tax cut has contributed to record corporate profits but almost nothing has trickled down. Companies have spent most of their extra cash on stock buybacks and dividends. This has given the stock market a sugar high but left little for average workers. Such workers have been shafted. Despite the longest economic expansion in modern history, real wages have barely risen. The share of corporate profits going to workers still isn’t back to where it was before the 2008 financial crisis. Never in the history of economic data have corporate profits outgrown employee compensation so clearly and for so long.

The so-called “free market” has been taken over by crony capitalism, corporate bailouts and corporate welfare.

Trump is the natural consequence of our anti-democracy decade | Robert Reich

Anti American corporate socialism. AKA: Trickle down economics.
We aren't and thankfully never were a "Democracy", but a Constitutional Republic with an electoral college and elected representatives as a bulwark against "mob rule".

If anything, removing the popular vote entirely, and having local police forces be more proactive about quelling non-peaceful assemblies should be on our agenda.

Most of the anti-Trump protests have not been "peaceful" as far as I can tell - the police in theory could have been ordered to shut them down - lethally if necessary and remind the immoral and the slave class of their proper place in the state's hierarchy.

A lot of these scum believe that life is meaningless, and that "rights" come by force - so maybe it's time the police started suppressing rioters with live ammunition and show them how "right" they actually are - hehehe

Gun down a few anarchist, anti-Trump protests, broadcast it on live TV, and watch the rest of the mouth-breathing rabble shut the f-k up and hide back in their closets. If they showed that on pay per view as a new form of live entertainment, I'd be tempted to pay to watch that.
Easy cowboy. Just can't keep your spurs from jinglin and janglin and twirlin your little guns, can you?
Corporations definitely did not give us Trump. Populous Totalitarians (like yourself) did.
Corporations are not people too, not matter what the Supreme Court said, but I guess nobody agrees with the Supreme Court all the time, do they? Corporations donating to political campaigns just gives the corporations the opportunity to corrupt politicians earlier, by get their hooks in before the election easier, rather than waiting to spend big money for lobbyists. Not good for representatives of the people, by the people and for the people. Just sayin. :)
Corporations are associations of people, there isn't really much more to it than that.

As far as I'm aware, people only have a right to "peacefully assemble", not to riot.

I don't give time to idiots who favor "socialism" only for corporations, or who deny, at least from an anarchist POV, that America has always been "socialist" - the Common Law system of the states being a "welfare" system in and of itself - or who don't even know the difference between federal and state funding.

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