Trump is breaking his promises - and that's good news for Ireland


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Of most direct relevance to us in Ireland are the 150,000 people who go to work every morning in American companies based here. During the long US election campaign, Mr Trump put great emphasis on having US businesses bring jobs home from abroad. Immediately after the election, he began directly pressuring the bosses of some companies to do just that.

But since he has taken office, the targeting of individual companies has tapered off. There is no sign that he has been in contact with American multinationals in Ireland demanding that they shift jobs and activities back to the US. It is far too early to say that the targeting of US companies in Ireland will not happen, and the pharmaceutical industry remains of very great interest to the administration, but almost three months in there is just a little less to be concerned about than there was on January 20.

Trump is breaking his promises - and that's good news for Ireland -

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