Trump Ignores Puerto Rico, His Twitter War With The NFL Has Priority


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
It isn’t surprising the Big Orange Idiot is ignoring the needs of the people of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. He is much too focused on his Twitter war with the NFL and its players to concern himself with the devastating effects of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

Conservatives are in Big Orange’s corner when it comes to his choice of priorities. They are in love with the Nazis, just like their Big Orange hero, and like Big Orange, they hate the NFL players for protesting police brutality on minorities by kneeling during the national anthem.

Of course, conservatives are totally unaware of the truth behind the protests, after all, their poor, simple minds can only think as FOX News tells them.

Has Trump forgotten about Puerto Rico?



The protests are well beyond the grasp of the simple-minded conservatives.


Conservatives have joined their Big Orange Hero's love affair with the Nazis.


Conservatives believe only what they hear on FOX News.

Regardless of the name, White Nationalist, white supremacist, skin head, Ku Klux Klan, etc., they're all synonymous with Nazi.

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How does anyone know what he is doing about puerto rico? They don't. But they can pretend to be offended.
How does anyone know what he is doing about puerto rico? They don't. But they can pretend to be offended.
Bertram an ass.....A billion dollars of emergency relief was already approved and there are airlines, cities, utility companies and all sorts of people that have been mobilizing to get help and supplies there for services can be restored to help the people and with the immediate cleanup.
Damn make up your minds... he either tweets too much for y'all or not enough.
The Trump Administration’s Feeble Response to Hurricane Maria Rivals Bush’s After Katrina

"So far, the Trump administration has dispatched an anemic Federal Emergency Management Agency mission and sundry military units to assess the situation and provide support. But in some cases it took the federal government days to even contact local leaders in Puerto Rico’s major cities, let alone deploy aid. Only the most rudimentary military support is now on the ground. This is inadequate and calls to mind the lethargic response by the Bush administration to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The U.S. military has a unique expeditionary capability to deliver humanitarian support, logistics, and security anywhere in the world, far above what FEMA or any other civilian agency can muster. American citizens are suffering and dying and need all their government can do for them (including the military). Unfortunately, their president and the military at his command appear focused elsewhere. Unless this changes, more Americans will die."
Damn make up your minds... he either tweets too much for y'all or not enough.

The point isn't making up our minds. The point is that Trump uses twitter like crazy. Twitter is often the way of understanding the President, regardless of whether we think he should or should not be using it.

The difference between Harvey and Maria is massively different on Twitter.

Trump has made no tweets with the term "maria" in it in the last two weeks, with Harvey he made 7.

Does it surprise you that he doesn't bother to communicate about maria, but made tweets on the 25th, 26th, 27th of August, then again on the 30th, but nothing in the aftermath of Maria.
1. NFL players are not allowed to protest on the sidelines.
2. PR is a territory NOT a state and subject to other laws and rules. By law there is some money/help they CANNOT get because of that.
The administration's response to Harvey and Maria have been recognized as being better than anyone expected.

A billion dollars in aid is going to Puerto Rico. Sadly the infrastructure was obliterated. There isn't anything to repair. The electrical system was already decrepit. Everything needs to be built ground up.
Damn make up your minds... he either tweets too much for y'all or not enough.

The point isn't making up our minds. The point is that Trump uses twitter like crazy. Twitter is often the way of understanding the President, regardless of whether we think he should or should not be using it.

The difference between Harvey and Maria is massively different on Twitter.

Trump has made no tweets with the term "maria" in it in the last two weeks, with Harvey he made 7.

Does it surprise you that he doesn't bother to communicate about maria, but made tweets on the 25th, 26th, 27th of August, then again on the 30th, but nothing in the aftermath of Maria.
Do you think there is some secret tweet meaning?
The administration's response to Harvey and Maria have been recognized as being better than anyone expected.

A billion dollars in aid is going to Puerto Rico. Sadly the infrastructure was obliterated. There isn't anything to repair. The electrical system was already decrepit. Everything needs to be built ground up.
And the government doesn't have that capability but the utility companies that are mobilizing crews to help them do. The same thing with cities gathering together engineers, etc. to send to help them get back on their feet.....
Damn make up your minds... he either tweets too much for y'all or not enough.

The point isn't making up our minds. The point is that Trump uses twitter like crazy. Twitter is often the way of understanding the President, regardless of whether we think he should or should not be using it.

The difference between Harvey and Maria is massively different on Twitter.

Trump has made no tweets with the term "maria" in it in the last two weeks, with Harvey he made 7.

Does it surprise you that he doesn't bother to communicate about maria, but made tweets on the 25th, 26th, 27th of August, then again on the 30th, but nothing in the aftermath of Maria.
Do you think there is some secret tweet meaning?
I see the victim card coming!
Trump don't tweet us enough! It's racist!
Damn make up your minds... he either tweets too much for y'all or not enough.

The point isn't making up our minds. The point is that Trump uses twitter like crazy. Twitter is often the way of understanding the President, regardless of whether we think he should or should not be using it.

The difference between Harvey and Maria is massively different on Twitter.

Trump has made no tweets with the term "maria" in it in the last two weeks, with Harvey he made 7.

Does it surprise you that he doesn't bother to communicate about maria, but made tweets on the 25th, 26th, 27th of August, then again on the 30th, but nothing in the aftermath of Maria.
Do you think there is some secret tweet meaning?

No, but I think you're deflecting.
Trump's made one Tweet about Puerto Rico

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

We are with you and the people of Puerto Rico. Stay safe! #PRStrong

On September 20th

In Harvey, Trump made 10 tweets in 2 weeks.

Yep, Trump cares a lot about Pewairtoe ricon.
All of you Trump haters can go f' urselves with your petty bullshit complaining.

Right, had this been Obama, you'd have been on his ass quicker than a horny gay man.
We understand you can't get your minds off of that gay shit but truthfully ain't nobodies gives a chit who you BF with. Trump is doing a GREAT JOB at MAGA!!!!!!
This is quickly going to turn into Trump's Katrina if massive aid isn't sent there right away. 3.4 million people without water, food, or power. And they are going to have to totally rebuild the power infrastructure on the island.

On a side note Arecibo is where the large antennae is that was seen in Contact. It also suffered moderate damage in the storm.

"Because of the storm, a 96-foot line feed antenna—which helps focus, receive, and transmit radio waves—broke in half and fell about 500 feet into the huge dish below, puncturing it in several places, says Pennsylvania State University’s Jim Breakall"

Hurricane Damages Giant Radio Telescope—What You Need to Know
It isn’t surprising the Big Orange Idiot is ignoring the needs of the people of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. He is much too focused on his Twitter war with the NFL and its players to concern himself with the devastating effects of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

Conservatives are in Big Orange’s corner when it comes to his choice of priorities. They are in love with the Nazis, just like their Big Orange hero, and like Big Orange, they hate the NFL players for protesting police brutality on minorities by kneeling during the national anthem.

Of course, conservatives are totally unaware of the truth behind the protests, after all, their poor, simple minds can only think as FOX News tells them.

Has Trump forgotten about Puerto Rico?


View attachment 151386

The protests are well beyond the grasp of the simple-minded conservatives.

View attachment 151387

Conservatives have joined their Big Orange Hero's love affair with the Nazis.

View attachment 151389

Conservatives believe only what they hear on FOX News.

Regardless of the name, White Nationalist, white supremacist, skin head, Ku Klux Klan, etc., they're all synonymous with Nazi.

How long does it take YOU to make a couple tweets? Why do you think this is all hes doing? Your opinions are childish and unrealistic.
The administration's response to Harvey and Maria have been recognized as being better than anyone expected.

A billion dollars in aid is going to Puerto Rico. Sadly the infrastructure was obliterated. There isn't anything to repair. The electrical system was already decrepit. Everything needs to be built ground up.

Might be a blessing in disguise for them to rebuild the grid. Hopefully they can make it more robust to withstand storms
It isn’t surprising the Big Orange Idiot is ignoring the needs of the people of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. He is much too focused on his Twitter war with the NFL and its players to concern himself with the devastating effects of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

Conservatives are in Big Orange’s corner when it comes to his choice of priorities. They are in love with the Nazis, just like their Big Orange hero, and like Big Orange, they hate the NFL players for protesting police brutality on minorities by kneeling during the national anthem.

Of course, conservatives are totally unaware of the truth behind the protests, after all, their poor, simple minds can only think as FOX News tells them.

Has Trump forgotten about Puerto Rico?


View attachment 151386

The protests are well beyond the grasp of the simple-minded conservatives.

View attachment 151387

Conservatives have joined their Big Orange Hero's love affair with the Nazis.

View attachment 151389

Conservatives believe only what they hear on FOX News.

Regardless of the name, White Nationalist, white supremacist, skin head, Ku Klux Klan, etc., they're all synonymous with Nazi.

Texas news anchor Dale Hansen says it best, concerning the conservatives' unreasonable anger towards the NFL athlete's protesting police brutality against black people. The athletes' taking a knee during the national anthem has conservatives' panties in a knot, but they readily accepted, even defended the Nazis who gathered in Charlottesville, VA. In fact, many conservatives stated the young woman killed when a Nazi ran her down with his car, deserved to be killed.

In the video at the link below, Hansen calls out the conservatives AND the Big Orange Idiot for their hypocrisy.

Texas Sports Anchor Dale Hansen Schools Donald Trump On NFL Anthem Protests


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