Trump has Tied Himself into an Impossible Immigration Knot


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Trump has taken almost every possible Republican position on immigration in the span of a week as he's tried to deal with the crisis he created of separating thousands of children from their parents at the border.

He's changed policies, made declarations, said his hands were tied, untied them to sign an executive order that may or may not accomplish anything, blamed Democrats, blamed his predecessors, demanded Congress act, tried to force Congress to act, refused to endorse a specific congressional bill, promised a sweeping immigration reform was possible and, most recently, said Congress should just give up for a while.

The tangle of statements coming from the President's mouth, his Twitter feed, and secondhand reports of what he told Republicans during a trip to Capitol Hill are more confusing than his wife's decision to wear an "I really don't care. Do U?" jacket on a surprise trip to see detained kids at the border.
Unclustering things on the border has proven just as difficult, with a lack of clarity about how many children have been separated from their families, how many may have been reunited, how and whether the government will prosecute their parents, how exactly they're being cared for and how the rest will find their way home.’

Trump’s lies, duplicity, and overall incompetence come as no surprise.
‘Trump has taken almost every possible Republican position on immigration in the span of a week as he's tried to deal with the crisis he created of separating thousands of children from their parents at the border.

He's changed policies, made declarations, said his hands were tied, untied them to sign an executive order that may or may not accomplish anything, blamed Democrats, blamed his predecessors, demanded Congress act, tried to force Congress to act, refused to endorse a specific congressional bill, promised a sweeping immigration reform was possible and, most recently, said Congress should just give up for a while.

The tangle of statements coming from the President's mouth, his Twitter feed, and secondhand reports of what he told Republicans during a trip to Capitol Hill are more confusing than his wife's decision to wear an "I really don't care. Do U?" jacket on a surprise trip to see detained kids at the border.
Unclustering things on the border has proven just as difficult, with a lack of clarity about how many children have been separated from their families, how many may have been reunited, how and whether the government will prosecute their parents, how exactly they're being cared for and how the rest will find their way home.’

Trump’s lies, duplicity, and overall incompetence come as no surprise.

I'm gonna have to apply fruit of the poisonous tree to any evidence gathered or conclusions drawn from source CNN. That being said your doubts in the President's current state of mind are understandable; faith can be difficult to maintain through the eye of such a storm.

President Trump is a bonfire around which have gathered every news outlet, journalist and social media platform, every pundit, priest, atheist, American citizen and inhabitant of planet Earth not living off the grid. All relevant attention is focused in two directions: President Trump the man and our southern border with Mexico. Every ear waits for the most subtle pin drop sound of his next word.

You could be correct in your assessment that the immigration situation is a crisis for his administration. However, if I were a president this rabidly hated I'd want to know one thing above all else: who are my enemies. Who are my enemies within my own White House, across the aisle, overt and incognito

To that end I might devise a plan whereby its successful long game resulted in even my most hidden and protected adversaries revealing themselves because the heat of its wildfire was just too intense to resist, moths to the flame.

Or it could be as you claim.
‘Trump has taken almost every possible Republican position on immigration in the span of a week as he's tried to deal with the crisis he created of separating thousands of children from their parents at the border.

He's changed policies, made declarations, said his hands were tied, untied them to sign an executive order that may or may not accomplish anything, blamed Democrats, blamed his predecessors, demanded Congress act, tried to force Congress to act, refused to endorse a specific congressional bill, promised a sweeping immigration reform was possible and, most recently, said Congress should just give up for a while.

The tangle of statements coming from the President's mouth, his Twitter feed, and secondhand reports of what he told Republicans during a trip to Capitol Hill are more confusing than his wife's decision to wear an "I really don't care. Do U?" jacket on a surprise trip to see detained kids at the border.
Unclustering things on the border has proven just as difficult, with a lack of clarity about how many children have been separated from their families, how many may have been reunited, how and whether the government will prosecute their parents, how exactly they're being cared for and how the rest will find their way home.’

Trump’s lies, duplicity, and overall incompetence come as no surprise.
Whatever your handlers conditioned your biased, close-minded, brainwashed, sheople-brain to b-a-a this week.
‘Trump has taken almost every possible Republican position on immigration in the span of a week as he's tried to deal with the crisis he created of separating thousands of children from their parents at the border.

He's changed policies, made declarations, said his hands were tied, untied them to sign an executive order that may or may not accomplish anything, blamed Democrats, blamed his predecessors, demanded Congress act, tried to force Congress to act, refused to endorse a specific congressional bill, promised a sweeping immigration reform was possible and, most recently, said Congress should just give up for a while.

The tangle of statements coming from the President's mouth, his Twitter feed, and secondhand reports of what he told Republicans during a trip to Capitol Hill are more confusing than his wife's decision to wear an "I really don't care. Do U?" jacket on a surprise trip to see detained kids at the border.
Unclustering things on the border has proven just as difficult, with a lack of clarity about how many children have been separated from their families, how many may have been reunited, how and whether the government will prosecute their parents, how exactly they're being cared for and how the rest will find their way home.’

Trump’s lies, duplicity, and overall incompetence come as no surprise.

I'm gonna have to apply fruit of the poisonous tree to any evidence gathered or conclusions drawn from source CNN. That being said your doubts in the President's current state of mind are understandable; faith can be difficult to maintain through the eye of such a storm.

President Trump is a bonfire around which have gathered every news outlet, journalist and social media platform, every pundit, priest, atheist, American citizen and inhabitant of planet Earth not living off the grid. All relevant attention is focused in two directions: President Trump the man and our southern border with Mexico. Every ear waits for the most subtle pin drop sound of his next word.

You could be correct in your assessment that the immigration situation is a crisis for his administration. However, if I were a president this rabidly hated I'd want to know one thing above all else: who are my enemies. Who are my enemies within my own White House, across the aisle, overt and incognito

To that end I might devise a plan whereby its successful long game resulted in even my most hidden and protected adversaries revealing themselves because the heat of its wildfire was just too intense to resist, moths to the flame.

Or it could be as you claim.

Every American president gets the same kind of attention.
Actually it is the Dirty Democrats who are trying to make controlling immigration and border crossings impossible.
The Democrats are pandering to the racist Brown Berets, La Raza and Aztlan Nationalist who desire to change America into a latino country.
Republicans are split on amnesty, DACA, and open borders. They can't get united on anything and they have to be united to get a majority vote because Democrats will vote NO to everything.
"President Trump will never escape from this one ..."

‘Trump has taken almost every possible Republican position on immigration in the span of a week as he's tried to deal with the crisis he created of separating thousands of children from their parents at the border.

He's changed policies, made declarations, said his hands were tied, untied them to sign an executive order that may or may not accomplish anything, blamed Democrats, blamed his predecessors, demanded Congress act, tried to force Congress to act, refused to endorse a specific congressional bill, promised a sweeping immigration reform was possible and, most recently, said Congress should just give up for a while.

The tangle of statements coming from the President's mouth, his Twitter feed, and secondhand reports of what he told Republicans during a trip to Capitol Hill are more confusing than his wife's decision to wear an "I really don't care. Do U?" jacket on a surprise trip to see detained kids at the border.
Unclustering things on the border has proven just as difficult, with a lack of clarity about how many children have been separated from their families, how many may have been reunited, how and whether the government will prosecute their parents, how exactly they're being cared for and how the rest will find their way

Trump’s lies, duplicity, and overall incompetence come as no surprise.

I'm gonna have to apply fruit of the poisonous tree to any evidence gathered or conclusions drawn from source CNN. That being said your doubts in the President's current state of mind are understandable; faith can be difficult to maintain through the eye of such a storm.

President Trump is a bonfire around which have gathered every news outlet, journalist and social media platform, every pundit, priest, atheist, American citizen and inhabitant of planet Earth not living off the grid. All relevant attention is focused in two directions: President Trump the man and our southern border with Mexico. Every ear waits for the most subtle pin drop sound of his next word.

You could be correct in your assessment that the immigration situation is a crisis for his administration. However, if I were a president this rabidly hated I'd want to know one thing above all else: who are my enemies. Who are my enemies within my own White House, across the aisle, overt and incognito

To that end I might devise a plan whereby its successful long game resulted in even my most hidden and protected adversaries revealing themselves because the heat of its wildfire was just too intense to resist, moths to the flame.

Or it could be as you claim.

Every American president gets the same kind of attention.
More simplistic extrapolation from partisans.

"If this is happening now, then that will happen later"

"We got him/her/them this time, for sure!"

Partisans just don't learn. Even from recent history. That's one of the symptoms of the affliction.
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Immigration is a no-win sceanrio for us as well as 1/2 of Europe right now

The entire world view needs to change

We can no longer have recieving country(s) assuming all responsibility, with those countries of orgin absolving themselves from any of it

This is where the UN could actually be uselful ....

The thing that the Democrats don't realize that vast majority of the country including blacks don't want open borders. It was a winning issue for Trump in the elections and as long as he is strong on border will remain so. The shrill media and a few celebrities can yell all they want. It doesnt change a thing.
‘Trump has taken almost every possible Republican position on immigration in the span of a week as he's tried to deal with the crisis he created of separating thousands of children from their parents at the border.

He's changed policies, made declarations, said his hands were tied, untied them to sign an executive order that may or may not accomplish anything, blamed Democrats, blamed his predecessors, demanded Congress act, tried to force Congress to act, refused to endorse a specific congressional bill, promised a sweeping immigration reform was possible and, most recently, said Congress should just give up for a while.

The tangle of statements coming from the President's mouth, his Twitter feed, and secondhand reports of what he told Republicans during a trip to Capitol Hill are more confusing than his wife's decision to wear an "I really don't care. Do U?" jacket on a surprise trip to see detained kids at the border.
Unclustering things on the border has proven just as difficult, with a lack of clarity about how many children have been separated from their families, how many may have been reunited, how and whether the government will prosecute their parents, how exactly they're being cared for and how the rest will find their way home.’

Trump’s lies, duplicity, and overall incompetence come as no surprise.

I'm gonna have to apply fruit of the poisonous tree to any evidence gathered or conclusions drawn from source CNN. That being said your doubts in the President's current state of mind are understandable; faith can be difficult to maintain through the eye of such a storm.

President Trump is a bonfire around which have gathered every news outlet, journalist and social media platform, every pundit, priest, atheist, American citizen and inhabitant of planet Earth not living off the grid. All relevant attention is focused in two directions: President Trump the man and our southern border with Mexico. Every ear waits for the most subtle pin drop sound of his next word.

You could be correct in your assessment that the immigration situation is a crisis for his administration. However, if I were a president this rabidly hated I'd want to know one thing above all else: who are my enemies. Who are my enemies within my own White House, across the aisle, overt and incognito

To that end I might devise a plan whereby its successful long game resulted in even my most hidden and protected adversaries revealing themselves because the heat of its wildfire was just too intense to resist, moths to the flame.

Or it could be as you claim.

It wasn't a crisis for obama because he simply ignored enforcing the law.....

Here is the truth...

Who’s Really to Blame at the Border?

So it was a ruse. The hysteria over the separation of illegal-alien asylum-seekers from their children (or their purported children) was in large part pretextual. The real target of rage was the Trump administration’s policy of prosecuting all illegal border-crossers for the federal misdemeanor of illegal entry.


This 20-day cap contributed to the flood of Central American child-toting asylum seekers that picked up steam during President Obama’s second term. Asylum petitions typically take months, if not years, to adjudicate, given the long backlog of such cases in the immigration courts. If an adult crosses the border alone and utters the magic asylum words—a fear of persecution in his home country—he could in theory be held in detention until his asylum claim was adjudicated. If, however, he brings a child with him and makes an asylum pitch, he puts the government to a choice: detain the adult separately until his claim is heard and release the child after 20 days, or release both adult and child together.

The Obama administration usually chose the second option. Word coursed through Mexico and Central America that taking a child across the border was a get-out-of-jail-free card that would exempt its holder from both criminal prosecution and detention. This child-release lever, coupled with Obama’s announcement in 2012 that he would grant amnesty to the so-called Dreamers, meant that Obama soon had his own family border crisis on his hands.

In 2014, 70,000 adult-child units and 70,000 unaccompanied minors were apprehended illegally crossing into the U.S. The administration tried building large family detention centers to hold the children and their accompanying adults, but the same Flores decree that has bedeviled the Trump White House stymied that effort.

In 2015, a federal trial judge, Holly Gee, herself appointed by Obama and the very definition of an activist jurist, vastly expanded the scope of the original decree and ordered the administration to release the detained minors. The Department of Homeland Security warned that ending family detention would trigger another border surge. Judge Gee dismissed this concern as “fear-mongering,” according to the Associated Press.

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