Trump executive action of social media censorship being blocked by insiders


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Potential executive action to address the widespread Big Tech deplatforming and censorship of prominent conservative voices is being stymied by administration insiders who are oblivious to the threat and have convinced President Trump to put the issue on the back burner.

Trump Executive Action on Social Media Censorship Being Blocked by Insiders

Blocking Trump oh imagine that. Whatever would they do that for. Demontards love it while not giving a dam how it does no good to have a gawd dam President when everything he does is blocked and by those who shouldn't have a higher power than him. The system is riggged for these fkn mental case demons as Trump tries to undo it they can't stand it. NWO your coming down either way bitch.
you starting to quote your boss again???? A Jones???

no....please no.

What executive action could we legally take on this shit? Declare them "news agencies" somehow when their platform /isn't/ news? Someone on youtube was talking about regulating them as "a public square" - which kind of makes sense, but then I gotta ask myself so is there /actually/ some law about what we the people can fucking say on a public street corner? (aside from causing riots) Uhm... IF there is, that shit law needs to be removed ASAP.
Potential executive action to address the widespread Big Tech deplatforming and censorship of prominent conservative voices is being stymied by administration insiders who are oblivious to the threat and have convinced President Trump to put the issue on the back burner.

Trump Executive Action on Social Media Censorship Being Blocked by Insiders

Blocking Trump oh imagine that. Whatever would they do that for. Demontards love it while not giving a dam how it does no good to have a gawd dam President when everything he does is blocked and by those who shouldn't have a higher power than him. The system is riggged for these fkn mental case demons as Trump tries to undo it they can't stand it. NWO your coming down either way bitch.
It would set the stage for christian baker's everywhere to begin making gay wedding cakes.
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Fahrenheit 2018: Amazon Begins Banning Controversial Books

Amazon has officially entered dystopian territory by banning an entire range of dating advice books because they violate unspecified “content guidelines.”

Controversial author Roosh Valizadeh revealed the ban last night, tweeting, “Amazon has removed 9 of my books from sale, including my newest book Game, which was ranking in the top 1000. They won’t tell me the specific reason. Many of the books were on sale for 5+ years.”

Valizadeh later received an email from Amazon informing him that “content guidelines” were broken, but was again given no specifics.

“I feel like I’m in a Franz Kafka novel,” he tweeted.


Roosh on Twitter

Some losers don't know how to go and read the ENTIRE ARTICLE.............

This will be why he needs to do an executive order on these pricks.
I agree it's fucking shitty MindWars FB, YouTube, Amazon, Google - they're all shit head companies clearly being run/moderated by folks who have a leftist bent.

But again, what law can be used to stop it? I mean you might be able to nail them with PA laws if they're to be considered "public squares" - but that's not going to prevent or stop these private companies from not hosting content they don't agree with. It's like from the beginning of the internet they've all had user agreements that specifically say you can't say this or that (under age sex, threats, etc) and that is 100% legal and always has been. So they add "can't have conservative views" or "can't have 'offensive' views" and it's over legally.

The only solution is the market solution. NEW places that aren't biased and don't censor.
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I agree it's fucking shitty MindWars FB, YouTube, Amazon, Google - they're all shit head companies clearly being run/moderated by folks who have a leftist bent.

But again, what law can be used to stop it? I mean you might be able to nail them with PA laws if they're to be considered "public squares" - but that's not going to prevent or stop these private companies from not hosting content they don't agree with. It's like from the beginning of the internet they've all had user agreements that specifically say you can't say this or that (under age sex, threats, etc) and that is 100% legal and always has been. So they add "can't have conservative views" or "can't have 'offensive' views" and it's over legally.

The only solution is the market solution. NEW places that aren't biased and don't censor.

The only thing that really and fairly takes care of it is a. FRIED GRID" nobody gets it. At this point this is what the pos douche baggs started, this is what the assholes of society wanted, but turning us into a communist nation . All teh tenticle connect to one main body and the main body we keep telling sleeping fkn zombies ppl refuse to believe and or aren't fkn awake enoughg to see it all understand it all etc.

All the answers to WHY its' being done starts with THE NEW WORLD ORDER" .
Potential executive action to address the widespread Big Tech deplatforming and censorship of prominent conservative voices is being stymied by administration insiders who are oblivious to the threat and have convinced President Trump to put the issue on the back burner.

Trump Executive Action on Social Media Censorship Being Blocked by Insiders

Blocking Trump oh imagine that. Whatever would they do that for. Demontards love it while not giving a dam how it does no good to have a gawd dam President when everything he does is blocked and by those who shouldn't have a higher power than him. The system is riggged for these fkn mental case demons as Trump tries to undo it they can't stand it. NWO your coming down either way bitch.

Nobody’s crying over InfoWars except idiots. The voice of a lying conspiracy theorist who has destroyed many lives and is under law suit for promoting slanders and lies about Sandy Hook parents.

When you abuse your position and your voice to deliberately cause harm to others, you deserve to be silenced.

Next to be shut down: lying Russian trolls. Your days are numbered.

Tick tock troll.
I agree it's fucking shitty MindWars FB, YouTube, Amazon, Google - they're all shit head companies clearly being run/moderated by folks who have a leftist bent.

But again, what law can be used to stop it? I mean you might be able to nail them with PA laws if they're to be considered "public squares" - but that's not going to prevent or stop these private companies from not hosting content they don't agree with. It's like from the beginning of the internet they've all had user agreements that specifically say you can't say this or that (under age sex, threats, etc) and that is 100% legal and always has been. So they add "can't have conservative views" or "can't have 'offensive' views" and it's over legally.

The only solution is the market solution. NEW places that aren't biased and don't censor.

The only thing that really and fairly takes care of it is a. FRIED GRID" nobody gets it. At this point this is what the pos douche baggs started, this is what the assholes of society wanted, but turning us into a communist nation . All teh tenticle connect to one main body and the main body we keep telling sleeping fkn zombies ppl refuse to believe and or aren't fkn awake enoughg to see it all understand it all etc.

All the answers to WHY its' being done starts with THE NEW WORLD ORDER" .

Yeah there's a bit of truth to that. NWO, globalist, etc. types are keen to "maintain" their brand of beliefs. I mean a lot of these cats aren't American right, so no they don't give two fucks about our 1st - it doesn't apply outside our country ya know?

I don't particularly buy into the like "conspiracy theory" of NWO being evil or whatever, it's just ... what it is; essentially that "Star Trek" like global federation. You're probs just a "nation orientated" person like me (and Trump and a bunch of peeps,) so globalist principles and beliefs feel like an oppression of "sovereign nation" status/self-governance; but in the grand scheme its just some peeps don't feel as strongly about our personal American beliefs in freedom of speech and shit. It's also why they [Globalist NWO types] butt heads with "nationalist" countries like Russia, one could even point to like Brexit, even Israel, and other "nationalistic" type countries in the ME.

I do agree it could be dangerous if we let them have everything - like I do feel like they've already got our universities, they've got our news, and they do want the internet (or at least the platforms that are popular internationally,) but I don't think they're doing it so much "on purpose" to "oppress" us or something, they just don't "get it" is all.

We really just need to create "American" focused platforms that follow American 1A principles.
I agree it's fucking shitty MindWars FB, YouTube, Amazon, Google - they're all shit head companies clearly being run/moderated by folks who have a leftist bent.

But again, what law can be used to stop it? I mean you might be able to nail them with PA laws if they're to be considered "public squares" - but that's not going to prevent or stop these private companies from not hosting content they don't agree with. It's like from the beginning of the internet they've all had user agreements that specifically say you can't say this or that (under age sex, threats, etc) and that is 100% legal and always has been. So they add "can't have conservative views" or "can't have 'offensive' views" and it's over legally.

The only solution is the market solution. NEW places that aren't biased and don't censor.

The only thing that really and fairly takes care of it is a. FRIED GRID" nobody gets it. At this point this is what the pos douche baggs started, this is what the assholes of society wanted, but turning us into a communist nation . All teh tenticle connect to one main body and the main body we keep telling sleeping fkn zombies ppl refuse to believe and or aren't fkn awake enoughg to see it all understand it all etc.

All the answers to WHY its' being done starts with THE NEW WORLD ORDER" .

Yeah there's a bit of truth to that. NWO, globalist, etc. types are keen to "maintain" their brand of beliefs. I mean a lot of these cats aren't American right, so no they don't give two fucks about our 1st - it doesn't apply outside our country ya know?

I don't particularly buy into the like "conspiracy theory" of NWO being evil or whatever, it's just ... what it is; essentially that "Star Trek" like global federation. You're probs just a "nation orientated" person like me (and Trump and a bunch of peeps,) so globalist principles and beliefs feel like an oppression of "sovereign nation" status/self-governance; but in the grand scheme its just some peeps don't feel as strongly about our personal American beliefs in freedom of speech and shit. It's also why they [Globalist NWO types] butt heads with "nationalist" countries like Russia, one could even point to like Brexit, even Israel, and other "nationalistic" type countries in the ME.

I do agree it could be dangerous if we let them have everything - like I do feel like they've already got our universities, they've got our news, and they do want the internet (or at least the platforms that are popular internationally,) but I don't think they're doing it so much "on purpose" to "oppress" us or something, they just don't "get it" is all.

We really just need to create "American" focused platforms that follow American 1A principles.

Do you remember when Bush Sr. used the term New World Order? There are millions of videos during one of his speeches he uses that term.

Think about it, Trump is trying to UNDO the very thing most do not believe is taking place right? That would be the NWO, now the left are the ones who want everything we don't right?

Ok , you realize how each side is at each others' throat, why because pysch warfare worked on " the American people" ..........

I can only break it down so much and the only way for ppl to realize what the NWO is go to the very souces provided and dig deeper into it, read it, research it etc.

For as many vidoes as I Post constantly like Obama deception etc, etc ppl do not bother this is why half the country remians not having a fkn clue what is unfolding right under their noes........... By demonizing those who are trying to get it out there so ppl continue to think it's all one big fkn conspiracy theory. They got them right where they want them.

The NWO involves everything you are seeing unfold right now whether you beieve it or not it is still going to happen, it is still taking place......

Part of NWO

Kill Christians

the UN dictates our laws already that is a ONE WORLD order one nation under one global leadership , sound crazy I know but this is what the goal is.

I'm telling you this shit is well done unless you can pick up on what they're doing and why most won't ever see it until it's too late.

I can't even begin to have a 1/4 of what I tell you make sense because of the magnitude of our pyshe they've invaded. USING 911 to kick start most of it. When ppl fear they are easy to make do things liek stripping our rights and freedoms all under the guise of " the boogie man will get us" . The man in a cave who can send three jet liners right on into a building etc......

but here are a few vids. take them or leave them obvioulsy I can't make you watch them but sometimes the very things that ppl think don't interest them are the very things that completely open their minds and they begin to think and put the pieces together.

It then becomes a Ahhh Haaa moment once you wake up you never go back.. you can't.

This has been in the works for a looong time .

Well i'm going to end up jumping around on all these different topics that prob. make no sense to you , but anyway maybe one day when your board LOL you might change your mind and take listening gander.......

1961 speech from President Eisenhower warns of the new world order

10 yrs before 911

Anyway I need to hit up some other things take care hope you take the time to view one of them

Obama deception is a good informer it's not all about Obama it's about banking and the public control etc......

then there is endgame. ............. a video





SEE THE LINK IN THE IMAGE where it gives that website.......this is the one i suggest if you go to nothing else go there.

If you bother one thing you have to keep in mind is they are " PUSHING A MESSAGE" that always sounds good to the UNKNOWING public.

This is what alternative media teaches ppl " DECODE WHAT THEY ARE TELLING YOU" ..............

ok I gotta stop LOL
See that's just too conspiracy theory for me MW. I mean I see the evidence for what ya'll are like "suspecting" or maybe "proposing" but I just don't agree with the "conclusion" ya'll get to.

I mean lets take /my/ impression of "conclusion" back to say the civil war. One part of the nation had a vision of the future that included slavery, the other didn't, right? Was one side like "conspiring" to "take over" OR were the two sides just acting upon different belief systems? The right and left today have a similar kind of "different vision" for the future of the nation and neither side agrees with the others vision as "the best path"

Like you, me, Trump, and other GOP/Libertarian/Constitutionalist types (might be some 60m American's or more) /believe/ in the founding principles of the nation: capitalism, freedom from other nations rule, etc. The folks on the left believe that the entire world can come together as one thus "sovereign nations" aren't a thing in their system, you could maybe argue that they believe in stuff like maybe socialism as a "savior" from poverty as the catalyst for the globalist behavior - I mean you can't "redistribute" the worlds wealth if there are nations that don't "agree" with doing that and reject it/don't do it via their economic systems so you have to ultimately have some "global political government" to make it happen. (same with global warming, ending war, etc) But, I mean ultimately, it really just boils down to having different visions for the future of the country, rather than some massive "conspiracy" to "take over the world" and kill everyone who doesn't agree with them kind of thing. I mean that /does/ happen, Hitler, Stalin, etc., but I don't believe that's some kind of "end game goal" of NWO/globalist types.
Potential executive action to address the widespread Big Tech deplatforming and censorship of prominent conservative voices is being stymied by administration insiders who are oblivious to the threat and have convinced President Trump to put the issue on the back burner.

Trump Executive Action on Social Media Censorship Being Blocked by Insiders

Blocking Trump oh imagine that. Whatever would they do that for. Demontards love it while not giving a dam how it does no good to have a gawd dam President when everything he does is blocked and by those who shouldn't have a higher power than him. The system is riggged for these fkn mental case demons as Trump tries to undo it they can't stand it. NWO your coming down either way bitch.

Fake news. Trump cannot use an EO to bypass the first amendment.
See that's just too conspiracy theory for me MW. I mean I see the evidence for what ya'll are like "suspecting" or maybe "proposing" but I just don't agree with the "conclusion" ya'll get to.

I mean lets take /my/ impression of "conclusion" back to say the civil war. One part of the nation had a vision of the future that included slavery, the other didn't, right? Was one side like "conspiring" to "take over" OR were the two sides just acting upon different belief systems? The right and left today have a similar kind of "different vision" for the future of the nation and neither side agrees with the others vision as "the best path"

Like you, me, Trump, and other GOP/Libertarian/Constitutionalist types (might be some 60m American's or more) /believe/ in the founding principles of the nation: capitalism, freedom from other nations rule, etc. The folks on the left believe that the entire world can come together as one thus "sovereign nations" aren't a thing in their system, you could maybe argue that they believe in stuff like maybe socialism as a "savior" from poverty as the catalyst for the globalist behavior - I mean you can't "redistribute" the worlds wealth if there are nations that don't "agree" with doing that and reject it/don't do it via their economic systems so you have to ultimately have some "global political government" to make it happen. (same with global warming, ending war, etc) But, I mean ultimately, it really just boils down to having different visions for the future of the country, rather than some massive "conspiracy" to "take over the world" and kill everyone who doesn't agree with them kind of thing. I mean that /does/ happen, Hitler, Stalin, etc., but I don't believe that's some kind of "end game goal" of NWO/globalist types.

You have the right information but I think you can't understand how it can be done on an entire population.

The visions of the future is to control the population . Like China does their people, Entire global communist nation. Think about it why do you think they want to take down AMERICA, and EUROPE etc....... the new world order collapse the strongg nations, come ushering in looking like heros ( gubberment), act like they're fixing things but gain more control.

WHen 911 happened do you not recall how we all had to suddenly give up our THUMBPRINTS to cash a check, facial recgonition, DNA takings, photo ID for like " EVERYTHING" , spyware, stingrays on and on an don until the only left is CAMERAS up our asses

Well i'm not sure what to tell you a WORLD SUMMIT isn't a conspiracy though,

This panel will include leaders representing both Government and International Organizations. It will focus on the importance of SDGs global transformation in reshaping the world more strongly and rapidly than ever. The world is becoming more complex and more challenging, and empowerment and improving connections of governments and international organizations will create a more creative and more dynamic world. Strategic partnerships need to be deepened, as such partnerships would promote SDGs integration. Rising global SDGs powers should not be isolated, but rather engaged with and encouraged to take up greater global responsibilities.

DICIPHER the meaning you see in that ....... What do you think WORLD LEADER DO when they meet it's called a " WORLD SUMMIT" .. to get the a GLOBAL WORLD ORDER"

You have to read in between the lines ere... for example ...
it says :

global transformation in reshaping the world <---- key pharse key words.

they want to transform the world , and not it isn't for sunshine lollipops it si for global control of the population.

Look at it like this, if someone wants to sell you a car that typically a pos and they told you hey this car is a piece of shit are you still going to buy and pay a few thousands for a pos if they told you it was such.

Take the same scenario , and the guy tells you nothing other than this is a great car , it runs , it works you will probably buy if it fits your desires of wanting it. But you were still sold that piece of shit car anyway....

You don't leanr what a piece of shit it is until you get it home and a few days later it doesn't run its' stuck in the same gears. That's where all this shit you don't believe falls right under our noses and is right there in black and white.

this is why ppl think Infowars is full of shit they can't decode all the information before you because another side that wants you to buy the bs is telling you it's all a lie ....


On the Way to 2030
Potential executive action to address the widespread Big Tech deplatforming and censorship of prominent conservative voices is being stymied by administration insiders who are oblivious to the threat and have convinced President Trump to put the issue on the back burner.

Trump Executive Action on Social Media Censorship Being Blocked by Insiders

Blocking Trump oh imagine that. Whatever would they do that for. Demontards love it while not giving a dam how it does no good to have a gawd dam President when everything he does is blocked and by those who shouldn't have a higher power than him. The system is riggged for these fkn mental case demons as Trump tries to undo it they can't stand it. NWO your coming down either way bitch.

Nobody’s crying over InfoWars except idiots. The voice of a lying conspiracy theorist who has destroyed many lives and is under law suit for promoting slanders and lies about Sandy Hook parents.

When you abuse your position and your voice to deliberately cause harm to others, you deserve to be silenced.

Next to be shut down: lying Russian trolls. Your days are numbered.

Tick tock troll.

I thought you would be in China by now , dam you are taking a really long time to move, GTF out Cyka. Your home country is calling you they want you to bend over and lick the shit off thier boots. you know kinda like you want to do for Obama and HIllary.

They want the same kinda country you do , so to make it real simple move to China they are waiting for dumbasses like you.
The World Government Summit Organization initiatives that touch upon sectors and people that will be the champions of the future. These initiatives are focused on creating positive competition to improve and innovate emerging technologies, and the awards are focused on showcasing extraordinary individuals from different sectors of government.


Idiot alert.............

Changing one idiot at a time.
See that's just too conspiracy theory for me MW. I mean I see the evidence for what ya'll are like "suspecting" or maybe "proposing" but I just don't agree with the "conclusion" ya'll get to.

I mean lets take /my/ impression of "conclusion" back to say the civil war. One part of the nation had a vision of the future that included slavery, the other didn't, right? Was one side like "conspiring" to "take over" OR were the two sides just acting upon different belief systems? The right and left today have a similar kind of "different vision" for the future of the nation and neither side agrees with the others vision as "the best path"

Like you, me, Trump, and other GOP/Libertarian/Constitutionalist types (might be some 60m American's or more) /believe/ in the founding principles of the nation: capitalism, freedom from other nations rule, etc. The folks on the left believe that the entire world can come together as one thus "sovereign nations" aren't a thing in their system, you could maybe argue that they believe in stuff like maybe socialism as a "savior" from poverty as the catalyst for the globalist behavior - I mean you can't "redistribute" the worlds wealth if there are nations that don't "agree" with doing that and reject it/don't do it via their economic systems so you have to ultimately have some "global political government" to make it happen. (same with global warming, ending war, etc) But, I mean ultimately, it really just boils down to having different visions for the future of the country, rather than some massive "conspiracy" to "take over the world" and kill everyone who doesn't agree with them kind of thing. I mean that /does/ happen, Hitler, Stalin, etc., but I don't believe that's some kind of "end game goal" of NWO/globalist types.

You have the right information but I think you can't understand how it can be done on an entire population.

The visions of the future is to control the population . Like China does their people, Entire global communist nation. Think about it why do you think they want to take down AMERICA, and EUROPE etc....... the new world order collapse the strongg nations, come ushering in looking like heros ( gubberment), act like they're fixing things but gain more control.

WHen 911 happened do you not recall how we all had to suddenly give up our THUMBPRINTS to cash a check, facial recgonition, DNA takings, photo ID for like " EVERYTHING" , spyware, stingrays on and on an don until the only left is CAMERAS up our asses

Well i'm not sure what to tell you a WORLD SUMMIT isn't a conspiracy though,

This panel will include leaders representing both Government and International Organizations. It will focus on the importance of SDGs global transformation in reshaping the world more strongly and rapidly than ever. The world is becoming more complex and more challenging, and empowerment and improving connections of governments and international organizations will create a more creative and more dynamic world. Strategic partnerships need to be deepened, as such partnerships would promote SDGs integration. Rising global SDGs powers should not be isolated, but rather engaged with and encouraged to take up greater global responsibilities.

DICIPHER the meaning you see in that ....... What do you think WORLD LEADER DO when they meet it's called a " WORLD SUMMIT" .. to get the a GLOBAL WORLD ORDER"

You have to read in between the lines ere... for example ...
it says :

global transformation in reshaping the world <---- key pharse key words.

they want to transform the world , and not it isn't for sunshine lollipops it si for global control of the population.

Look at it like this, if someone wants to sell you a car that typically a pos and they told you hey this car is a piece of shit are you still going to buy and pay a few thousands for a pos if they told you it was such.

Take the same scenario , and the guy tells you nothing other than this is a great car , it runs , it works you will probably buy if it fits your desires of wanting it. But you were still sold that piece of shit car anyway....

You don't leanr what a piece of shit it is until you get it home and a few days later it doesn't run its' stuck in the same gears. That's where all this shit you don't believe falls right under our noses and is right there in black and white.

this is why ppl think Infowars is full of shit they can't decode all the information before you because another side that wants you to buy the bs is telling you it's all a lie ....

View attachment 216164

On the Way to 2030

Again, we reach different "conclusions" on the "evidence." Like your quote? here:

This panel will include leaders representing both Government and International Organizations. It will focus on the importance of SDGs global transformation in reshaping the world more strongly and rapidly than ever. The world is becoming more complex and more challenging, and empowerment and improving connections of governments and international organizations will create a more creative and more dynamic world. Strategic partnerships need to be deepened, as such partnerships would promote SDGs integration. Rising global SDGs powers should not be isolated, but rather engaged with and encouraged to take up greater global responsibilities.

It's like you take it idk out of context in a way. Like what are SDG's first off:

"The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (or Global Goals for Sustainable Development) are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations Development Programme.The formal name for the SDGs is: "Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." That has been shortened to "2030 Agenda."[1] The goals are broad and interdependent, yet each has a separate list of targets to achieve. Achieving all 169 targets would signal accomplishing all 17 goals. The SDGs cover social and economic development issues including poverty, hunger, health, education, global warming, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, urbanization, environment and social justice."

Okay, so here we have a group of leaders of government and organizations across the world trying to forward achieving those UN goals. It's not about "taking over" anything. It's about collaborating to address them. It's not that far removed from like America trying to collaborate with other nations to spread "freedom" - that wasn't about "take over the world." It is also true that some nations, typically ME nations, maybe Russia, argued - just as you are with the NWO thing - that it was American/Western nations trying to take over the world.

"Reality" is based on perspective and "perspective" is not always the same for everyone.
Potential executive action to address the widespread Big Tech deplatforming and censorship of prominent conservative voices is being stymied by administration insiders who are oblivious to the threat and have convinced President Trump to put the issue on the back burner.

Trump Executive Action on Social Media Censorship Being Blocked by Insiders

Blocking Trump oh imagine that. Whatever would they do that for. Demontards love it while not giving a dam how it does no good to have a gawd dam President when everything he does is blocked and by those who shouldn't have a higher power than him. The system is riggged for these fkn mental case demons as Trump tries to undo it they can't stand it. NWO your coming down either way bitch.
What executive action? He can’t do anything about it. What a retard we have for a President,

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